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1.8k · Feb 2013
rocket man
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Im a time in space, a space in time forever it seems to be in a locked in a race. Cosmic karma kowpowing me in the face.  

Blackhole of despair stealing all my air, wonder all around me. But stuck in a rut, so I just dont care.

Love is within me, but never found without. Tears I cry that streak across the night sky as moving as a meteor shower.

Like a comet blazing fiercely when your near, but fading to nowt in the depth of space. No one to hear me scream out.

To be the darkside of the Moon forever there, but forever lost. Never to be gazed upon, never to be touched.

I'm a rocket man, with my course set, shame we're not going to intersect. Lost in space just as in love. Never to feel that gentle touch or the deep throb of wanton lust.
1.8k · Feb 2013
Handcuffs and Smiles
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Heart trapped in iron bands, love forged and lust locked.

Music thumping, head board jumping. Sweet soul music screaming out. Nail marks and tooth bites shows how the passon lashed out.

Bodies entwind whats mine is yours and yours is mine. Bed room floor antics make me pine to explore.

Outside, inside, upside car bonet time, hand cuffs, leater whips and oh so much more to  explore.

Easy come hard to go, as I want to hold you, feel you by my side to the end of time.
1.2k · Feb 2013
enchanted sword
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
My heart in form of a dimminished sword all rusted throu and pitted with age, found entrenched within an anvil upon a stone.
Lonely eons pass me by, awaiting for fair damsels touch from far away fay Avalon.  
I sense a presence both near and far, it sets my iron core pulsing deep and strong, to feel life stiring within me once more.
Her touch is all it takes to awaken  fully the restored magic and more, to set my heart a gleamming to see me free to be held close.
We quest togeather to slay foul beasts, and right great wrongs of injustice done across the land. To make togeather an epic poem that sings true for generations to come.
The stuff that legends become.
1.2k · Jan 2013
Water World
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
Malestic falls raging upon high
Water pours brimming racing currents down

From bubbling brook to flooding Nile
natures bounty knows no bounds

From wrath and wroth the Earth is drowned
But with greenery life will once again be found
1.1k · Feb 2013
sweet nothings.
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Roses will be red,
When vulgarities are blue.

Sugar is sweet when im receiving it off you.

Hugs and kisses, pets and poutes  All make my head spin right away around.

Cuddles and snuggles are all real nice
A movie and wine make it all a good night.
917 · Feb 2013
12 year service
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Wish we lived in a move world where nice guys win and bad guy lose.
To be praised and thanked for hard work done, not just discarded once the gov says we were done.
To sit on a beach and watch the world revolve would be a dream, shame to know we were work bound and soon to be buried in the ground.
No golden handshakes or long good byes. 12 year service and soon to be done, not even to retire as all the gov monies gone.
850 · Feb 2013
Pots and Pans
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Ratling, clanking, tumbling down
over burdened wife hitting the ground

Bronze ones, dinted ones, ill fitting lidded ones.
All dinning and ringing as things rain down.

Wife is moaning, groaning throwing her weight around.

No bones broken just injured pride.
Shame about the stairs that she used as a slide.
837 · Jan 2013
Mind Fire
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
Minds afire with wanton desire
The feeing of skin touching skin
Silken soft verse velvet smooth
A kiss a breath all pants and moans
Desire in motion lets apply the lotion
Music all blearing all going crazy
lost in thoughts, Minds on fire
785 · Feb 2013
Silver Spire Princess
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
A moon lit, forest glade winding deeply ever on
Up mountain tracks and valley paths
Opening up on hidden paths

In one such star shone silenced space
A single silver spire stands

Within the boundaries of such a place sits enthroned
The most delightful of fairy folk

A Queen if any all regal and serene
A smile as light  such as the gentlest of zephyrs
783 · Feb 2013
unfetted dreams
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
A distant pair from far away, go to meet one fresh winter day.
Our glances meet we advance and take stock, A smile we have to each other we share
A touching hand to your lithe back, beckons you forth to near repast.
We sit and we settle surround by scuptured stone and welded metal, enjoying a laugh sharing in stores of long distant past.
My heart on my sleave like a beacon to you, giving you sight to see that my feelings are true.

Like a phoenix rising your fire blazes out rekindling your inner desire with a touch you renew.
We soared togeather to distant shores, each finding within a puzzle to fathom, to see where our future life lays.
758 · Feb 2013
frozen heart. thawing out
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Water trickles and mountains fall, thawing ice tumbles all
Blazing radiance, chasing melting all
Pristine snow scape at an end, redescovered tundra in summer  bloom
Life in action what a reaction, pure lakes and forrest berries
Things are living what a drive, cycles start and cycles end
its what keeps us trying hard
no matter that they droves us around the bend.
731 · Jan 2013
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
Life obscure in hiden peril
My heart is opened to your blazing fire
Eyes wide open to all your desires
Seeking solice from oricles of delphie
Future dreams of past and present
going extream in thoughts of heaven
A touch of minds of ivory towers
A dream of floating high seaking your silken powers
my fate is sealed with a single kiss
But to act in haste could end in waste
717 · Jan 2013
Time Long Lost
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
I while away, I wail alot
to hear out loud the ticking clock

Time aplenty to sit and worry over fleating heart beats sounding  tock

We cut, we save and we waste it away. Time all around us solid as a rock.
698 · Feb 2013
Sun upon High
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Morning my Radiant dawn,
your the star that shines brightest eternally on,
through blackest storm or darkest day.

