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FL Dec 2020
Welcome home
To the home
Of the alone

Though days have come and gone
And I’ve learned different songs
I still long to find where I belong

And as moments become long
And the weak overcome the strong
It’s hard to say when I wasn’t wrong

Welcome home
To the home
Of the alone


Tear me apart like a sheet
Like a thin piece of paper
Listen to the sound as it shears
Turning from one piece to many
No more, no more tears please
FL Nov 2020
Tires spin out in the snow
The gas tank is running low
The heatings been turned off
To salvage fuel lost

My fingers and toes become numb
As I hold on to the wheel
And slam on the gas
Maybe if I slam on it harder I’ll get unstuck
FL Jun 2020
It’s criminal to think
That life is all there is.

In our endless slumber
We are just a dream.
FL May 2020
The cherry blossoms bloomed in spring
But the winter winds came roaring
The summer sun rose to the sky
And the petals basked in beauty

With the heat, in just one week
The petals started falling
Our love my friend, was short and sweet
Ended just as I was falling


Now I thirst empalagado
For a nice, cool glass of water
Though my path is curved and narrow
The next stop has what I’m after
FL May 2020
As the avenues, turn to corridors
My air conditioned breath,
saves me from the heat.

As I stare, into the void,
With eyes wide shut,
There is always someone there,
I would like to meet.

Yet I sit alone, and listen restlessly
To the songs play, endlessly on repeat

I am not my thoughts , I am not my beliefs
That’s what I think and what I believe
FL May 2020
Now that the days are getting brighter
you were so trapped inside
  I promise a little more
  before going to open the doors
  I know you feel lonely
  to be trapped inside
  I wish you were at home with me
  it's a sacrifice
  I miss you my friend
  i always miss you so much
  I wish you could go out
  and explore the memories
  we lost during those few weeks
but i guess it's another stream of thought
i miss you so much i miss you a lot
I wrote a poem and copied it to google translate. I translated into different languages and back to English and this is the beautiful result.
FL Apr 2020
Fear will always be there.
Following, tied to your ankles

In the brightest days one can see it so clearly,
In the darkest nights it becomes the hard air to breathe

Fear knocks on your door
The more locks you get, the louder it knocks

Fear sounds like birds chirping on a Saturday morning
The harder you try to sleep, the closer they seem

Only once one takes a breath of air,
Embraces the dark,
Opens the door,
And sings with the birds.

When they give in to their fears,
They will become free from them.
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