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Drexton Clemons Dec 2011
Dear Perfect Girl,

Grounded in the real world

Taking care of herself like you’re rooted in a material one

Your eyes and smile never cease to amaze

But it’s your ambitions that set my heart ablaze

Your laugh puts a smile on my face

That seems to erase and replace

The negative and repetitive

If only for a second

I love our similarities

But our differences make it worthwile

From your taste in music to your sense of style

Because a venn diagram without differences is a circle

And I’d rather go the extra five-thousand two-hundred and eighty feet

To be close to you

Than to already understand most of you

By understanding myself

Dear Perfect Girl,

There are dimes that will do anything for a nickel

And nickels out making dimes

But I want your two cents

And though I may laugh at it

I take it to heart sometimes

Because like a game of monopoly

I don’t want to find myself back at the start

And I don’t really watch chick flicks

But I saw 500 Days of Summer

And you’re my Autumn

To which I’ll be sprung for in the winter

I wear no mask for you

Because I’ve divulged my past to you

For you are presently in my future

And though you may be a feminist I’ll try and be a perfect suitor

Dear Perfect Girl,

You say you’re OCD about some things

But it’s your imperfections that are great for me

And though I’m not sure I’ve met you yet

I dare you to wait for me

Because every day I improve myself

In preparation for thee

And a relationship you won’t forget

I’ll wear knee pads and a helmet

For when the day comes that I’m head over heels

I’ll be able to get up in time to catch you

When you fall in love

Disney taught me to wish on the stars above

And I’ve wished on every star

Thrown a penny in every fountain

And spent every 11:11

Wishing for you

Perfect Girl

— The End —