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Nov 2011 · 789
Where were you?
Dustyn Smith Nov 2011
Lost and alone
Can't find my way
Helpless I fell
Where were you?

On the ground
Kicked and hurt
Mocked and ridiculed
Where were you?

I needed some one to carry me
I needed some one to care
I needed some one to love me
Where were you?

Bruised and beaten
Heartless and unloved
Falling and dying
Where were you?

Alone, no one to care
Lost, no one was there
Helpless, no one to save me
Where were you?

Broken and stumbling
I fall for the last time
This time I won't get up
Where were you?
©Dustyn Smith
Nov 2011 · 807
Dustyn Smith Nov 2011
Where were you when I learn to talk?
Where were you when I learned to walk?
Where were you when I learned to ride a bike?
Where were you when I learned to write?

Why did you leave?
Why don't you care?
Why don't you love me?
Why were you never there?

Why do you love them
And not me?
Why are you their dad
And not mine?

You were never there
I never had a daddy
You never cared
How could you do this to me?

I don't miss you anymore
But I did back then
When I was only four
Did you miss me then?

I'm over it now I guess
Though I am still mad
How could you do this?
When I just wanted a dad.
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 427
To the U.K.
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Tired of this place
I'm going insane
I don't know how much more I can take

Going for good
I know I should
If I only could

Going to start anew
Something that's long over do
Soon I will bid this all adieu

Some day I will leave this place
And go somewhere far away
When I do, I'll move out to the U.K.
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 366
What Happened to Us
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Silent tears fall from my eyes
Tired of all the lies
I thought it was dream
It was not what it seemed
Nothing could go wrong
We even had a song
Now nothing is right
What happened to us?
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 422
How Can They?
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Alone. I am so alone
No one understands
How can they?

No one can feel what I do
No one knows
How can they?

So lost, hoping to be found
No is looking, no one knows
How can they?

Nothing but darkness
No one knows what I see
How can they?

Screaming, so loud I lose myself
No one can hear what I do
How can they?

Words pour from my pen
No one can write like I do
How can they?

Words forming in my head
No one thinks like I do
How can they?
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 360
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
This is the game we play
Over and over, every day
We never miss a beat
We keep time with our feet
We play our music loud
We are proud
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 428
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Listening to music really loud
I don't have a hearing problem
It's just the way I like it
The louder the better
My mom hates it
So do the neighbors
I don't care
Call the cops
Lets have a contest
Who can play their music louder
I bet I can
I like my music loud
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 1.6k
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
On silent streets
I walk while you sleep
Looking for something to eat

Quietly I stand
Sign in hand
Hoping for something grand

Here is where I sleep
The trouble I'm in is deep
Should anyone find me

Some say I'm hopeless
That may be true
But for now I'm only homeless
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 738
It All Belongs to You
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Losing myself in you
I let go of everything
I hold back nothing
It all belongs to you
Take my sorrow and grief
My happiness and joy
Take my burdens
Take my weakness and strength
Take my everything
Make me whole in you
Everything I am is yours
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 761
FML... All Over Again
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Something's happening inside of me
It feels so familiar, its happened before
This sadness, loneliness, and smallness
I'm lost again, falling down, down, down
Reaching up, but there's nothing to hold onto
I know this feeling, I've felt it before
Its FML all over again

Stuck in this whole I can't get out
Falling deeper, I don't know how
Won't someone help me now?
This crying sadness and unnerving madness
No one to help me and no one to care
Meanwhile I'm in total despair
I know this feeling, I've felt it before
Its FML all over again

My have run dry but still I'm crying
My head hurts, I feel like I'm dying
Help me now, oh won't you please
I'm lost in this maze, please show me the way
No one answers, no one is there
I know this feeling, I've been here before
Its FML all over again
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 490
A Perfect Moment
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
The bite of the cold breeze
She pulls her sweater closer around her
She waits alone on a solitary park bench
She waits for the man she loves
In the distance she sees him coming
She wonder why he asked her here
She shivers and wishes for a warmer jacket
She stands to greet him
He kisses cheek, then goes on one knee
And then he says "Will you marry me?"
Her voice is shaking as she says yes
He rises and they embrace
A perfect moment
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 446
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
A girl stands in a crowded park
Yet she is so alone
She with a withered rose in her hand and a broken heart
The last tokens of a lost relationship
She searches the sea of faces, hoping for his
Hoping to see him one last time
But he is gone, along with his love
She hoped for a proposal but got a broken heart instead
She can't move, she's still in shock
The man she loved is now gone forever
He loves another, she never new
He left her there and took her heart with him
Both gone forever, never to be seen again
She drops the rose and watches it get trampled
She leaves the park and never return
With no heart and no hope she leaves the world
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 1.8k
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Your gleaming pearly coat
And rainbow mane
Enchant me so

