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2.6k · Jul 2013
Drifting Jul 2013
She spoke softly
His words were harsh
She trembled under his words
He towered over her like the skyscrapers
The ones that climb high up above in the big cities
Blocking those below from sunlight
Leaving an ever present shadow
Down below

Was in that shadow

It never left her

                            a. d.
1.4k · Dec 2013
What happened, my dear?
Drifting Dec 2013
Looking in your eyes
I wonder what happened
Your eyes used to posses such a sparkle
You were so happy
And now
All of the colour has drained from your face
And the sparkle has fled from your eyes

My dear, whatsoever happened to you
Happened to make you so cold
And sad
And lifeless
You used to be so joyous and delightful
And now you are just a body,
Floating through life
Seemingly without a purpose
812 · Jul 2013
Drifting Jul 2013
His love for me was greater than all the stars in the universe
And my love for him was brighter than the sun
But yet in the same our love was like a star
Destined for glory, only to conceive a bitter and wondrous demise; exploding with a sea of colours and waves of greatness and beauty
810 · Jul 2013
I Tried
Drifting Jul 2013
I tried
I tried the best I could
But I couldn't last
I couldn't make it through
And for that I am only slightly sorry
Because it was a huge relief for me
I couldn't take it any longer
My tunnel had been struck and there was no longer light at the end of it
It was now a cave
And there was only one way out and that was not a physical way
But I had to do what was best for me
Or what I thought was best for me
Because I couldn't find another way out
I had looked and looked and searched and searched
But alas I couldn't find a way out
I was stuck
And I was in a dark cave
All by myself

No one had decided to join me on my trek
I asked around
But no one seemed interested
And the ones who did pay attention
Weren't interested

So here I am
Alone in this cave
With no way out
I need to do what is best for me
I can't keep living like this:
All alone and scared and most certainly afraid of the future and what lies ahead of me presently
But do not worry
Because I have a simple solution and you won't have to worry about me anymore
(not like you did at all before)
791 · Aug 2013
The Words You Said
Drifting Aug 2013
Some words that people say
Things they have said in the past
Hurtful words
They stick in your mind
Play over and over
They weren't spoken about you
But that persons thought process and crude judgments
You apply it to every aspect of your life and everything you do and how you always look
Because that was a good person
A nice person
You looked up to them
But turns out they have a dark side just like everyone else

692 · Dec 2013
Drifting Dec 2013
Sometimes it's better
Better not having people watching
Looking on
Keeping tabs of your successes and failures
What you have done well and what you have ******* up
Better not worrying about people keeping up on you and wanting to impress them,
Or keep up with their expectations

Sometimes it's just better
By yourself
With only yourself to impress or disappoint
With only yourself knowing

And sometimes it's just better without all of the pressures or worry about impressions and making a good one
670 · Jul 2013
Drifting Jul 2013
Her screams where not heard
Behind the thick walls
Of their apartment

No one knew what went on
Behind their closed doors

No one would have guessed
The "happy, perfect couple"
Had their own problems too

But they were only problems
For one of them

a. d.
663 · Jul 2013
Drifting Jul 2013
The sun shone on the earth with all of her strength
She grew tired and weary everyday
She needed to take a break and sleep also
So every night she gave the moon a chance to shine
And when she was done resting each night, he went away and let her take over again, letting the world take in her glorious rays and warmth
633 · Jul 2013
Drifting Jul 2013
He said hello
To the girl across the room
Reading the old dictionary
At the table in the corner

He could tell
There was something different
About that girl
He knew she wasn't like all the rest

She had her hair pulled back
In a loose, messy bun

She wore sneakers and jeans
And a sweatshirt
Tied around her waist

And she was reading a dictionary
He wondered why
Why would she be reading a dictionary
When she was in a building
Filled with a myriad of books

