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Dtbms Feb 2014
It's funny.

No one catches my eyes like you do.
No one gives me a reason to breathe even more like you do ; for my racing heartbeat, for your smell.
No one inspires me to go to any extent to make a girl smile like you do
No one makes me as patient as i am like you do ; to make you like me
No one understand how i feel for you, nobody does
No one can perceive you like how i perceived you as; someone very special
No one can ever describe this, it's like whatever i'm doing now i know it's going to be worth it one day,despite your busy schedule and you're a bad texter
No one can understand this because every meet up session i feel that every conversation we have is a make up to our long missing communication.
No one understands how i have missed you.

It's just funny
Dtbms Jan 2014
I never really got why we're here
Just look at all we build in our lives and we all disappear
A few of us are born with so much
While most of us just chasing down a dream that we just can't touch
So why we try so hard in this place?
When pain and suffering is a guarantee and happiness is a phase
I wonder if one day we're at peace
Or will this whole world just become like the middle east?
Dtbms Jan 2014
Our eyes met from a distance
Afar,my heart gave a race
Like a stranger i feel, you ignored my presence
Feeling empty,i miss your face
Without hellos and goodbyes,
You walked past just like any passerby
Dtbms Jan 2014
Dear mom and dad, i love you so much
You’re the reason i live, you’re the reason i breathe.

I write for all the thoughts i wouldn’t say.
This one,
dedicated to the people who entered the fray.
I’d be as open as i can,
just me and my blue pen.

I don’t know what to feel, but i am sad.
I am sad,
for what they had.
I am sad,
for the people who are dead.
I am sad,
for gaza’s mishap.
I am sad,
for living souls trying so hard to survive, one day decided to lie down helplessly in the streets, waiting for 911, waiting for life to end.
I am sad,
for i know what’s happening but nothing can be done, nothing can be said, nothing can be changed, nothing can help, but to write.

Unfairness has gotten the better of the situation, people are killed with no actual intention.
Babies cry for no reason, children run in any position.
It’s hard to raise them up, it’s harder to bring them alive in this situation.
Somehow, these people wish they were not born.
Definitely Not with all the bombs.

Mommy daddy, all they could search for.
Some are living and some are leaving.
I wish for peace in this world, especially gaza war.
These people wants an end, they keep believing.
For the people who goes to war, i only hope for them to know what they’re fighting for.
Peace be upon you palestine.
This piece i wrote, just an honest opinion.
Wrote this a year ago
Dtbms Jan 2014
Dream with me of a place
Of a place where reality doesn't look harsh
Where fantasy feels surreal
When music were made for us
Where eternal peace can be found
Because reality hasn't been really on my side

I sticked my tongue out
Of the bitterness that felt like stout
I feel cold,i feel numb
My world changes to a new town
Where dreams felt so real
The mixtures of lights seem like as if they were made for each other
As if intricacy are pieces of puzzle that fits together beautifully

It's just me now,it's just me now
I keep thinking to see, i keep wanting to see
The future that holds for us out on that sea
Oh dear, how i miss you lucy
Dtbms Jan 2014
Oh dear life,
What interesting episodes you have created

Oh dear life,
your intricate complications  plot an amazing ****** for me

Oh dear life,
i have learned that not everything in this world belongs to you

Oh dear dearly life,
you're a ******* liar when you said i have a future when my presence is a mess.

Oh dear life,
for you i'd stay alive to be stronger, to breathe deeper and perceive you differently for everything happens for a reason

Oh dear life, i am amazed how you're so beautiful
Dtbms Jan 2014
I hear sounds of waves crashed into the ocean
Just like how our worlds collided
In a form of feelings,undivided

We had a heart to heart;
Of what we're becoming,
Of  uncertainties we're holding
Of future we would create

Our life's a mess;
you settled for less
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