The shining horn atop your head
And eyes full of fire
Take me to places unknown

You ride the clouds
And create rainbows
You bring sunshine wherever you go

Your a magical being
You bring hope and happiness
From you peace glows

Your are an amazing creature
You shame horses and rival Pegasuses
You are a unicorn, I love you so
©Dustyn Smith

For Makayla(:
Oct 2011 · 445
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Days of old are long since past
Memories are just that

The future remains unseen
A mystery that remains unknown

The present is un-enjoyed and unheeded
People dwell to much in the past and seek the future to much
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 439
A Prayer
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Running on empty
Burning nothing but fumes
Lost on the map
I can't get out
I need you now
Please give me direction

Falling down a hole
Reaching up, seeking you
Please take my hand
Pull me up, help me out
Please give me strength
Help me make it through the day
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 678
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
The first signs of fall begin to show
The leaves are turning color
And falling gently to the ground
There's a bite to the air that only fall brings
A crispness in the in the air

The smell of fall is indescribable
Pumpkins in everything and everywhere
Flowers wilting, dying in the cold
Beauty lost to be found again in spring

People in sweaters and scarves
Preparing for the cold of winter
Putting away summer things till next year

All around things are changing
Fall is here
©Dustyn Smith

Probably my most random and all over the place poem.
Oct 2011 · 883
Sunshine and Lemonade
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
These gleaming rays are oh so kind
The golden rays we call sunshine
Maybe and maybe not
You will begin to get hot
You begin to seek for that perfect thing
That to you will bring
A perfect combo to not get red
Then the perfect idea comes to your head
You find a tree that gives some shade
And then you get the perfect glass of lemonade
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 558
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
Because of all this turmoil and fear
On my face you could always see the glisten of a tear
But ever so they were of sadness
For I saw no hope in escaping this madness
Then like a massive explosion
Something great happens that no one knows
And then you come along
I begin to sing a different song
And then my tears, no longer of sadness
Turn into tears of great gladness
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 466
Together Forever
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
I left from home so long ago
To then a place I did not know
Then that place became my home
And the I left there again so
Now I have moved two times you see
And to move again is my destiny
Back to the place where I began
To the place from where I ran
And now I run back to it
Now I know that this is it
The place I'll be, the place I'll stay
Until you come and take me away
Because our love is so strong
I know that you won't be long
And I will again be in arms safe from harm
Now we will never be apart
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2011 · 448
Dustyn Smith Oct 2011
The Mightiest you are
I have given you my heart
In Your safe keeping
There is no more weeping
The great feeling of joy
Like a tiny child with their favorite toy
I once was utterly lost
I looked to the cross
And now I am found
You love for me has no bounds
And I will be safe and sound
Standing here in complete silence
Drinking in your awesome presence
Aug 2011 · 421
Love Grows
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
I miss you more ever day
But the more I miss makes me realize
That even if I can’t see you with my human eyes
Our love grows every day
I miss you so much more than you know
Or maybe you do know how much I miss you so
I wish I could be with you and see your face
And then freeze time in its place
And stay with you for ever and ever
And to never leave you, never
To hold you in my arms and to be held in yours
The feeling of joy warms us to our cores
To know that I will never let you go
To hold you close and always know
That we will be together no matter what
And that the door to my heart will never be shut
You can go in whenever you want
You could rob the place bare but I trust that you won’t
Because you love me, but I love you most
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 470
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
My hope of returning one day
To see you face and then to say
“I miss you so now never go.”
Has never been far away
And now I wonder what could be
If only you could see
How much you mean to me
Across the land I must go
Now never to know
If I ever had the chance to be
Your one and only
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 853
Hard to Say "I Love You."
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
I’m done with all this secrecy
And now my heart is telling me
To shout to you across the room
“Hey you, yeah you. I love you.”
But its my brain that tells me no
Even though I love you so
For fear of embarrassment
And rejection instead of compliment
I’ve never done it no I’ve not
And for that reason my heart strings are taut
And ever so out of tune
Though once you know how much I care
You’ll tune them up right then and there
And play the music that always was
And it’s just beautiful because
You’re the only one for me
And the only one for my heart you see
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 556
A Bouquet
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
A fresh Spring breeze blows oh so gently
