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Lesa Renee Jun 2015
Dearest love of mine
How I cherish the hours
You open me like a flower
Touching and tasting
Bodies naked and entwined
Each moment spent
Kisses leading to ecstasy
Writhing beneath your deviant need
Coming in floods
That will not relent
My body is but an altar
to your sensuality
As we live and breathe
Inside one another
I cannot imagine another lover
That could ever do what you do to me
Dearest love of mine
I want you to know
I will never let go
The ache would be my death
My heart is yours by design
And I will be yours
Until the end of time
"It's You, It's You
It's all for You,
Everything I do... "
Lesa Renee Jun 2015
There are ways in which the world
can turn things into distant memories
Broken hearts
Dreams torn apart
Worn out pages from weary stories
But our connection continues to deepen
even as the world outside tries to seep in
We don't just go through the paces
Instead we visit all new places
Bathed in this Love
in this light
even on the darkest, coldest night
I stay warm in your arms
In your embrace
and wait for the next moment
when my eyes will adore your face
"It's You, It's You
It's all for You,
Everything I do... "
Lesa Renee Jun 2015
Waking with a careful start
Mindful of your anxious heart
You speak of things I also feel
I share in your desire
for the dreams to be real
So many thoughts
while confined to my bed
A love never lost
to the pain in my head
So I wake and I rise
Defiant against the pain
Wanting only to feel
Your arms around me again
"It's You, It's You
It's all for You,
Everything I do... "
Lesa Renee Jun 2015
The way that we wake
A warmth like no other
Disquieting the silence
The voice of my lover
He speaks in soft whispers
Low moans in my ear
Bestowing the sweet words
I so long to hear
"Open your legs"
As he teases and moves
And touches my wetness
That serves only as proof
"Come for me, Kitten"
His *** rising to meet mine
Such penetrating heat
As we ignore the time
Soft, slow and deep
And he melts into me
Morning washes over us
And we fall back to sleep
"It's You, It's You
It's all for You,
Everything I do... "
Lesa Renee Jul 2015
All the time I've spent with you
Still fascinated by our connection
Love has never felt so true
It feels like romantic resurrection
The lights go down each evening
And my heart seeks her other half
Aching for the next kiss from your lips
Waiting patiently for the night to pass
I love you so, my precious man
An ecstatic future lit by moonbeams
Just be with me and hold my hand
And I'll see you tonight in my dreams
"It's You, It's You
It's all for you,
Everything I do..."
Lesa Renee Jun 2015
You've written stories with your blood on the walls
So many scars reveal how far you'd fall
And now it's different, it's like heaven instead
Descending deeper into love and in bed

We say we want to die together
To be as one forever and ever
I realize this dream is going to come true
Just **** me first before I **** you

I looked down and saw my blood on your hands
And in that moment I could understand
You'd have me naked and writhing under your touch
I won't protest because I love you too much

Your scars are like reminders of pain and pride
And mine is a reason for me to want to hide
But you don't let me cover what you think I should show
The less I wear the more you want me to know

Burn it into me that I belong to you
Remind me, always, that we'll never be through
But let's play games where I can try to run
So you can hold me down and *******
"It's You, It's You
It's all for You,
Everything I do... "
Lesa Renee Jul 2015
It's too hard to rewrite history
And the future remains a mystery
The more we plan
The more we misunderstand
And the more important what we have is to me
Why not take a look through new eyes
Reveal what was once built on lies
Silence the hurt
For all that it's worth
And pay attention to how quickly time flies
There is meaning in all that we do
Even when it's too hard to look at you
So we can't waste this gift
Let the clouds start to lift
And let our reality be the fantasy come true
"It's You, It's You,
It's all for you,
Everything I do..."
Lesa Renee Jul 2015
So hard to ignore the longing
When it starts to take hold
Your arms make me feel safe
and warm me when I'm cold
I hope our hearts will remember
When we forget what we've been told
That when there is trouble
To love even harder, heart and soul
I will try to remember your fragility
Even now, long before we're old
And keep creating memories
As our story continues to unfold
"It's You, It's You,
It's all for you,
Everything I do..."
Lesa Renee Jun 2015
Your desire is fierce
Pulling at clothes and messy hair
Honey mouths and writhing tongues
Exposing my private, smoldering need
Impatient lips to spread and feed

Your desire is languid
Gentle eyes and admiration
Warm caresses and butterfly lashes
Taking me slowly down with you
Tasting, inhaling and enjoying the view

Your desire is cruel
Dominant and demanding
Force feeding flesh and flogging fists
Unrelenting commands for pleasure
Pure and raw, ******* without measure
"It's You, It's You
It's all for You,
Everything I do... "

— The End —