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Aug 2010 · 622
D.T. Lethe Aug 2010
is it not amazing how life seems to slide away,
unrelenting in shades of gray tinted jade;

all of our eyes staring in contrived
smiles, my own tongue dripping hate and

jealousy in a nonplussed state.
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
D.T. Lethe Jul 2010
I awoke to prized tastes swimming tributaries across my lips;
tiny trickles of sighs stretching skin tight chasing last nights kiss,
last nights embracing dreams falling off eye lids stripped of
cognition and it’s the ignition of ten thousand eyes watching
blankets rise and fall next to my resting naked form.

Fingers’ nails attach to linens stitch, searching language
whispered in early morning nights passing out and around
made up words and tortures to galling laughs and insipid
shakes of bodies rocking together, mid-nights haste to
be first to drop off the edge without slipping.

I want to wake the blanket,
Oh! How I want to wake it! Shake
it and break it’s dreaming mind to
slumbered reality.

I listen to the ivy growing through the windows closing me into
homes close to wooded enclosures, chirping gnaws in my
eye’s veins twitching beats chest deep. I sigh over blankets
tossing form and watch with smiles that have forgotten to
remember the smiles reason.
Jul 2010 · 1.0k
D.T. Lethe Jul 2010
I’m watching lives,
lives that might’ve
been mine
flit in and
out of impressionistic
existence in the days of
bursting moments
breeding sculpted trees into living
instruments breaching screeches
throughout our ears.

gods! How long it’s been
since eternities
spent lying
white lies across pale
secrets spilt on carpets
of ash inhaled to
just get past another still life of
tangled cigarettes atop
those books I
can’t remember breathing

in picnics painted with
green black stares of
stripped down cathedrals and
I’m leaving to repent my
thoughts twitching along
steel cords killing visions of storm
tossed seas smiling at
friendly dragons green,
just him and me laughing at
St. George’s dying look.

Cat’s cast bronze curls
inside sleeping shirts hanging
off the back of
suicide notes, shoulders bent
while we stare and
dare to listen to lives not
ours to live. Chocolate covered
whiskers fixing colors for our
pictures; but it’s all
false imaging anyway.

Pirates and witches taking
shots at our thoughts
downing liquored treats
divining dances towards the driven
roads leaking floors feeling
beats crackling down
our spine; cigarette
kisses in cafe corners
watching stars explode blank life in
gold spattered sheets.

A lone man hanging life ten
thousand miles high falling
into swirling cotton candy flames
and how I want to
believe it ever really meant
anything at all! Footprints
never changing in the
Moon lit laughs down streets
I hardly care to remember.
Black Crow!

Black Crow! How you
seem to fall out his eyes
crying chlorine tears into a
mouth never coughing up
life and breath lost on the
backs of laughter smiling mirrored
spirits of fleeting peace reflecting
tomorrows lives back to our
eyes searching fabled bravery
in Arsenic's cup.

We’re all trying to see past
our eyes and
understand how we
can trivialize the rings of
swirling flames blinking in
Sol’s iris; photographed
silhouettes tying
tongues to labeled nebula
in one junkies eye
reflecting the need

gnawing upon my
mind watching your
thousand smiles spend
my time and I’m trying
to remember what it meant
to see another breaking
mountainsides, ninety mph
vibes falling naked in the
grass underneath
your back.

I’d rather watch ghosts
doubled, holding islands
of dust solidified on those
stone cold basement
floors fighting clothing to chase
an innocent drunk down stairs
falling into nights 900 miles
away, memories I don’t have
cast aside, tiny capsules
encapsulating dying fires.

How G and R and
E reflect the sun in
skies dancing floating
clouds just gone by,
making friends with a
blaze of smoke pouring
out our words in the hue of
blue; lit cigarettes
catching the cold rim of
nights growing old

with fungus, chemicals
washed up on the edge of
photographs stained with
pieces of a memory in
a lamps single light; I’m
borrowing camera’s to
impress a girl entwined
in spiders silken webs
hanging voids of
every colored space.

