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Jan 2014 · 462
Eden Waldron Jan 2014
Last night,
A friend of a friend of someone you know
told me you planned
on buying her a ring.
And I know it's been
One Year
Seven months
Six hours
Forty Six minutes
since we last spoke,
Even the thought of you saying the words
"I love you"
To someone else is enough
to really make my heart ache.
May 2013 · 654
Identity crisis.
Eden Waldron May 2013
I tend to put my whole heart into
everything I do.
I can no longer tell
if that's admirable,
or foolish.
This is really getting to me.
May 2013 · 464
Plan B.
Eden Waldron May 2013
I've been spending my days
Working on finding  the balance between
Looking out for others
But also myself.
On not depending on people to make me happy
But finding comfort in the happiness of others.
I'm trying.
It's going to take time, but I really am trying.
All I can say is:
I need to know everything is going to be okay.
May 2013 · 527
One way ticket to nowhere.
Eden Waldron May 2013
I'm first in line for your secondhand apologies,
but I'm never gonna hear the words that you've used so many times before.
I've been dragged through the mud so many times,
I don't think my legs know how to get up,
and my hands don't know how to brush it off my shoulder anymore.
They say you don't appreciate life until you've hit rock bottom,
because that's the best view of the top.
But what are you supposed to do
when you can't find a ladder?
Eden Waldron May 2013
I trust you with my life,
But that's about it.
May 2013 · 399
Eden Waldron May 2013
I tried to send you
all of my love on paper wings,
but something got lost in translation.
I spilled my heart but ink isn't nearly as thick as blood,
so I'll have to open up my veins and let you in.
I've been standing at my window, hoping the stars don't mind me saying, they could never compare to you,
Because they remind me there is so much more, but you're here to let me know that maybe I don't need it.
I don't know where you've been, or where you're going.
But honey, I'm just as lost as you are.
And maybe you don't know who you are,
but I've been a familiar stranger to myself my whole life,
and I'm willing to try and find myself in you.
May 2013 · 512
Eden Waldron May 2013
I stumbled upon your gift today.
The one I never had a chance to give to you.
It was a poignant reminder of how things were.
And I'll be the bigger person and admit:
I had a bad habit of taking and never giving,
but I think it was because you were the only person I've ever met
who had never expected anything in return,
and that felt safe to me.
It has now been six months since I've heard from you,
and I still hear your voice in my head,
your melodic way of making every word you say sound beautiful.
I'd know that voice anywhere.
And it's just starting to sink in
how much I really miss you.
And I hope,
wherever you are now,
You think of me every once and a while
and miss me too.
May 2013 · 416
Eden Waldron May 2013
I thought I had it.
The way you looked at me made me believe I was close, at least.
I thought I had time.
But I guess waking up at seven to clean up last nights mess just isn't going to cut it anymore.
I thought I had nothing to worry about.
It's funny how doubt has it's ways of creeping into every corner of your brain, every thought.
I thought there were bigger problems.
But nothing hurts worse than seeing your mother cry, and knowing you put those tears there.
I thought I had you.
But I guess I shouldn't think so much.
May 2013 · 463
Eden Waldron May 2013
What I would give to know what you were thinking.
To slip my way into your mind
and see myself from your eyes.
I want to know what you think when you look at me like you do.
What you feel when you blaze a trail down my arms with your fingertips.
I want to know you recurring dreams,
and nightmares alike.
If you feel as small as I do
when you look up at the night time sky.
I want to know where you go to get away from it all,
because I'd like to go there with you.
May 2013 · 387
I swear.. (10w)
Eden Waldron May 2013
I thought I saw the future in your eyes, darling.
May 2013 · 468
Eden Waldron May 2013
I've put off these words for long enough.
And I think the reason why is I didn't know what they were until this moment.
You were a much needed shot of life.
You were a meteor shower through my night sky,
I would never grow tired of watching you.
But when you were gone, my eyes wouldn't adjust.
And it got me thinking that maybe
I was blind before I met you.
You don't know emptiness until someone takes a piece of you and runs far away,
and you're left with a gaping hole where they once were.
I tried my best to overlook it.
I spent all of my time with people who have probably already forgotten my name.
But then I saw your eyes for the first time in months,
and I realized this:
You can't fill emptiness with empty things.
May 2013 · 762
Mariana's Trench.
Eden Waldron May 2013
I can't stop thinking about it.
The way you graze me as you not so casually walk by.
The awkward tension in the room
So thick you'd need a chainsaw to even leave a dent.
And I can't help from feeling inadequate
And nothing's worse than giving your all
and still falling just short of being worthy
time and time again.
So I sit here and think:
There are plenty of fish in the sea
There's more to life than this small town,
the world's a big place.
And I immerse myself in keeping my mind busy
but I end up thinking about
how I don't want to think about it,
and all progress is lost.
Then I break all the ties
and burn all the bridges I built,
You're not a  fish.
You're everything.
And the world isn't as big of a place
as we make it out to be.
I wrote this a while ago, but it will always say exactly how I feel.
May 2013 · 863
Eden Waldron May 2013

I'm waiting for the day
when reality sinks in.
When life runs it's cruel,
never ending course,
and this fragile web of sentiment
get's run into,
and I'm the spider,
left to wonder
what I could've possibly done
to deserve having my fortress destroyed.

— The End —