The sweet scent of flowers all though the air
I look around to find the source and lying right there
Is a small bouquet with my name on it
I slowly reach out to grab it
And  then realize that attached to it is a small note
And here is what you wrote
“You are so much more beautiful than any flower
And I doubt that it is within my power
To have you stay
Instead of going so far away
But nothing can break our love so true
And nothing can stop me from loving you.”
I can feel tears streaming down my face
And I wonder how I ever got to this place
When I feel you wrap your arms around me
And whisper “I love you.”  in my ear
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 397
Just a Dream
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
Wishing I could see your face
Just one more time in this place
I sit down and begin to cry
Thinking about our last good-bye
I feel some one reach out to comfort me
And look up through blurry eyes to see
You’re sitting tight there beside me
No longer wanting to lie to me
You whisper softly in my ear
That I no longer need to fear
Because you’ve kept this secret long enough
You pull me closer into your embrace
And tell me there is no more partings I have to face
Because you’re coming with me
Across the country on my long journey
Again I begin to cry
These are not of great sadness, but great happiness
And then I wake, to find it was all just a dream
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 436
Three Simple Words
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
“I love you” Three words so simple to type or write
But yet so hard to say when the moment is right.
I have longed to say them to you, you see
Or to have you say them to me.
But I never have the courage to say those three simple words
The words that can bring together or tear apart
Fill the cracks of a broken heart
Or shatter it into a million pieces
The words I wish that you would say to me
And only me
But if you don’t it’s OK
Because I know that you feel the same way
And our love will never stray
No matter if those words are said
Or left for dead
You don’t need to say it for me to know its true
You don’t need to tell me and I don’t need to tell you
I don’t need to hear to believe
As long as you don’t leave
I don’t want to be alone
Knowing that you could be the one
I need you here
And it is clear
That no matter what goes right or wrong
Our love is like a song
It has its ups and downs
But at the end there is no frowns
Because we know that we made it through
Even without saying the words “I love you”
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 500
A Plan Executed
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
Sitting there I look at you
Knowing exactly what to do
I’ve gone over my plan completely again
I know that you are my best friend
I grab your hand and start to say
Those three little words maybe I may
“I…I love you.”
You look at me with your blue eyes
And in your face there’s no surprise
It’s like all along you knew
What I was about to do
And then all of the sudden, out of the blue
You embrace me and say “I love you too.”
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 493
I Hate Clichés
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
I don’t know what I did
To make you care
All I can say is that I was your friend
And tried to be even after
And I didn’t mean it as a cliché
The thing that seems to be said a lot after a breakup
“But we can still be friends.”
I did not mean it the way that they do
I actually meant it
It wasn’t just empty words
You were a good friend
And I hated myself for ruining that
And for scarring our friendship forevermore
I do not know how I made you care again
I just wanted to be you friend
Though that never seems to be enough
I’m done trying to fix something that wants to be broken
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 613
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
How can I love you when you don’t love me back?
How can I hold you when you don’t want me to?
How can I kiss you when you turn away?
How can I love you at all?
How can you love me when you turned me away so many times before?
How can you hold me when you pushed me away so many times before?
How can you say you’ll always be there when you never were?
How can I trust you when you broke my heart?
How can I feel your warmth when you were so cold to me?
How can we be friends when you don’t even like me?
How can we stay in touch if you ignore all my messages?
How can we be in love when love is so far away?
How can I give you all my love when you give me none back?
How can I give you my heart if you won’t give me yours?
How can you say that you’ll stay when you always were away?
How can you say hello when it was always good-bye?
How can I love you?
How can you love me?
How can this love be?
©Dustyn Smith
Aug 2011 · 513
God's Gift
Dustyn Smith Aug 2011
“Gift of God” is what your name means
The gift from God to me
“Warrior” is what name means
And I’ve fought for you every day
And of the day I’ll be OK
Because God is preparing me
To be in a state that I’ll be fit
To finally receive my gift
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 528
A Broken Friendship
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
I know I broke your heart
And in the end I also broke mine
I healed my heart
I hope you healed yours
In time I think that you have
I know that things can never be the same
I know all the blame rests on my shoulders
My stupidity and loneliness
Though now I do not ask you to take me back
I only want your friendship
Like we once had so long ago
Before this whole mess I caused
I'm sorry
Not for your heart, for I know its healed
Not for the distance, for I cannot move
But for the loss of a friend

