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There was a time when I was
younger, I knew not what  I said.
When lies were the norm
In every day life,
and that’s just the
way I  lived.

Day after day,
and week after week,
the fabrications grew.

And the days into weeks,
weeks into months
as the years just


I had no clue.

As a child I realized,  
life would not let this pass,
and someday in the
future I would need
to tell the truth at last.

While the lies kept
getting larger, the stories
were filled with twists
and turns, my mind was in
a frenzy, my life was just a blur.

Till one day a switch turned off,
no more lies would come.
Freedom day I recall in memories.
Was the day my life had begun.

© 2009 Charles Dennis
 Mar 2010 Dusty Baker
Sarah Kahl
You fill me up
And soon I will
Into a thousand new worlds
Where this feeling
Never gets old
It folds
Deep into my skin
Sinking in
Shaking me
Making me
Insane with the way
You find me
Search me
Play me
Learn me
Stay a little longer
I don’t mind
It’s fine
Because once you leave
I leave time behind
And chime like rhymes that find deep lines
Etched into the surface of my skin
Where you’ve been
Speak again
New friend
Listen to your words bend
Wrap around me
And fill me
 Jan 2010 Dusty Baker
Dusty Baker
i've been
reading poetry
ee cummings and--
sylvia plath
pretty pools of words filled with color

--and ducks

charles bukowski is a
***** old man
lots of ***** old
and images
but real dirt, not pretend
real's so hard to find
these days

they talk about love like it's
always wonderfully beautiful
(like the beautiful snake whose
poison's killing you)

that's not

because it's falling asleep with warm breath on the back of your neck and your bed a little too small
because it's laughing so hard that you almost snort macaroni and cheese out your nose
because it's doing laundry and pausing just to notice how your clothes smell like her
because it's waiting alone, imagining how big you'll smile when she comes back - it's always bigger than you think.
because it's knowing that the pain's not part of love, it's part of being human

they don't know
nearly as much as they
they do

i love--
baseball in the park when it's not too hot
(I play shortstop)
chocolate ice cream cones in the hot sun
(dripping down my hand)
flying kites in autumn winds
(the falling leaves make the difference)
sledding through the snow
(and crashing into snowbanks)

i love--
(in the glass bottles)
root beer
(with vanilla ice cream)
(it's better than sprite)
mountain dew

i love--
(and the soapy smell after you shower)
(making me laugh more)
(how much you care about people)
(and you let me, too)

that's my proof they
don't know
they're talking about
that is)
i think poetry
is overrated

— The End —