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May 2013 · 3.2k
Keep Spreading Happiness
If you're tired of carrying such weight,
that droops your shoulders and skews your gait
That you feel numb from the pain of the past,
and every new problem leaves you aghast

If you think you're one of the condemned and shady,
because your troubles come and never leave,
listen to the story about this young lady,
and then thank me for what you shall receive

She comes from I know not where,
and she goes I know not when,
spell her name, I know not how,
and speak to her, I know not what

Be not deceived thou yet my friend,
for she does not hide what others conceal,
she lives her life like an open book,
and every page has something to reveal

But what makes her unique and what makes her rare,
is how she oscillates between fun and care,
she looks at black and white in the same color - red
and that, I guess, is enough said

You may think she is born of privilege,
but let me tell you that is not true,
she gets her share of joy and pain,
trust me, she's just like you

And just like you she's afraid of insects,
and ghosts and ghouls and all that stuff,
but unlike you she doesn't run away from fear,
and unlike you she's pretty tough

So next time you feel like it's too much to bear,
and you feel engulfed in fires,
just read this poem and once again,
think about the girl who inspires!
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
You vs You!
When you feel so low
that you can't read time
and you feel so sad
that you think everyone's blind

No one sees your plight
the world's no longer bright
you got only one place to hide
and that's your fallen pride

You can't win this fight!
You can't win this fight!

When it's You vs You!
When it's You vs You!

What does he think?
What does she think?
What does the world want to know?
How do I say?
What's the best way to convey?
That everything's fine and all is well

You can't win this fight!
You can't win this fight!

When it's You vs You!
When it's You vs You!

But you know what
there's no need to fight
there's no need to hide
there's no need to think
there's no need to blink
when you make your decisions
don't think of precision
when you're left all alone
when you're all on your own
two words will keep you afloat
two words will keep you on board

Wait and Hope!
Wait and Hope!
Wait and Hope!

There’s a shiny tree, in a shiny island, upon the shiny sea,

That looks upon the horizon with smiling leaves,

Creatures dwell there strange and weird,

Some with a moustache and some with a beard!

Some with green eyes, some with lots of lice,

Some foolish and some smart,

But two of them, pure of heart!

One is a butterfly with wings so bright,

yellow at day and blue at night,

she does not fly, just dances and skates,

coz her wings can’t hold so much weight!

She loves to eat and talk and laugh,

and care about her friends on her own behalf!

The other is a Grasshopper, that hops and hops,

every single day, till his heart nearly pops,

he is wise and strong, with a solid frame,

he knows it all, he knows all the same,

that everything has a end, and most of it is just a game

Both these creatures are really good friends,

Sometimes they eat on the butterfly’s demand,

And sometimes they hop on the hopper’s command

But never they fight and never abscond,

If one is in trouble, the other appears,

To help and to fill their hearts with cheers

The butterfly trips, when she loses fear and knows no bounds,

And turns into a bird, free and singing with lovely sounds,

But her brains reduce to mere a lump of clay,

And hopper has to guard her, lest she flies away

And the hopper, is not without a weakness, just like our princess,

He loses control over his heart and mind, sometimes obsessed and sometimes possessed!

The butterfly tells him to take it easy and not get so dizzy,

Hopping is not a business, it is just a silly recess!

The story has just begun and this is a prelude,

Wait and see what happens of the butterfly chick and the grasshopper dude!
Nov 2011 · 1.2k
Sibylline is my palimpsest,

Immured in prosody,

I am a lascivious raconteur,

Bedizened with fecundity.
Oct 2011 · 1.3k
My Wretched Friends ...
I look around while moving around,
in this city where I live,
all the things that I have found,
are all about taking and nothing to give.

The seven sins are the daily norm,
and the one and only path,
namely lust, pride, gluttony, greed,
envy, sloth and wrath.

Kids are no longer innocent,
they’re growing up too fast,
teenage is no longer adolescence,
its like a ship without a mast.

They’re having fun, that’s what they say,
living their lives before they die,
who cares if you’re lesbian or gay,
its all about getting on a high.

