Another sunset tries to survive, as it drifts beneath the earth and dies
The dreary dawn awaits for it's alter ego to stumble through the night
In theory gone, she baits the line, and casts our soul into another fight
A leery pawn, a game of fates, it's time to know, what feels just right
An eerie yawn, opens the gates, the perfect dream walks into the light
The sunrise comes with haunting cries, shining down on tearful eyes
Darkened skies remind last night's broken promises are Today's lies
Thieving Gray clouds shade the grounds as my head pounds and Throbs
Weaving Stray crowds of worried rats scurried about chaotically to Jobs
Leaving an unbearably noxious musk wafting throughout the surly Mobs
Deceiving another day until the dusk comes lofting like a thief and Robs
The morning's glory, came and went, and not a moment too soon
The mayhem and the havoc hellbent, clamoring to stay high noon
Tensed sheople just making life's rent, until the stars begin to croon
Incensed at the blanket time we spent, chasing the tranquil moon
It's too bright and hot out there, global cooling anyone? Biodome perhaps? Aliens please save us.