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Apr 2015 · 597
Changes i have met
Dylan Apr 2015
Things change, we change, ì change
Im sorry, sorry that i have changed..
No, sorry that i didn't fight, that i watched by
Looking at myself, at the changes i have met
Sorry, i lost the battle without fighting, sorry i gave up
Sorry for being me, because how i was, i was much better
Sorry, .. for just looking at us changing
Didn't knew, but i knew, the changes i have met

Forgive me... Because i wouldn't..
Mar 2015 · 429
Gone away
Dylan Mar 2015
Wheny crying becomes laughing
It doesn't meen i have forgotten you
It meens i accepted you are no more
Mar 2015 · 496
Goodbye, not farewell
Dylan Mar 2015
Today, a sadness stream
A smile, more then i meen

I might like what i see and smile,
But i see my own tears, now and for a while

A look can say more then a thousand words,
I can lie about what i feel,  but truth is, it hurts

My face is straighten up, no emotion to see
Inside i am crying, how hard can it be

Confused and messed up i stand
With only hope on my right hand

This is no farewell,
Its just the path to heaven, not to hell

If you are on clouds and stare,
I want you to know i cant bare

The pain is killing me, but i have to stay strong
Not for myself, but for family among

If i had the power to turn times back,
I would visit you, cause now im a total wreck

I couldn't give you a goodbye kiss,
It are your hickeys i will miss

Stay with me as long as you can,
Stay in my heart, i love you now and i loved you then

Once more, this is no farewell
You are in heaven, and never look at hell

I love you
Mar 2015 · 278
Cry till the sleep comes in
Dylan Mar 2015
Sometimes i cry myself to sleep,
just because i know i could safe you
Safe you from the black of death
If there isn't a black of death
I regret, i can't hold you in my arms
Once more, till forever
Stay with me and fly
Because this is no goodbye

Rest in peace
Niet goed verwoord wat ik voel, maar toch is het precies wat ik voel. Een weerboel van gevoelens in mij, dat ik niks met zekerheid kan zeggen, behalve dat het niet zo had moeten zijn. (In mijn ogen)
Mar 2015 · 461
The strugle
Dylan Mar 2015
In time my 'friends' have'nt stayed
Despite the fact i have payed
Many drinks and lots of fun
If i had a problem they would run

Many people i took in trust
Have to be strong, i am, i must
Things in life are wrong
Always remember; you have to be strong

Not for yourself, not today
Stay strong, and cry they may
Few things i do regret
But it happend, that's a fact

Can't tell, can't cry
The result from years of being spry
You can't do this yourself, You would die
It doesn't matter, I have to try

Can't show them my fears
Can't show them my scars
Can't show them the tears
Do what you do, Love inwards

This is a strugle everyday
Can't hide, Can't stay
Not only tommorow, to many days away
Your past is gone, Have to live
Stay on earth, Because hope you give
Just a few things that are in my head
Mar 2015 · 413
Emptyness of me
Dylan Mar 2015
I am as empty as a can. The bigger the can, the bigger the emptyness. How do i know if the can is empty? Because i am.

— The End —