To drink or smoke or snort or shoot,
are things that if you’ve never tried,
well, then baby, you’re no less than a mute,
or an impotent ***** of a guy.

With flimsy thoughts, lascivious ambitions,
rebellious and free are they,
fight, ****, drink, put your life on the brink,
gets you closer to heaven than when you pray.

Too big a deal, they think I make,
of these things are so **** real,
and I say to them, my wretched friends,
you have lost your power to feel.
Oct 2011 · 1.0k
Magic Feet
You walk on water,
When you wake up on a good morning,
You walk on snow,
When you make a new friend,
You walk on honey,
When someone praises you,
You walk in the air,
When your heart is taken away,
You tread on fire,
When you slake your desires,
You run on the mouth of a volcano,
When you are angry,
And you walk on the earth,
When you feel like a mortal

Why the hell do we need shoes?
We already have magic feet,
We just need to choose,
When to be cool and when to face the heat.
Oct 2011 · 814
To my friends...
Buddy buddy hear me my friend,
what I have to say, what I have to send,
a ray of sunlight packed in a bag of clouds,
and a drop of rain, before it falls down

You see these gifts are so small and so few,
but you will mix them holding in front of you,
when the sun and water’s children shall meet,
will grow a rainbow in your hand so sweet

I hope this will make you remember me,
in good times we will together be,
for never shall I be apart,
I say this truly with all my heart.
Sep 2011 · 2.5k
Once upon a sunlight, there was a kid,
He played in sun but lived in shade,
In silence, his art and heart were hid,
But all he loved were the few friends he made.

He liked to draw and color and build,
Things of fantasy and lore, of a world beyond
His friends would love him and the things he did,
But he never got out of his dreamy pond

Some would say, you should not be here,
There is a place for you in wonderland,
Where you can play and grow in peace without fear,
But he was slipping away like the desert sand

A spirit then came into his life of dream,
Dream within a dream, oh it was so clear,
The spirit shone a light of holy gleam,
And he felt a power, drawing him near

Energy trickled down his spine,
A shock of ecstasy, a jolting heartbeat,
He could feel the presence of something divine,
And transform he did from head to feet

He raised his hand into the air,
The air burned from the electric storm,
His purpose, now clear, his mind, without fear,
Behold, a Superhero is born.
“deep” is what you say, when you can’t explain your sorrow
“weep” is what you’ll do, when you are alone tomorrow
“burn” will your heart, when you hide your tears
“screams” are released, when you face your fears
“pain” is what you feel, when you fight your weakness

… umm … its a poem about being positive, by me of course. :-)
Please go the kitchen

Take a knife

Not too sharp, not too large

The one that shines the most

In your right hand

Grip it softly

A thumb on the blunt side

Keep your left hand in front

Palms facing upwards

See that nobody’s looking

Remember your mother

Remember your mother

Just once remember

How she used to see

How you used to see

You’ll do it yourself now

Hold your breath

A hard swing wont work

It won’t cut, it’ll smash

The red spill on the floor won’t matter

Trust me, it won’t matter

Once you’re done, you’ll be at peace

Yeah, you’ll heave a sigh of relief

Now DO IT!



You’re gonna make me some Pasta!! :-)
Jan 2011 · 627
A Failure's Friend
Loosen up, lighten up dear friend,
this mistake is easy to mend,
you're still alive and you're still breathing,
so with this gloomy face, who are you deceiving?

You lost something, sure you did,
you worked so hard since you were a kid,
is it time, that you lost? I don't think so...
all these years made you tough, yeah they did so!

Look at yourself, look at your face,
do you really think that you're a disgrace?
sinner you are if you think so low,
rise up now, be one with the flow.

Why? you ask, do I speak so much?
Why? you ask, do I trouble you such?
A friend am I, and here I say,
to trouble your troubles and make them go away.

