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Drifton A Way Dec 2021
I’m finally back on track just like Jack Kerouac

The open road goes wherever the wind blows

And who knows, where each tributary flows

Its all turnkey, wake up to find another journey

Sleep when we’re deceased, too much to see

Keep your hair greased and always stay ready

A potential future memory with every moment

Thee sacred open road, my voluntary enrollment
Drifton A Way Aug 2021
While we are still here, coherent as it seems
And our majestic flesh vessels mold dreams
We may as well explore all necessary memes

Trivial things, can lead to tributary life streams
Create while we can steer, and embrace teams
Before once again manipulating cosmic seams

Tap into the universal solitude that is posing as thee almighty illusion, we identify as time

And take it while you can, to treat yourself to that future planned trip, embrace the fun guy

Before your grandparents pass the dream dust on so eloquently, like mentors of the sublime

Chase the days, and hop amongst the grass
Cherish the nights, and reflect on the why?

Ponder all you can, remember this too shall pass
Experience learning lessons as the years drift by

So for NOW, maybe get up, and get off your ***
And teach the choice of joy for our tears to cry.

And may you slumber tranquilly in the shade beneath the perfect summer tree breezy fade

While your past and future argue over where they’re  headed and who’s more stressed

Be a cosmic wanderer who roams with the Gnomes knowing this kiss from god is blessed
The quietest most tranquil moment on earth is 3:33 am… hidden from the chaos on both sides you’re allowed to slip and slide straight into the pineal gland and depths of the divine mind
Drifton A Way Aug 2021
Utopia is but a fleeting dream as this life is more like a stream .. of…well, consciousness sure, but even when you pour out your soul into that stream, no matter what your essence is or theme, we are but reminded once again that….

We are all one through and through and to stop and breathe while you can. There’s always something else to do… until there’s not,

So exhale the anxieties you carry or temporarily got, like a giant cloud of ***, and let them bleed and careen  into a momentary dream within a dream of thought and question why anything and everything was even ever sought?
Those ideas and inspirations that just come to you in dreams so obscenely timed yet so serenely divine with recent soul transitions is quite a convenient coincidence isn’t it?
Drifton A Way Jul 2021
The future wrote me a letter saying make a Vow
If you really want to get better start right Now
You must find the right space, I’ll show you How
Now slap yourself in the face,embrace pain’s Tao

Distractions of all kinds swarming like locusts
A plague upon all minds storming for focus
Your actions obscure words from the destination
A vague reenactment, herds of sheople inflation

Thy underdog reaps always coming from behind
As the rabbit sleeps, and the tortoise seeks to find
Victories and keeps the blinders on the full mind
As Aliveness leaps and bows down to life’s grind

Within us lies the kingdom of heaven and a soul
Yet we will deny the divine as we scroll and troll
Or perhaps our mind’s happen to finally be full
Collectively spitting in the face of Eckhart Tolle
Drifton A Way May 2021
My good old friend Delirium visits once again
He speaks...“maybe you’re just too tired to sleep”
I try to comprehend, scattered mind pigs in a pen
He speaks again “well maybe try to count sheep”

I dream of eating lamb chops in a wool sweater
On Icelandic waterfall tops, couldn’t be better
A siren’s song calls from behind the frigid falls
“Go to sleep lil baby”then she hands me a letter
“You’re my waterfall and I’ve never been wetter”

Pretty clever, but I seem to be stuck in between
This Endeavor is serene but is it real or a dream?
Confetti floats as Regis Philbin comes on screen
He yells “You won the Million” anddddd scene”

I wake to once again pilot this human avatar
Alien robots could be controlling me, but so far..
It’s been a good run, I’m shooting below par
Merely fireflies lighting up the skies in a big jar
I don’t know
Drifton A Way Dec 2020
To put a W in a Word that does not need or Want it seems Wrong
To trouble you, is absurd, but do pay heed to the lyrics of the song

Building blocks stack in your mind full of thoughts and out of sight
As broken clocks start to rewind to find a bridge in time to Just Write
Hickory flavored wood chips and barbecue basted Pig lips loosen the fishes hips that creep within the titanic's grips
Drifton A Way Dec 2020
Inspiration is but a dream like a hollywood action scene of caffeine Rushing through your bulky vein with a temporary plea of insane
Helping to free the creation grain to sprout an idea into Conception
To help us all just briefly feel like we may actually be the Exception.

Run on into the snowy Forrest like a sentence to get over the ****
**** happens along the way, but just keep moving like Mr. Gump
But you ain't got no legs you say how's this going to even Happen?
As I say we'll find a way, you're gonna be my shrimp boat Captain
Word yoga for your mind to not get trapped chasing the divine.
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