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  Oct 2014 eileen demiris
Eleni Demiris
I am so disappointed that my mind allows my heart to waste its tears on you.
I become vexed as my sanity is swallowed by the treacherous waves of your image
drowning and teasing my every thought
all that surrounds me is tarnished by a you i once knew
and all that remains lacking
leaving me to fantasize about you
polluting all that is pure and healing in  my life
I want to inhale you
getting higher and higher as your fumes cloud my rationality
no words nor actions have yet to give me a key to forever lock this crooked door
A door that has no path on the other side of its succulent mouth
I could gaze into that doorway
knowing that any journey beyond it would be fruitless
no land to discover
no treasure to be found
in fact, the only fascinating thing about you,
you who lives just beyond that crooked door,
is me.
You are the Narnia my mind has created
for my heart to explore.
A scratch here and there is to be expected.
But the heart knows better than the mind,
for her wounds are still licking themselves,
whimpering as thoughts of you pretentiously prance upon them.
I get drunk off those thoughts.
and then blind.
and then vulnerable,
as your words unlock a secret door I could have sworn I told no one about
Imploring that I "drink" you, as if i haven't already been drunk off of you for years.
foolish foolish mind of mine
and foolish heart too,
looking through that door, not recognizing
the reflection of a fantasy its own rhythm had written.
Falling victim to a fabricated romance between
my heart's desire and my mind's relentless entrapment.
Your words,
the claws that make it impossible for me to escape.
A scratch here and there is to be expected.
and suddenly, time repeats itself
and that crooked doorway, once again, begins to resemble paradise.
eileen demiris Oct 2014
Lies and deception

What is it that makes one feel the need to deceive some one.

Is it self preservation or fear of rejection?

Oh the tangled Web we weave with lies and deception. We become cocooned into a false sense of security through these lies

We make ourself believe that we are spinning this Web of deceit out of fear or to save another from grief

All the while we strengthen our Web with layer upon layer of mendacity

Not knowing that the cocoon is our coffin suffocating us to the point of no return. The lies weigh heavy on our chest leaving us crestfallen.

The only way to lift this veiled web of anguish is to free our hearts of the despair by having the courage to do the right thing.

Through honesty we will find salvation and only than will we be  able to free ourselves of the shroud of treachery we created in the first place.
eileen demiris Oct 2014
This thing we call life is but a journey that we embark upon at birth

We think we make all our own choices but I have learned that life is truly what happens while you are making all your plans

We rush through life thinking we have to always have a plan or a destination. I think for some (operative word some) this sets us up for failure

The essence of Life can be missed because we are so determined to get to where we have planned or what is expected that we miss all the side roads which are full of pleasure and adventure.

It may take a little longer to get to the end but why are we rushing to get to the end?  Slow down be curious take a few turns and see where it leads you.

Life should be an adventure not a chore. Love life embrace it don't rush it away. Before you know it you will wish you had it to do again
eileen demiris Oct 2014
How often are we given the gift of wisdom?

The problem with this gift is often it isn't accepted or wanted.

It is cast aside as not a worthy gift and having no value.

If only the receiver knew it's worth and what lengths the gift giver had to go through to obtain this gift.

Wisdom is usually obtained with sacrifice and battle scars.

The giver of this gift only wishes to spare the recipient of unnecessary pain but to no avail they never see the worth of of what  wisdom offers so history repeats itself unnecessarily

Next embrace the gift and accept all that it has to offer. You may be pleasantly suprised !
I wrote this because I know when I was younger I thought I knew it all. Couldn't be bothered with my parents "lectures"  if only I had listened I could have spared myself some pain. Now my children look at me like I did at my parents. I wish I could save them from some of their pain.
eileen demiris Oct 2014

Once they are put to paper they become relevant

They tell a story of the writer who pens them

Some stories are filled With pain. A pain that is freed and released from the owner. Allowing them freedom from the bond age of the meaning behind them

Others write words of desire. Once put on paper validating the emotions behind them and often times allowing the owner to express their feelings for the person the words were meant for.

My favorite words are those of hope and inspiration.   These words are the words that lift the hearts of many. They empower those in need and give  strength to do anything and everything.

Use your words wisely for once they are put out there for the world to see they can not help but change those who read them!
eileen demiris Oct 2014
What if today you were told would be your last
Could you say you lived life to the fullest?
Are you proud of your legacy?
Did you make a difference?
If the answer to these questions are not to your liking than you are in luck because for you there is a tomorrow.
For you it's not to late to make a difference.
From this moment on make every minute count.
Make your life matter!
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