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Why are you so concerned of these little things
They dont amount to anything
They are nothings
But you see them as your everythings
Its just things
Your thoughts become something
I want to rip off like clothing
But you stand there seething

Quick paced breathing
Acting like its sheathing
The words you are mouthing
But i know you are wreathing
You say nothing
I try to be soothing
My love once unswathing
Replaced now with loathing

My heart cut by your scything
Just say anything
Dont leave me sleuthing
Questioning your worthing
Your silence bites like you're teething
Your intentions sit froathing
You toy with me like a plaything
I am something

Whats left unearthing
When i assume it will be scathing
Leaving me sunbathing
In your seething
Of your nothings
Which became your everything
And am I anything?
Just a little thing.
Vulnerable, thats what they want me to be
Like a vortex of thoughts spewing
Into another's reality. Insanity
thats what it seems to me,
but "yes and" is my mentality
So i spew.
Not knowing the torment i hide
Nor the love i despise
Or even the joy of this futile plight
Reside in wait, for this moment.
That spark on the tip of the lip
That beat that starts the heart.
That step down the street to meet
The stranger who would never speak
Their moment.
But youll share yours if I share mine, so i open up
But... still, no reply.
Thats what i left with.
So they asked it of me and so i gave.
Leaving my heart to conclave
Within its vein like caves
Hoping an idiotic adventurer
Would dare to stray off down into its depth
With signs and warnings
That push away the weak hearted,
For i can only allow the brave
To explore my vulernable heart cave.
moments when your mind is deleted by a press of a button. Forever lost in its sense of what if



Life is sacred
Life is precious
All deserve to savor its fruits
And I am the gardener
I nourish the tree that has born such bounty
Love is my nutrients
Kindness is my pesticide
From the roots, I sprung as its protector
And till death shall I be
Hate can not fathom my resolve
Desire can not tempt my profession
Within I feel an outburst of courage
My victory impossible, I continue on
Protecting life and all it's glory
Surrounded by many I live in company
Tho alone I truly am
I am virtue
I am a hero
And I will give my full protection.
The cold despair of a heart in shreds
The beating of death pumping my heart
Revenge is too weak to understand
Justice is deaf in its blindness as it stumbles about
The shimmering glow of hate aligns itself in my eyes
The hope that once twinkled in each breath has evaporated
Death continues to squeeze my heart giving me a flow of anger in my blood
it is a constant flow
It is agonizing torture
It is who I've become.
I am Hate
I am a villain.
And all will feel my wrath
Little boy on the milky way
What world is it that you stay
You could be anywhere in any way
How is it there that you became today
Will you come with me
Let's fly away
See the dreams you create
See beyond the milky way
Infinite is only a beginning to the places you'll see
Your imagination can't wait to imagine these things.
So follow me let your mind be shown
Things beyond any sight sound or feeling you've known.
Then when our adventures are done
Our stories will be passed down one by one.
So boy from the milky way
Will you come with me or will you stay?
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