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 Dec 2013 ECKate
 Dec 2013 ECKate
Let's excuse the "playing rules"
Let's put our fingers down and unclench our hands
Because this is nothing but fake.
I loved a girl once without touching her.
I'll put it bluntly..
I never spoke to her again.
I liked a girl in whom I touched and we still talk from time to time.
I loved this girl at the age of 14. And I told the girl I liked that I loved her. In which was fiction.
I told the girl I liked that I can't live without hopes I wouldn't be alone.
I told the girl I love "you can leave, I care more about you then I do me."
Never second guessing myself.
I wrote a poem about the girl I love the other day and realized that she's never coming back. And I am simply...okay with that.  Let's take the player names off my identity crisis because I'm
And hurt.
I'm not wearing your ******* name tag.
 Dec 2013 ECKate
Hermann Hesse
How heavy the days are.
There's not a fire that can warm me,
Not a sun to laugh with me,
Everything bare,
Everything cold and merciless,
And even the beloved, clear
Stars look desolately down,
Since I learned in my heart that
Love can die.
 Dec 2013 ECKate
John Watson
At Ends
 Dec 2013 ECKate
John Watson
The great escalation of feeling and love
can never replace the jarring, falling feeling of disappointment.
 Dec 2013 ECKate
Jade M Matelski
she wears 12 human teeth around her neck and when i ask why she tells me it's art
but i cant help but wonder where she got those teeth and if she made the necklace or did she buy it?
are they real teeth or just molds of something that used to be?
and is she a sick psychopath or just an unusual artist?  
as the weeks go by i touch the teeth they're real, they're human, shes sick
there's 14 teeth on the string now and she holds them in her palms
tears down her face she plucks, like petals, the teeth, shes sick

grabs her hair, cuts chunk by chunk off her head
i grab the knife still she cries she wont let go shes sick
we walk in the house, bodies,
dismembered people strewn about her kitchen
how can the neighbors stand the smell?
i count, one two three fourteen shes sick, dear god, she's sick!
she cries she screams look what I've done!
its art! she cries it's art!  

the sirens come close who called?
thirty i mean sixty men push through the door surround
put our hands on our heads why me ?!

i scream she screams our hands go up
i close my eyes make it stop please god just make it stop
open shes gone i turn around the cops aim straight
flashes flashes flashing back to the night
its me, it's me, dear god, i'm sick!
News feeds and nose bleeds,

staring back through the screen,

shouting, and screaming,

everyone is doing fine if you catch my meaning,

photographers and band members,

but the poet, no one remembers,

singers are showing their songs,

and painters are filling their bongs,

messengers going on benders,

but the poet, no one remembers,

they are burning up the page,

with their eyes filled with ambitious rage,

saying things that have meanings to another,

everyone likes,

everyone acts like future lenders,

but the poet, no one remembers,

everything is great,

in the pictures they take,

doing something that matters to the rest of the Earth,

people heralding what they have done since their birth,

born into ambition,

showing another used up rendition,

to them, it is but just the beginning of soon to be embers,

but the poet, no one remembers
This is my usual format so if you look at my other poems not like this you can get a better idea of what they should look like
Read it, She says with sly eyes and a caring voice, There is my choice, Be fine, pack your briefcase, hat, and pen, There is never a place to go, only a when, Don't walk up to the house and knock, You'll see only the girl with saddness in her little walk, You have choice, put away the pen, walk away with prideful sin, And never come back, But your tied to her heart and the type, So sit down and see what you write, But there is nothing. You stand in the doorway of other people's memories, Watching them sing and close your fist at the sight of weak knees, Grit your teeth and curse inside, But never let them see you cry, Old man you have too much pride, Take your notes and move onto the next room, Things I'll never do, always and forever, Stare with trivial eyes at a place I thought I had hidden. This is madness.
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