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Nov 2019 · 113
Dressed-N-Venom Nov 2019

Tilt me up
Lean me over
Pour me out



Nov 2019 · 177
Dressed-N-Venom Nov 2019
Swallowed.... you took me in
a den with gloom
a brick of warmth you offered my mantle piece
offering hope,offering peace
I met your flame !
Mar 2016 · 509
The Climb
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
I'm familiar with the bottom
I used to live there
My neighbors wore the same dress code
We greeted eachother with the familiar language of the Struggle
Hearing the cries of the people when they were in disbelief of times of supreme demise
A muted tongue from what life had done
Destruction to a Middle Class family
Payed a visit to my front door
The Bottom caught my fall
And replaced my sorrows with ambition
To ignite action and propell us from the past
Flowers sprouting through the cracks of concrete.
The World so big zeroed in on the piece of earth i lived in
A small fractured piece
A shadow in the wilderness
Looking for resources
And then.... It was then that I found the missing pieces .......
The pieces....To BUILD
A world so small had begun to grow so Tall in mY World
Once living in destitude
Now living amongst the multitude
A Family of THREE became Many
The bottom I knew all so well
But a vision came to me and the idea began to swell
The story unfolds as the story gets told
Days are pages
Obstacles overcome are Chapters
And The End.....    is the Beginning
And Climbing got me HERE!!!!!
Mar 2016 · 449
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
Hello Mother
I await my Birth
Is it time to reavel to the world my purpose yet?
These walls speak to me about whats to come
I am anxious to be freed
Spring me from your spout
Let me OUT
I want to be  absorbed
I want to be enhanced
I want to give vibrance
I want to amuse
I want to be injected
I want to affect/effect the infected
I want to be The CURE
Mar 2016 · 331
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
The presence of you appearred as a BEING of Hope
Perpelexed I am of you
An unknown species
Your truth made contact
As it began to pull me from the depths of depception
Oh how my reasoning was once consumed by the Pit of Blackness
But it was YOU who peered beyond and  found ME( Oh Being of liiiGHT)
In this decrepit state
Here I lie under the rumble of devastation
A visible match for death
But Here I lie AWAkE.......
.............. ...  

a survivor.......... ..... ?????????????


....................­.In this Moment......................

.................. YOU ARE REAL !!!!!!.............

OooHhh BEING of LIGHT!!!!!!
              ((((((YOU ARE REAL)))))))))
Mar 2016 · 356
Gone Gone GONE
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
From dust to dawn
Another lover gone
Heave *** it hurts no more
Lovers in sin
Raveged by the lust within
Beastly vigor
Scortched by the fire
Cast down by desire
Who am I to hire but a replacement for a liar
Mar 2016 · 291
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
Turbulent  blow 
Burned  by  your vengence 
Hell's  sister , I'm ­ startled  by your reminence
A  kiss  from you    I'm devastated  by  your  blaze  
You left  me  in  pieces 
­To be coupled by someone elses hands
How did I know it would be our last dance?
Mar 2016 · 293
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
Behold the Twilight has come
Look at the body snatchers begin to run and take shape
I saw you then but now? You R vac ant
Just another soul snatched
caught in the moment  
A mere glimpse of what was, ran empty
no refill
Help Me put your pieces back together again
Help MeeEE put your PiEceS Back ToGETHheR Again!
Mar 2016 · 563
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
This little voice of MINNEEE I'm gonna let it shine....this ...little voice of mine I'm gonna let it shiNNNEEEE!!!!!!



it's soft and Wet but POTENT

Like the ink that splatters from a pen

There was no mistake of the meaning that suddenly took flight

When my words were revered my actions appeared in daylight
Oh my this little voice traveled and now and now, and now and now..... it's NOW!
Mar 2016 · 329
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
How RoBUST....!
You stick your chest out and assert your ******
Your well defined
Not one stone can break your stride
The limited view of you, gives notice to an unseen audience
I'm bewildered by your effervescent conspiracy
and its nuances......
Mar 2016 · 252
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
Life has hung me out to dry
Lucid thoughts but still I die
Take me as I am
Protect  me with your ARMORED skin
Reveal your STRENGTH from WITHIN
TAKE  ME because  I have FALLEN
Injured and oppressed
Relenquish my SILENCE
Mar 2016 · 274
Hello Future
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
I always dreamnt of meeting you
and what you would look like and if I'd live to see you

Hello Future!

It's been a long road traveled
But here you and I stand offering each other a hand and greeting eachother with a smile

Mar 2016 · 240
Slayer of Evil
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
Coming to divide
Your sheep from the weak and to the hills I ride
Mar 2016 · 267
Here I AM!
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
My thoughts began the beat and my baseline took place
A silent assassain crept into first place
Don't play me as a fiddle when my pedigree is BASS!
Mar 2016 · 215
My Thanks Goes Out To You
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
Lessons learned came and went
Memories of you left its scent
Mar 2016 · 404
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
As a tamned bird
that has no cage
In loving arms
where there is no rage,
LOYALTY,begins with an onset of friends
LOYALTY dines within
It's the everlasting need to be needed
and the effort returned that makes it a commitment
Mar 2016 · 254
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
Resonating from ear to ear echos the JOY I hear when your laughter appears
Give me MORE and pour it on thick for it's JOY I get when we're in ITS MIDST
Mar 2016 · 244
Dressed-N-Venom Mar 2016
Your translucence is divine,
I'm compelled to what draws me to your side
The need of you invigorates my mind.
Cover me and allow me to hear my thoughts

— The End —