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2.8k · Jul 2013
eIectrifying Jul 2013
your fingertips danced across my skin
like children in the snow
you caressed my aching soul
and slowed my rapid heartbeat
the light in your eyes
twirled about as our lips pressed together
your tongue sought solace
inside my mouth
and my teeth grazed your bottom lip
as payment for your loves newfound home

your fingertips stayed firmly inside
our locked hands
you traced my smile with your lips
and promised to write me love letters
describing how your heart soared
when i entered the room
i laughed and you raced
to remember the lines that formed
in the corners of my eyes
when my smile lit up

your fingertips stayed hidden in your pockets
as we walked together
down our favorite path underneath the moonlight
i thought it was quite romantic tonight
and felt love coursing through my veins
as i looked at you
but you kept your head down
and the only time you looked up
was not to look at me
but to look at the brilliance of the moon

your fingertips were holding her hand now
and your teeth grazing her bottom lip
as i had once done to you
you wrote her songs of love
and she wrote you poems
describing the brilliance of your eyes
my soul shrank at the sight of the two of you
my heart was a living flame
that eventually died out to ashes
at the the fact that i would never hold your fingertips in mine again
1.2k · Jul 2013
the overlooked
eIectrifying Jul 2013
the best love stories are the overlooked
the ones that you sat round
the dining table listening to
when you were a child
and you couldn't ever imagine
your grandparents being young and so in love
love stories are kisses in the pouring rain
but only because she forced him to
because she thought it'd be romantic
it's bickering in the living room
when he gets home from work
about how he never does anything
it's watching tv together
late at night
being completely comfortable in each others silence
it's her doing the dishes
and him vacuuming the carpet
it's him kissing her goodnight
every night for 40 years
it's her still getting butterflies
at the sight of him after all this time
it's quiet nights out
at a family restaurant
it's holding hands
during thunderstorms because he knows
she's terrified of lightning
the best love stories
aren't the grand and overdone
the best love stories
are completely overlooked
1.1k · Aug 2013
i wonder about humanity
eIectrifying Aug 2013
it's 8:19 pm on a friday night
and i'm inside wondering about everything not human
i wonder if butterflies have social calendars
and if any of them are ever left out by their counterparts
or if blades of grass have issues with their parents
and if their father tells them they better straighten up
or else they'll be cut to bits by the lawn mower
or perhaps if the moon has anxiety
over all the little things it illuminates
during the dark hours of the night
maybe the tide feels uneasy
washing away shattered dreams
and long forgotten kisses
that have been shared upon its shores
i wonder if bumblebees really care about anything
other than collecting pollen
or if all they really want
is to come home and let their wings rest
for maybe just a minute
maybe birds care for more than just their children
and finding food and shelter for the day
i wonder if they ever have disputed with each other
or ever look down upon us humans
and wonder why we're leading lives
we don't want to lead
you see i wonder if everything on this earth
that's not a human being
wonders about us
about why we care so much
and perhaps why we care too little
i wonder if they notice the pain that emanates from our hearts
i wonder if they can feel the slow drag in our step
i wonder if they know
that we would rather be anything
other than ourselves
i wonder
942 · Jul 2013
it's been a while
eIectrifying Jul 2013
i sat with you on our old bench
we reminisced about old times
and i laughed at how you still wrung your hands when you were nervous
(i never did understand why you got so nervous around me)
we talked about the stars
and discussed how the moon broke out of the clouds tonight
just to shine some light on us together
it's been a while old friend
i've missed you dearly
do you still think of me
in your spare time?
i think of you every day
i miss the way your lips pressed against mine
and how perfectly our hands intertwined
i miss the soft thump of your heart
and how that's the sound that lured me to sleep every night
i miss laughing with you over stupid things
and watching old movies all night long
i miss you so entirely
and i still don't understand why you had to go
we talked till the sun came up
and you told me you had to leave
so i walked you home
and you said goodbye
and i turned my back to you
and let out a quiet sob hoping you wouldn't hear
you held me then
and told me i had to be strong
you told me not to forget you
and that you'd always still be here for me
that you'd always watch over me
you told me you were sorry for leaving me
that you wished you hadn't taken that gun and done what you did
you asked me if i could ever forgive you
and i told you that i'd forgiven you long ago
that i still love you
you smiled and stepped away from me
you said goodbye
and i told you until next time
i watched you fade away
and i turned away to wipe my tears
i left the daisies leaning against your tombstone
because i knew they were your favorite
and as i walked away
my every breath still screamed for you

— The End —