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Strangely numb, hollow and gray inside
Deaf and dumb, just along for the ride
Waves succumb to a ghostly ebbing tide
Very last crumb, the day inspiration died

But hunger shall survive
Energy never truly dies
Rented bodies living lies
As Nebulae comes alive

Supernova through a portal, born again
Saw Jehova, merely mortal, bargain bin
Deja preview, a movie I swear I’ve seen
Same new you, wondering how you been

Well it felt like eternity in a few seconds
I’d “say” more than words, pure essence
An Absolute still particle of blinding light
Soundly Sleepwalking in the dark of night
Saw my homie Ostasis the other day, so even keeled and always keeps it real.
Drifton A Way Feb 25
Alphabetically speaking
Biologically we're seeking
Communication in some way
Dying Dictation signs of decay
Extraordinary sprouted seeds
Fragmented within the weeds
Germinating wants and needs
Hibernating the ***** deeds
Irrigate the dire desert thirst
Jubilate, the levee finally burst
Keeping faith, knowing no bounds
Leaping wraith, hallowed grounds
Merely thankful for each breath
Nearly drank myself to death
Obtain the keys, unlock the soul
Pain and pleasure to fill the hole
Quietude to soothe your mind
Renewed mood the sacred kind
Striving for answers, yearning for more
Thriving in distractions, avoiding a cure
Untie the line, and cut the lure
Vie and opine the truly pure
Wardrobes a bore, plain gray's just not for me
Xenophobes galore in this brand new galaxy
Yin to the yang, balance they say is key
Zen with a bang, the universe is set free
Drifton A Way Feb 17
Fortune came a little late, but will it still favor the brave or the bold?
Too soon to claim it's fate, must not waver, stave off the urge to fold
A boon to be, fortune ate, a last meal to savor, just a slave to the gold
Full moon, worth the wait, the perfect flavor, fresh grave for the old

Waiting pensively for the doors of perception to crack open the realm
Baiting extensively, fore the chores of deception tend to underwhelm
Sense the false security, then grab a knife to slice the heavy tension
Rinse within the purity, waterfalls of life, the price of time's pension

Confiding in the powers that be, evolving to become pro creations
Sliding through the showers, and resolving all the lost translations
Clamoring community and connection, chasing dreams of affection
Stammering an opportunity for objection, facing streams of reflection

The Siren's sounds softly satiate the souls of mortals to keep them full
Hallowed grounds shall await, as we search for portals to a final goal
idk you figure it out.
Drifton A Way Oct 2024
My weary mind wanders like a slick slime Mold
The bleary grind ponders how time got so Old
An eternal bind planning for the future, so Bold
As HuMankind is panning the universe for Gold

So I sit here and stare at the ceiling fan above
Wondering if the action means pushing Shove
Conundrums in thee heart as tight as a Glove
Hypertensive fluttering but all you need is Love

And Round and round we Go
And Deja Vu again you Know
Be a fun guy time for the Show
My ceiling fan persists to Blow

I’m Microdosing lots of life
Hide the kids and the wife
Father time’s sharp knife
Confide in god zero strife

There’s got to be more, as a fact of matter
As a universal spore still persists to scatter
Panspermia comet brought the *******
As My ceiling fan spins, my pupils grow fatter

Where’d it all begin?
And How the hell are we alive?
Apple snakeskin sin?
A Bad screenplay to contrive

So many sacred lessons to be learned
Before the final court is to be adjourned

But Don’t worry the witness hasn’t Sung
The Corrupt Jury will remain forever Hung
Mystical Manna for your mind Carl Jung?
Or just a bunch of Beetle’s chasing Dung?

Either way it’s a long strange trip
And I know you don’t really drink
But maybe just take one little sip
My ceiling fan will make you think
I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️ and I kinda like it that way.
Drifton A Way Oct 2024
Longing for another memory
Clouded vision, hard to See
Wormhole to the future Me
Past and present reciproCity

I'm just happy to be here
Now.. everything is clear
Another fast moving year
Spinning vast blue sphere

I'm a greedy *******
Just a needy half dim wit
A little scared to commit
And just too lazy to quit

But I do know what luck is
And if God has a pop quiz

My answers would be...

Thank you for the free will
I appreciate that cold chill
A Roller coaster drop thrill
A cherished moment so still

Feeling Encapsulated and basking in the infinite Grattitude
Frozen and Elated in fractured time with my eyes so Glued
Forever Fated to the captured loop a premonition deja Vued
Finally Satiated and the solace soothes my soul perfect Food
We We, last meal? Deep dish Detroit style pizza if you ask me with a side of hot fried chicken and cajun pasta and Japanese hibachi teppanyaki choppy filet mignon and salmon with fried rice and all the sauces and chocolate soufflé to boot with a creme brûlée and a fully dressed white chocolate raspberry cheesecake tuxedo suit.
Drifton A Way Apr 2024
Can’t sleep as usual, mind full of racing thoughts
Scattered and unusable, but I must connect dots
Dreams are delusional, paralyzed stomach knots
Life is quite amusable, eternal electric Alan Watts

Searching for meaning in this forever fleeting
Deceiving the future and constantly competing
Passed last stop for gas running late for meeting
Presently stuck in a moment and it’s so defeating

So what do you do?

Well… I change my tone to match the question and try and avoid the slightest detection of my macro case of dereliction by trying to fit into this new unnatural selection.  How about you?

Oh me…. I’m an administrative associate’s assistant advisor to the senor executive director of advanced growth and analytics but….

In my free time I also dabble as a life coach consultant and a freelance enthusiast, who doubles as a self loathing soothsayer who’s also exultant towards psychic’s and any genie’s wish and I pose as a ******.. analyst just to credibly prognosticate the general gist of horror scopes…I know it all sounds pretty… prophetic, but I always act humble and keep it 100 % copacetic

So if you’re making a list, wondering where all your time went, or just one of my many haters

Go ahead and get ******… later, because I’m also the president of the meetup group for ……Procrastinators.
Whenever works for you, just let me know so we can reschedule.
Drifton A Way Jan 2024
Wake up
Grab a Cup

A Fiend for the Caffeine
Happy Serotonin Going
Nothing but a Lush

Afternoon to Evening
Got my Dopamine Flowing
Man, what a Rush

Humming to a Slumber
Got the Melatonin Slowing
Down to a Hushhh

Pineal Gland in Hand
Got the Hormones Growing
Just about to Gush

Slip to REM and it's Fluid
Finding Zen almost Lucid
Abruptly dreams Concluded

Return to Send
Wake up!
Now do it all Again
Chemical chasing dystopian slaves
Big city racing after utopian craves
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