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Apr 2015 · 278
edgar moreno Apr 2015
You poisoned my mind with the thought of us
Now I'm torturing myself attempting to understand how soon that will be
edgar moreno Apr 2015
Caught a nose bleed on,
on a regular summer day
skating with my boys while smoking a gram,
I can't even call it
When did nostalgia hit?
got cracked with melancholy on my front lip
falling off my board isn't the only pain,
doing drugs excessively, you shooting through my mind
has me feeling drained
Apr 2015 · 176
edgar moreno Apr 2015
I smoked my fathers ashes
I've always kept him inside
Now I'm wondering
Why did he leave the bride?
No hate
Just wishing he gets caught on the edge of the ocean tide
Apr 2015 · 303
It's not our fault
edgar moreno Apr 2015
I crave your attention but we're stuck
attempting to love
we're out of luck
why do we add so much meaning
why do we blame ourselves for something we cant control
because attempting to love plays a role
I love you, so

— The End —