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Jul 2015 · 632
Still in the Same Place
Edo Yonathan Jul 2015
How strong i move the ground in mountain
The mountain will not shift
How fast i drain the water in the ocean
The ocean is still there
Dont know how much i have tried to
It still in the same place

I have tried to walk through the lowland
But im still find the mountain
I have tried to walk through the desert
But im still find the ocean

How do i get out of here?
How to move?
As much as the grain of the sand in the coast
It as much as i have tried
But im still in the same place
In the place that i never known

All in this place

I cant find the light
Like an endless dark cave
No way out

Struggling every day
Fell into the dephts of the ocean
Swim out and find the mountain again
Feel like in the prison
The prison of my mind
Never came out
Cause im still in the same place
Notes (optional)
Jul 2015 · 429
A Misty Morning
Edo Yonathan Jul 2015
When the morning comes
My body moves by its own will
I dont know why it moves without any purposes
Walking out, go along the road, and come in to the mist

I saw a little shadow dancing in the middle of this mist.
Oh.... its only a squirrel dancing happily after found a cannary

I saw another 2 shadows, hopping together and walking around.
Oh... its only a couple of swan, celebrating their newborn child.

I dont understand why this morning every creature feels ao happy in this dark mist.
But i understand one thing. My body moved because it want me to dance, to celebrate one thing that make me happy this morning.
I dont know what is it.
May be it because my new shoes.
Or may be it because my new job.
Or may be it because of you.

— The End —