Absolutely addicted to your incipient Existence
I Crave the Elusive Allay yet fall victim 2 Evade
The Perfect words to say, yet fear my debts Paid
Life’s way, conflicted by the allure of Resistance
Your blank page lays open, Naked and Afraid
Yearning with desperate need to feel my Ink
Learning how to separate, Study how to Sink
Into the pen to bleed again, and poetry is Made
And along we tend to neglect Time passing By
As a log burns with filthy wet dreams of Paper
Water logged until it yearns to become Vapor
Analog sits in a file cabinet, “I don’t wanna Die”
Did you, too succumb? Neck pain, Head Down
Digital screen to thumb, matrix ones and zeros
Did you know the world’s running out of heros?
No more written Fables or Non Fictions
Just more smitten Labels and Addictions
Did you tell us to Swim, knowing we’d Drown?
Look up..... it could be a person... you know of the human kind