And god, how young
these faces look, too
young in the company of
these stars scratching
at the door to break out
of these times; lost
bicycle rides down aisles
playing with Atlas
shrugging off his burdens
to ride 25 cent smiles

in the lights of tonight’s
fires dragging branches
dried of sunlight spilling
golden liquid out of
plastic red cups. Freshly
tattooed haircuts watching
in all earnestness
growing old and pretty
soon all our hair will run out
of our skulls to cover

the bathroom floors in
**** and *****
covered stardust;
we’re peaking our heads
out the shower
while we dance tip toed
steps across the
branches growing out of 
decks into frozen
chemical nights.
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
Verbal Abuses
D.T. Lethe Jun 2010
maturely premature thoughts preexist inside
waiting to explode and marvel
at the symmetry of our meetings,
unthought veils bearing everything
mysterious. magic rarely happens
when eyes open slowly for the
first time. life hatefully
spiteful, vengefully
insipid, unknowing
who cares, time
re-imagined revisions,
systems breaking human
conditions, connections. see
past the humanity,
inanity and insanity are deliberate
malfunctions- there is beauty
inside every action, movement, and
torrents of half thought forms cascade
over fickle answers,
responses to help your quest. yet
in the same ******’ breath you say
‘you’ve thought too much;
excuses are all
you need’ while
i cry to you in silence,
you’re missing the beat, the
form, the aspect and motivation
of the intellect that you
so silently yearn
for in your verbal
this will only get you so far before
you see as i see
or not at all
Jun 2010 · 722
D.T. Lethe Jun 2010
I should lie to tell you the stars shine
to catch a glimpse of her eyes.
That they wake million year dreams
to gaze for brief time, dreams of
never waking up to never
vividly see.
I should yell to
grandfather light warming closer
moving steps incubating fetal
positions inside feet splashing cracks
across arching pavement ways.  
Intentionally broken back, Mothers’
spinal chord seeps ***** through
cracked nerves,
solicitous beads fornicating
under lamps flaming orange

Your saliva spins images of
laughter for me to see in cloudless
nights over rivers swimming
oceans’ way.  Capillaries open
across my eyes crawling towards the ground,
fractured concrete
searching nurture, natural born life steeping
into my blood stream upon sleeping.  
Legs carry dallying moments,
lagging steps tripping closer to
never missing cracks in stone encrusted
fallopian tubes.  

I want to touch your skin,
fingers pulling back layered
wind sharpened capsules
reach sprouting seedling under
shoes bouncing soul to
toe and back again.  Our words
sketches of moon-tide engravings
upon carbon traces, molecular hair
catching my eyes.  
We smile at each other.
Jun 2010 · 800
Christopher John
D.T. Lethe Jun 2010
I remember,
can it be a youths mind,
actions running, precociously
fueling imagination atop
deep fields (gas stained dust).
Fires fickle fingers reaching
deep, scorching etches
and traces of friendship
through days made,
deep velveteen May.

I remember alabaster,
skin, flesh, the
two of us attuned to rivulets
running drawn sketches,
yours and mine, scratches
and gashes untended,
equality in torrential forest halls.  More
important days await,
our attentions intentionally
wasted, swimming moments,
mile deep lakes.

I remember,
memories of
laughs behind bushes, honey
suckle kisses on our
tongues, rain splashing
faces as we
run from the others; we were
the best, shadows
never caught,
never found,
always searching another’s
thoughts.  I remember
your purity.

Nervous energy,
I remember lofty concerns,
ideals on top of
the world, branches
holding dreams...
dreams on twigs,
weighty ghosts waltzing
in the wind, worlds laid bare
for our eyes only,
golden thoughts, suicidal laughs
streak across our eyes, terrified
under beats bolstering skin, pine
resin sticking sixty
feet in the air.