Love blazes out encapsulating all,
caught within your Incorporeal ethereal gossamer fine touch.

Your the light that nurtures natures growth,
promoting change to reach for the empyreal
the life in light forever touching but forever apart.
685 · Jan 2013
7 Min World
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
The weekend was great the time away was brill, I hired me a cowboy builder to make me something durable.

I turned on the lights to see such a mess with only half made structures and an old feather bed.

I looked up and up and saw I was down a roof. So I orded one a new. A big clear dome to be set up on top.

Stepping around dodging dirt, earth and such. What a lovely site to see it just scatted as such. The rains had been bad, hitting long, hard and fast but lucky for me as my pond was now topped.

I looked around and thought ''hey this place would look good if I set up a ball'' , so out came my disco set, lights. Whistles and bells galore.

As I looked ever closer I spotted thier was nests, bugs, creepy crawly things  all manner of other beings living in, out and around my house.

But now my place looked good all it needed was friends, so out went the call for fun times for all. So it started with one, then two and before we knew it was brimming with tons

I woke up in bed all bruised and sore. Thinking ''what a night that was'' then I  sat up and swore as I imagined the bill.
673 · Jan 2013
Life in Motion
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
A knight of honour, thought and brimming with lore. Three lives he lives no life at all.

Flaws he as, no ceiling thou, walls abound to direct or ensnare.

Yet plenty stop, shame they only stare.

Awaiting calls from distant shores to find the peace hes striven for to travel the world to see a fresh to kindle renewal.

Families split torn for apart shorn in twain and scatted far, new lines added all raised in praise to come togeather in song to hearth, heaven and hearth.
655 · Feb 2013
8 Hours Off
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
Are we all dreaming or are we a sleep standing up.

Just to find me a little fishy swimming in the deep hidden fog.

Are we alone or are we togeather the princess and the frog.

Waiting for that brake to take me to the top, fighting dragons and orks slaying the lot,

A kingdom in peril, a damsil in distress, a mound of treasure to be won.
567 · Feb 2013
Drew Dockerty Feb 2013
I look at you, I think out loud
“What a dream I’ve lived inside my mind”
You rock my world, yet you knock me back
A thousand times a thousand cuts my hearts in tatters enough’s enough
All you see is waste, yet still I crave the moment for you to see that I’m alive
Bones, blood and family feuds my lives in flux
Never a point of contact, to set me spinning right

I wonder why, I’m always left
To be standing alone, moving from shadow, shade and moon light
Never to rest, always looked at like a pest
All it will take is a touch, a kiss, a whispered word, “It will be all right”
To make peace with me, myself, and I
All you need do is dig a little deeper, find the layers within layers
But to know within my heart that, will be will never be
To be forever alone, within a crowded room,
The one always left out just sitting in the cold
548 · Jan 2013
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
Within a shell of ice a heart resides all cool and blue and stable of might with constant attention to make it nice, with spit and polish till narry a worry brought forth the inner light.

The people who saw fell about in worry with envy on their lips. They picked and they poked but couldn't land a blow. They thought and they fought to brake apart the yoke.

Eventually landing a strike that broke it from whole. Taking a piece they shaped it from true, reforged it a new, it sparked and spangled but turned all red.

In anger in spite it lost its own head, shreaking it pieced all a head. Falling it fell, down it seemed to hell. Trapped within a body a prisam of lead.

Forever and more it's lost to lore, the voyage that once was will never be any more.
545 · Jan 2013
Temple Beauty
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
A temple goddess of high renown
Like the moon her light blazes out
The world abounds her every desire
To feel her wind blow upon my ear
The whisper of come here!

Like a maze her gaze it captivates,
Binging my heart in leaded chains
Picture perfect in every way a
Tattooed beauty all golden glow
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
When you're lost in the eternity of sorrow and despair flows in every vessel within you there's always a comrade, like a hero who lightens and settles your life to glow.

When you're carrying an aching burden and the purpose of your life's left hidden. There's always an angel from the heavens who brakes the rules which are forbidden and saves you from the tomb of desperation.

A comrade, a hero, an angel... Whatever you call him, he's a friend who listens, who comforts, who understands and who's worthy to be one of a kind.
512 · Jan 2013
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
Sun in life and son in ward
A star above and yours below
Shines bright and smiles galore
Fading away the pains of yore
504 · Jan 2013
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
Being normal in an abstract way
the bit between the lines...

...Just the truth and honour bound
A cog, a wheel a gear grinding down

seeking love, been let down
a glass half full, shame it's chipped liquid seaping out
488 · Jan 2013
Heart on a Sleave
Drew Dockerty Jan 2013
The past you cannot forget or undo,
The future is all we can look forward too.

I wish I could have been there by your side...
for all the times you've weeped and cried.

Know from my heart, what I say is true...
That I hurt for the pain you have been through.

Never alone shall you be, someday, somehow
freedom you will see may your hopes and dreams come true,

No matter where you are, I'll always be here for you...

— The End —