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Eddy Kyalo Nov 2019
Great sorrow for us
As we have been left behind
By our scheduled bus
Which was to take us to utopia
We are dejected and stranded
In this shadowy land
A land full of danger
A land filled with nothingness
What to do next is what we try to figure out
As our supposed troop leaders are of no use
Their greatest concern is to fill up their bellies
And it seems that they have no regard for our situation
All they do is sleep in their cabins with loud snores and farts
What a perfect example they are to all of us
It is under such leadership
That we hope for brighter days to come.
Wake up leaders!!! And pull up your socks
Eddy Kyalo Nov 2019
Its always good to wish
For that one thing you lack
Its always wise to desire
What you have always missed
But then its far much wiser
To put your hands into labour
So as to get the greatest one thing
That would melt your heart with joy
There may be tough times ahead, yes I know
Periods of fatigue and agony
And periods of disillusion and uncertainity
But keep your head on the target
It will help you forget your tribulations
Because the finish line is far much glorious than the journey
And I will be the one who will await
Your triumphant cross when the time comes.
There is beauty in the struggle
Eddy Kyalo Nov 2019
This is the cry of an elder
Mourning for his only son
He who was once a tower of strength
Has been brought down to his knees
He who was once a mighty warrior
Is now just a pale shadow of himself
This is the cry of an elder
Questioning where it all went all wrong
The village is also restless
The village is now in chaos
It is searching for their lost warroir
Their own tower of defence to protect them
He has been brought down by his desires
That led him away from his village
And he is now paying for sins that he made years ago
What has become of him
Our dear Omase
Actions indeed have consequences
That we have learnt from him
But one thing will always stand
Africa will miss its warrior
Wow, its our actions that determine our fate.Think of what you do.
Eddy Kyalo Aug 2019
My Creator
How wonderful is thy work
Carefully moulded
By thy able hands
And set its place
In the midst of your creation
A favour you did
To creatures of earth
By giving them a master
The human race.
But Lo!A dissapointment indeed
Earth is now desolate and ugly
Like a mouth with no teeth
Greed has reigned supreme
Controlling man's every move
Trees sawed to the ground
So that wallets can grow fatter
Plastics carpeting the sea
Killing our humble sea friends
Father where did it all go wrong
Please free us
From the dominion of man
This is the only earth we have.Let us spread awareness of the importance of preserving  our precious blue planet before we face odds that are insurmountable in future
Eddy Kyalo Aug 2019
Walking down the winding road
Of the vast Halley meadow
I came upon a gate
that bore a sign"keep out"
The sign was huge and grim
Whose words sent flashes of light
It warned any curious soul
That whatever lay behind it
Was secret never to be revealed
I stood there bemused
Thinking of what my eye beheld
The urge was strong
My conscience overrid
So I pulled open the gate
And entered the forbidden place
Only fate would know
What lay in store for me
But whatever lay behind the gate
I had to find out

— The End —