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Sep 2010 · 625
Bitter Freedom
DREX Sep 2010
just walk that way
away from this romeo play
end with change and nothing said
wondering what the thought of me really means inside ur head

sun is bright beatiful days
but filled with fury if I gaze
u fill the void still struck on ur Voice
bitter with ur ugly choice
speak and my time is measured
with trastic choices and from a thoughtless lender

spill the pain untill the pain is locked
speak and find u forever lost
but maybe thats the way of freedom
the trail of u leavin
but the emotion of that healin
is whats keeps the pain in my heart streamin
Sep 2010 · 956
Street Mold
DREX Sep 2010
Street fit  the light still alive
down a chosen road
casted role of a mind terrorized
broken hands still load
never let quit spark light the eyes
built of what wasnt told
only learn the hard way can describe
A cliche story been sold
backed by revenge no one can devise
lost but doesnt fit the mold
Sep 2010 · 651
Wandering Roots
DREX Sep 2010
I cant find me because there is no truth
world tossed by the long lost news
waging to raise to cover lost loot
music made in cash box booth
insticating mirror image follower crew
wasted by the chase of a monoplized youth
marketing miracles that heal the wound
target the picure perfect mood
to only find another way to pollute
gift of a gesture no longer loves proof
unless it name is shines brighter than the sun even do
I'll wander forever no soil true to root

— The End —