Perhaps she wanted to widen her vocabulary
Or maybe she just wanted to touch up
On the definitions of those troubling words
The ones she could never remember

              a. d.
568 · Sep 2013
One More Time
Drifting Sep 2013
I just want you to put your arm around my waist, one more time

To steal an innocent kiss from my cheek, one more time

Giggle like a small child, one more time

Send chills down my back
and invent previously nonexistent butterflies in my stomach, one more time

Tell me how I'm so perfect, one more time
Tell me that I need not worry,
that I am wonderful just the way I am, one more time

Make me feel like, even though time is infinite but our time together is not,
I am the most special and important person in your life, one more time

Just one more time, would I like someone to treat me with love, attention, and regard

534 · Jul 2013
Drifting Jul 2013
I yearned for your eyes for the longest time
I wanted to see you again.
I knew what you had done, but on some days, I just didn't care.

I never got to see you again
The memory of them
That picture in my mind, of your gorgeous, baby blue, crystal waters eyes, had faded.
I didn't picture them as often, I stopped thinking about them, and they faded.

They had faded so much, that when I went to think of those beautiful eyes of yours, all I could see was a random set of blue eyes.
My mind had just generalised that picture in my head of your eyes that there was just a random set of light blue eyes
Staring back at me, in the back of that classroom

in my memory

489 · Sep 2013
Drifting Sep 2013
Just think about this for a minute. We are all born with these bodies, that all, for the most part, work the same. But then you have this powerhouse *****, which is slightly different compared to the previous terms. It possesses differences and personalities and talents and abilities and likes and dislikes and EVERYONE is different in terms of their brain and how it applies to their life. Your brain isn't similar to someone else's in terms of you may not like the same things, you may be really good at one thing and the other person is really bad at said thing. Maybe you can draw really well but don't understand math very well, but they might be really good at math; it comes easily and naturally to them, but the best they can draw is a less than average stick figure.
479 · Aug 2013
Do you see it?
Drifting Aug 2013
Do you see it?
Do you see the beauty your whole being withholds?
Because lately I feel like you only see the superficial flaws,
the ones that would only be picked out by someone who was desperate to make themselves feel better and know that they aren't the only "imperfect" one out there
475 · Jul 2013
Words of yours
Drifting Jul 2013
Your words are lovely
Those very exact words that descend from your brain, to your fingertips
They are beautiful and no one could tell you otherwise unless captivated by a trance of some sort
Then and only then could someone possibly fathom that maybe the words that your wondrous brain cultivates, are less than exceptional
463 · Aug 2013
Drifting Aug 2013
I feel the cool of the tracks
Underneath my bare feet
I hear the whistle of the train off in the distance
The tracks start to quake and vibrate beneath me
The train sounds its horn again
The screech of brakes
But he was too late
I was already there

But not for long
448 · Jul 2013
What Will You Be
Drifting Jul 2013
"There's no indication of
What we were meant to be"

You could be anything
And so could I
Whatever you want, really

But some people tell you otherwise
That you have to be this or that
Study this area or go into this field
Don't do this and certainly don't do that
You'll never make enough money doing that
You won't be happy if you do this

But you have to block it all out
None of it matters

You were born with a clean slate
A blank canvas
You can be whatever you want

Do whatever your little heart desires
Go toward what interests you
What intrigues you
And what you find feasible with your little hands
And the amazing brain you were born with

Bra cause its not what others want
But what you want, my dear

If you go after what you want
That's when you will be happy

Don't live our life according to others
And what they think you should do
But what pleases you
And then
And only then
Will you be truly happy

                        a. d.
425 · Jul 2013
Drifting Jul 2013
Those words where not hers
The were in her mind but she was not speaking them
They tortured her day and night
Never ceasing to make her doubt herself
She didn't know what to do, how to make them go away, how to fix it

So she ended it once and for all
376 · Jul 2013
Another Quite Like Him
Drifting Jul 2013
He spoke those first few words and I knew that I would forever be attached to him, forever in love with him and would never find another quite like him

— The End —