I suppose I cannot force you to make a decision
Do what you may, it's out of my hands
Its your life, so you make the decisions
I know you hate it when people tell you what to do
So whatever happens, happens
I throw up my hands
I brandish my white flag, I surrender
I just hope you know that I will miss you
Your friendship and you being you
But that's all past, I cannot change it, nor can you
Over time I will forget and none of this will ever matter
Will I regret it? I cannot say
Will you regret it? I do not know
Though I do know that I will never again
Ask you to be my friend
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 676
Of all the Times
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
Of all the times you put me down
I’ve gotten back up
Of all the times you broke my heart
I put it back together again
Of all the times you left my crying in the dark
I stopped and turned on the light
Of all the times you pushed me away
I came back
But this time is different
I’ll get back up
I’ll put my heart back together
I’ll stop crying and turn on the light
But I come back to you
This time I’ll stay away for good
And you’ll wish you had me back
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 430
The 20 Story Jump
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
Listen to the sound as my body hits the ground
Because of my hate now my bones break
Hear the cries as I die
See me lying there. Is it too much to bear?
My final breath and then death
My dead eyes looking at the sky
My lifeless limbs broken and dead
All life is gone from the heart that once shone
My heart beats no more
Its all your fault, how does that make you feel
You broke me down one to many times
And this time no one was there to help me up
You stole my happiness away from me
And didn’t expect me to be angry
Yeah I was angry and then depressed
And you’re too wrapped up in your own happiness
You said you cared but did you really
I guess that why you never really knew me
Yeah sure you knew me some
But did you ever try to get to know the real me
No, because you didn’t want to know the real me
Well now I’m gone and its all your fault
I guess you should’ve listened
But now that’s all the past
And my life is no more because I decided to jump
And when I hit the ground did you hear the sound
That’s the sound my heart made
Did you see my body break
Did you see me lying there broken and contorted
That’s what my heart looked like
After you ruined my life
But now my life is in utter ruins
And I am no more
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 1.8k
Missing you
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
I miss your face
And stunning grace
I miss your smile
And all the while
I'm missing you
Do you miss me too?

I miss your love
This I could only dream of
Before I met you
I was nothing new
You turned me around
Into some thing sound
I'm missing you
Do you miss me too?