Not much can I do, just speak and speak,
good words to make you feel that you're not weak,
you must break the bonds of your ego,
and fly away with me...AMIGO! ;-)
Jan 2011 · 1.7k
light escapes without a source,
around the petals with a silent force,
the anthers and stigma stand up and applaud,
a new flower is born, a gift of god...
Dec 2010 · 652
All I Want is This...
I don’t want much, I just,

want to be a good son,

so I can see the pride of my mom and dad,

want to be a good brother,

so I can see him looking up to me,

want to be a good friend,

so I can see my friends happy when they’re with me,

want to be a good student,

so I can see my teachers as proud as my parents,

want to be good at my job,

so I can see myself earning money,

want to be a good artist,

so I can see my drawings spreading a message,

want to be a good poet,

so I can see people smile while reading my poems,

want to be a good story-teller,

so I can see the sparkle in the listeners eyes,

want to be a good martial artist,

so I can see the end of suffering and injustice for those I can help,

and I just hope I can see what more there is to see,

so I can be something more than just ME…
Today Pain shall write for me

As these feelings are just so hard to see

By my heart’s eyes that look only at white

But never at its own dreary plight

Of the pain that is inflicted

By my dreams, now convicted

Of the crime of incompletion

And sentenced to perdition

I craved for glory and fortune and fame

The eternal happiness to be remembered by name

I created the visions of peace and life

And I as the sole destroyer of strife

Time blows away like smoke from a fire

Only to be seen near the flames, never higher

My flames are weak, ******* me dry

Bringing me close to the day when I shall cry

Is my reality too unreal to be real

Or am I just incapable to feel…

That dreams are never meant to come true.
Oct 2010 · 723
while(you == readingThisPoem)
    String title = "++E++";

    if( you.dontLike(title) )
        printf("I don't care!");

    if( I_Die == true )
        if( PeopleRememberMe == true )
            myLife = "Complete";
            myLife = "Incomplete";

    switch( myLife )
        case "Complete":
            printf("I'll rest in peace!");

        case "Incomplete":
            printf("I'll come back to fulfil my dream!");

            printf­("My thoughts are not so simple as they seem!");
Please dont try to run and complie this on a C compiler! I have left out some variable declarations. ;-)
Twigs have been broken
A branch has been shaken
But the tree of life stands firm still
Unshaken, unaware of the ****

The leaves still move
To the light wind’s groove
The fallen ones let out their cry
Which is heard only by the sky

On one branch, A bunch of flowers did appear
When autumn was near
They bloomed with radiance
While others were on descent

They used to whisper, speak and laugh
And shield each other from the wind’s wrath
They used to shine in the night
They used to watch the birds’ flight
They used to wish for more might
But were soon to suffer the creator’s spite

And they did.
Oct 2010 · 534
Tell me where I lack,
Cut down on the slack,
What MORE I can do,
Just tell me something NEW
Sep 2010 · 714
Doubts of a clear mind
There are no words to describe silence
There is no sound to describe noise
There is no image to describe air
and there is no sign to describe happiness

We live by our senses
We live by what we learn from them
We live by feelings alone
and yet we can never describe the feeling of being alive

I am a poet as I feel
I am a fighter as I feel
I am a dreamer as I feel
and I know not what I am
Aug 2010 · 891
Wild Rain
When it rains in the wild, if I shall ever see,

I imagine this is how it would be,

the sky looks like an old man’s beard,

and the ground is muddy and smeared

the trees look green and happy,

and the birds sit in their nests all chirpy,

the monkeys jump around and start to dance,

enchanted with the wild rain’s trance

the predators go back to their families,

the preys heave sighs of reliefs,

the lion king roars to tell,

that this is my rain, rest of you…go to hell
Aug 2010 · 5.4k
What freedom means to me
Like the sunlight forcing its way through a cloudy screen,

and the thunder breaking all silence and serene,

a lotus glowing with its aura in a black swamp,

horses that run free on escaping from men's camps,

a butterfly struggling to break its cocoon,

a lion hunting in the feeble light of the moon,

a wounded tigress defending her cubs and enduring all pain,

the birds slowly reaching their nests in the treacherous rain,

nature shows us the path to follow,

how to deal with life when it seems hollow,

make a stand for what you believe in,

stand up for it, never to cave in,

struggle is the beauty of life,

seeing someone break the limits of mind and body is a lovely sight,

when you can expand boundlessly do you feel free,

when you can write a poem without a topic do you feel free...

— The End —