The scratchy wood beneath my thighs,
My dangling feet invade the sky.
Our thirsty skin soaks melting drops
Of summer sunshine's afterthoughts.
Midnight moonshine in your eyes,
Reflections of the stars in mine.
Whispers from your plastic chair,
Words dissolved in velvet air.
Tied in never ending knots-
My tangled hair, and sleepy thoughts.
Of childhood, and love, and God,
Understood. One simple nod.
A spoken word, a laid back smile-
Care-free for just a little while.
An orchestra of cricket bugs.
My racing mind, your broken lungs.
******* smoke through sunburned lips
Summertime, tobacco drifts.
Clouds of humid nicotine-
hang and linger in-between.
Secrets waste away our time
That August night-
Just you and I.