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339 · Jul 2017
Here, Still, Extinguished.
Darion Irwin Jul 2017
I've been a flat-footed candle,
lighting lanterns in the moonlight along my path
for you to follow and find me.
Where I fell, the world did burn.
Consumed all that once surrounded my flaming outstretched Nothing; singed and sighing, you left me down.
Left me to rest, burning holes in upholstery next to the nightstand, maintaining an empty ashtray.
Until the Sun rose,
and I tasted the scent of your unpleasant morning-breath.
Felt the wind from between your lips fall over my scorching
like fleece garments covering cold skin.
Like a hand over my mouth and nose;
not just to silence, but to suffocate.
234 · Feb 2018
Adsum, Bona Fide et Cetera
Darion Irwin Feb 2018
It bubbles up, remote warrigle squirming.
Bursts out Ever Village.
Each globule wile in vinegar-
Pops cacophonous vile yore &
I, Calypso
Wise realm raucous,
sips from green-tea sanskrit reagent.
Boss' bogule arouse remissly in Aries.
Loth the acme sac,
jetsammed ungainly.
Stow the phantom resplendent but wasn't there.
& Sainfoin grows salacious under water color resin
still resounding blissful visage beside wilting viols.
Satan's deseronto lay virago.
Woe-trance to Sydenham lethertramps
drool in anglice till we meet again.
bona fide et cetera.
I, ecce ****!
Disjecta membra.
206 · Jun 2017
Darion Irwin Jun 2017
The sounds of tick-tocking- talking clockwork. I smoked a cig with Sara in spirit last night courtesy of Alejandro, gazed in liquid-crystal brightness... Comets could come circling the windows without us noticing, and form machine parts from dust. Bionic embryos manufactured by the AV Empress; Who was bathed and lulled to bed in chemicals. Tear my heart from my daisy-chained circuitboard circulatory system and simulate the sound of my voice. Does it comfort you? Ask the pseudo-psychopharmascist for some wavelength-surging stilumus: Filth for wretched me single user standby. Tongue and teeth dripping sweet, melodious stillness. Transmission Lost flashing vaguely on screen left to the vast ultradark fulness. Hand in hand we walked, hanging and soaking in material adornment, still sweating through our skin in the scolding, pink afterglow of the AM electro-sun. Until we stopped, and I left you. Now, slothful, your sinuous flesh crawls tepid towards mine.
182 · Feb 2018
Darion Irwin Feb 2018
He waltz in; kicking the door & yelling sang-froid till everything come upturned & nothing rests on pins & needles 'xept verbatim et litteratim. Wein, weib, & gesang singing flamenco praise to war. All God is over.

— The End —