Ah! the glory, days
remembered, softly slick
bubbles, foam
soap drenched fingers
wrinkled screams as hot oil
fly’s by, blinded ice erupting
mushroom clouds,
imminent danger behind
inappropriate motions,
fingers grazing
skin and we’re all laughing

Stories told,
unmasked lives spoken
on concrete, curbs cry
with open passion as
raspberry flows free,
chocolate dreams milking
tongues, sugared
pastries delight in
nights gone by, the blink
of an eye, four a.m.
lullabies on top
of the Hill.

Can we forget?
spaces taken,
speeding drives along
empty Inter-states, dates
to remember music and
malls and movies, money
spent, red-blue lights
falsely imprison our
imaginations, yet
they only stop to
smile and laugh, ‘get
home safe’ is the standard
we live by.

Oh yes,
how I remember our
love, our friendship
sailing through immortal
days.  How
I remember us, gravel roads
spitting dust behind
tires dancing rocks
beneath our high, soaring
minds singing
brazenly, sunrise
just around the bend and
I find it terribly hard to
look upon this
beauty and not cry.

Seemingly too much,
impossible events occur
when two impossible souls
find a way (the word
is twine), and though it’s
been a time apart, years
since regular
explosions of fire have
kindled in our eyes, together,
I still remember, I
still yearn for a thing
that feels so
freshly young.  Can
you yourself
still remember?

Gods laugh,
I cough out
unsuitable words,
descriptions of a past
that possibly existed,
waking dreams,
early morning gold slivers
between the contrast,
alleviates the pain
of separation,
connected by a love
I’ve never lost.  Do
you remember those green
days, those glorious
triumphs of the
human body,
mind, and
soul?  Do you

my Love,
my friend,
tears fall unbidden,
joy; keep it coming.
Jun 2010 · 939
Birthday Indulgence
D.T. Lethe Jun 2010
I am dead.
Cloven flesh, spirit
hiding shadows, some place, no place, sow
below the flow of thought -
amiable calamity on the part of the
That sense faded west
tasting living sweat and I
can’t even feel the uncaring
caress of ill ideals seeping through
green-blue, all eyes gray through prismatic
Wheels touch paper wedges,
circlets adorning colored names to
beats and lengths of waves, crystalline
wrists intact but
can’t my legs catch the
The day fades salty
across my brow, spit up
gentrified goodbyes dancing the fine line
catching boldly to dusk,
webs of light casting Terra’s abortions into
I feel adrift atop
bending winds soaring,
grasping at the sky;
I’m laughing crawling forward, snatching
feelings named in my self-absorbed
Oh! how it bursts forth!
Explosions off in the distance
tuning eyes to white and back again,
heaving ribs spitting venom,
ideas ***** abominations, I feel at home at
I cry at simplicities
feet, todays imagined forays into
Death again foiled by a common
sense which refuses neglect, wresting
forever rest from out my chest, a wasted
And what to do with
indulgent Death?  What of
her bright eyes catching mine,
shaken thoughts grow cold
inside, so cold she warms my flesh for
Mar 2010 · 595
When You Smiled
D.T. Lethe Mar 2010
When you smiled, when
you smiled you held me
tight, told
me truths that hid the
lies away when you smiled.

Scarred lips, stain glass
cracked lips never speak.

I saw your eyes light, I
saw them light frosted
weeping dew gracing
etches of sun lit eyes.

Liquid tongues, bathing fires
freezing words never heard.

When you smiled, when
you smiled our bodies
shook, naked hands
holding blindly on to
where I knew you smiled once.
Jan 2010 · 1.2k
D.T. Lethe Jan 2010
i’m speechless, bubble bursting
breaking stomachs vigilant beats of pain

stressed out tissue and
do i know myself that well

organs recognize my stress,
atoms stretch and break until
bile eats bile and i can’t think straight:
thoughts spill acidic
oceans across my organs
Jan 2010 · 1.0k
bound gods
D.T. Lethe Jan 2010
just bound (at the heels)
to a world (that can't feel);
walking (in the opposite of a parallel motion)
all adrift drowning (in the largest of oceans)

— The End —