I miss all of you
This I do
I miss your everything
Of you I could sing
A thousand songs
With you I belong
I'm missing you
Do you miss me too?
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 395
The Death
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
The death of me
Would also be
The death of you
You're the thing that keeps me strong
When life seems all wrong
Because I know if I went
So would you
Becuase the death of me
Would also be the death of you
I love you.
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 417
Tears at Night
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
The reason for all my tears at night
Is the only thing that keeps me right
Though it’s also the thing that tears me apart
And it’s going to break my heart
To say good-bye
I might just die
Though it won’t break, my heart will crack
It’ll crack more and more
Every day that I’m away
Though it won’t be broken
It’ll be bruised and beaten and cracked all over
And I’ll be the girl that just needs some one to hold her
But the no one else can hold me right
Cuz you’re the reason for my tears at night
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 1.3k
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
Pining after you I know
Is probably not the way to go
Though in my heart I cannot stop
And I just know I cannot drop
This feeling in my heart you see
This feeling I’ve longed for so eagerly
To feel your hand clasping mine
I wish for this all the time
To feel your arms wrapping around me
This you do so tenderly
My heart is beating right out of my chest
With this difficult and final test
To give you that letter, what should I do?
But then I remember that all I want is you
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 646
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
Smiling now you look at me
And there is so much to see
Under all of the anguish and pain
Is like sunshine after rain
Deep down under all that mess
There is some form of great happiness
Waiting to explode in joyous laughter
And I will say then after
“Thank you so much for the spark
That set off the fireworks in my heart.”
I always knew that it was there
The happiness I dared not bare
For though it may seem wrong
I was waiting for that perfect some one to come along
To share the joy I always knew was there
With you and only you, right then and there
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 455
My Sunshine
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
You’re the ray of sunshine in my life
You take me away from all this strife
To happier places in this town
So I am not able to frown
When I look upon your shining face
Hair so golden eyes so blue
You take me away out of this place
To a place that no one has a clue
How to get there so it seems
Because they have never experienced so long
The only thing that keeps me strong
True love, so true
The love you have for me, and the love I have for you
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 504
True Happiness
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
Sitting here missing you, watching them
Just wanting to hold your hand
How could something so happy
Bring so much pain
Watching them in love
Thinking of you
My heart is yearning
And I am learning
To be here on my own
Not wanting to be alone
Wishing you were here
It cant be true, I wont believe it
It seems so surreal
Its already begun to crack
And I know that its just a matter of time till I come back
But all I want right now is to be with you
To hold your hand and hold you close
Though all I can do right now is dream
Of me with you and you with me
I cant bring myself to believe
I just don’t want to see
The truth from fiction
Cuz in my life there is already so much friction
Like a bad dream I wait to wake
But unlike a dream there is no awaking
To sunshine and happiness
All I see right now is the bad
It seems that is all to be had
Though I know there is some good
It seems like there is none left for me
And its all meant for her
I wish this weren’t true
I just don’t know what to do
All I want to do cry
I cant feel any good right now
Though I know its there
And its all around me
I felt it today for a moment or two
But true happiness for me lies with you
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 582
The River of Thought
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
The silence is killing me
So quiet I can hear my own heart beat
With nothing to say or nothing to do
The only thing I can think of is you
This is not unusual especially for me
Except for the part that its so quiet and lonely
No sound except of my beating heart and falling rain
My thoughts want to burst out of my brain
This silence, so peaceful yet unnerving
Maybe I am deserving
To feel like this so trapped so alone
Even in my own home
I know in second I could be free
Just put on some music that’s all it needs
But yet I cannot ruin this perfect quiet
I wouldn’t be able to even if I tried it
My thoughts slow down to a gentle murmur
Like a gently flowing river
Yet the one thing that seems to make the river flow fast
This thought from my mind I cannot cast
Because if I did I would ruin my joy and happiness
And you wonder what is this thought that could ruin my saneness
This thought is of someone that I hold near
And to me they are very dear
The only one that truly understands me
The only one that truly makes me happy
My mind settles again and though the thought is still there
It is less disruptive and takes more care
To not disturb my river of thought
And then as though I forgot
The silence returns and all I hear is my beating heart
©Dustyn Smith
Jun 2011 · 1.4k
Each Other
Dustyn Smith Jun 2011
I know that well be ok and we will make it through today
As long as we have each other we’ll be alright
As long as you’re by my side I’ll be ok right now
Thinking all the time you’re always on my mind
I know that you are here for me that is plain to see
I love you so much now, never let me go
Safe in your arms I feel no longer scared
You take all my pain away, I see now how much you care
Hold me right here, right now, never let me go
You give me hope for a better day
And tell me that there is no way You’ll ever let me go
©Dustyn Smith
May 2011 · 2.5k
Your Beautiful Eyes
Dustyn Smith May 2011
Deep and full of wisdom
I can't help but stare into them
Rich, dark, and chocolaty brown
When I see them I cannot frown
Their beauty astounds me
When you sweep me off my feet
I look into them and my heart no longer cries
I absolutely love your beautiful eyes
©Dustyn Smith
Oct 2010 · 600
Death Isn't so Bad
Dustyn Smith Oct 2010
Listening I hear the sea
The white gulls are calling me
Home to the place where no one dies
With white shores and blue skies
Rolling hills and great mountains
Nice trimmed hedges and many fountains
I see the silver curtain roll back
Many are here to welcome me
After my journey across the sea
The place now where I will stay
Forever until the end of time
This place is yours and now mine
©Dustyn Smith

(Disclaimer: This was inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's description of where you go after you die. It's an original piece written by me though)

— The End —