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"stop trying to make the words
sound pretty
and just say it."
"i'm not-"
you are."
were correct.
i was
looking for
the most
to say
such an
and now that i
reflect on that
i am
of my attempts
to decorate
the words.
it takes great
to do such
and you
 Aug 2013 amanda
Lexy Garcia
i've been listening to the same song on repeat for hours,
it's amazing how much one minute and ten seconds can make me cry.
because all it does,
is remind me of a time,
when we were youthful and free-spirited.
when our hearts had beat as one.

 Aug 2013 amanda
Juan Guevara
"Why do teens feel this kind of depression
Expression that's messin'
Them up to 'nother dimension
I wish I were a fly on the wall
Standing tall, there for all
Well technically I already am 'cause I try to help
So people like me don't feel like their life is hell
You have a purpose in this world. Think about it!
This sacred Earth needs you, no doubt about it!
Wake up, smell the coffee, hold the sword
These emotions have to die away, whatcha waiting for?
Slash 'em, stomp 'em, spit on 'em if you have to
Those pieces of **** that tried to utterly destroy you
You have a meaning in your life, in everyone you hold true
Have you ever imagined you may just be the person who
Leads the population, leads a big company
Leads a wonderful life! So now you see
That the blood you draw from that blade doesn't let you see
What you could be, so listen to me, put it away, stomp your feet
I hope you find out how you could meet, eventually
Your destiny.
True feelings.
Subject matter, themes, and language may be mature for some.
 Aug 2013 amanda
Lexy Garcia
dear diary,
i have grown tired.
i am a shark in an ocean full of dolphins,
they taunt and threaten me.
i am alone.
mama and father do not care anymore,
money is the only concern.
i am alone.
grandma's growing old,
and grandpa's lost it.
i am alone.
curious stares at my arms,
everytime i walk into school.
i am alone.
they laugh as i stumble to get by,
they push and yell at me.
i am alone.
except i met a girl,
we'll call her "Priscilla".
she introduced me to her friend one day,
Mary Jane.
Mary Jane soothes me,
she calms me and comforts me.
Mary Jane helped me gain new friends,
everybody loves Mary Jane.
Mary Jane introduced me to a boy,
we'll call him "Kevin".
Kevin is very attractive, my dear diary,
i fantasize about him a lot.
we often hang out,
and he'll bring Mary Jane along.
one day he invited me to a party,
i hadn't been to a party in a very long time.
Mary Jane helped me get invited,
but i'd be too busy studying.
but it was Kevin who invited me,
dreamy, gorgeous, badboy Kevin.
of course,
i had to go, my dear diary.
Kevin ended up introducing me to his friend,
Molly's small and fragile,
yet she's wild and crazy.
i think all Mollys are like that,
but she made me feel so alive.
i accepted her,
despite the warnings from other friends of Mary Jane.
Kevin invited me into a vacant bedroom,
he stole something dreadful from me.
i am free now.
mom and dad were worried when i got home,
supposedly my eyes were red and i was in a daze.
i told them to leave me alone,
my dearest diary.
and now it's time for you to leave me alone,
i need to go out and explore with Kevin.
Kevin will take care of me,
do not worry diary.
you will always be in my heart.*

MADE UP, I DO NOT DO DRUGS OR SMOKE ****. Classified under realistic fiction. Does involve use of drugs.

— The End —