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14.0k · Oct 2014
Rupal Oct 2014
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
2.3k · Oct 2014
Rupal Oct 2014
In depth
there is
fear and insecurity...

people prefer

The shallow
Tried and tested...
2.3k · Oct 2014
Rupal Oct 2014
Sadness, Pain
is temporary,
always  passes away...

Joy, Happiness
is temporary,
always passes away...

is permanent,
people always
an act of kindness...
2.1k · Sep 2014
Two Faced 10W
Rupal Sep 2014
Each mirror shows you two faces
the real, the masked.
2.1k · Oct 2014
Rupal Oct 2014
Many masks
Many names,
By choice...

Mask over mask
Bereft of skin
Dare not reveal
What is underneath...

the only way
I dare
I live...

Rawness, nakedness
Unplastered walls.
Debris, wreckage,
where's my mask

Who are you,
who makes me wonder,
who makes me ponder.
Something I never asked before...

**Who am I
1.8k · Jan 2015
Lie ( 10W)
Rupal Jan 2015
the most honest
thing to do
is to lie
1.7k · Sep 2014
Life Taught Me
Rupal Sep 2014
1** ~   Figure out what you want,
                      learn to ask for it. Nobody
                      can read your mind.

2 ~    Nobody will love you the
                      way you imagined.

3 ~     Life does not come
                       with a reboot option.

4 ~     People are not covered
                       under manufacturer's warranty.

5 ~     Everything comes with a
                       shelf life, including

6 ~    Nothing is permanent.
                       Nothing comes free.
                       Why pay for temporary

7 ~      Even if they hate you.
                        At least they tried.

8 ~      You only live once
                         till you die once.

9 ~       Make happiness a
                         compulsion. Don't let
                         sorrow choose you.

10 ~    Sometimes lose everything.
                         You realize your worth.
1.5k · Oct 2014
Rupal Oct 2014
Don't create

You'll get
caught up
in your
own creation...

Learn to
remain in
with everything
around you*...
1.4k · Nov 2014
I wonder...
Rupal Nov 2014
That which gives fragrance...

where does the fragrance go
when it rots...

Is my being...

an ecstatic sobriety
a sober drunkenness...

I wonder...
1.4k · Sep 2014
Soul Curry
Rupal Sep 2014
No one can be YOU
in absence or presence.

An ingredient I use
in the meal
I make for You.

What can I serve today
I wonder...
Something new maybe.
Beyond the ingredients
that I know.
You become the ***
into which I pour
all of me.
Let us have
this soul curry.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Fragrance 10W
Rupal Sep 2014
Thorns given by you with love
can be my garden.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
The rose wants to perfume
your hand.
You fear the thorns...

The rose says,
" the thorns are inside you,
   the perfume is inside me"
1.1k · Oct 2014
Observation 10W
Rupal Oct 2014
witness the dream...

witness the waking

Just witness...
1.1k · Jan 2015
Meaning (10 W)
Rupal Jan 2015
When meanings
Life has a
Whole new
1.0k · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
I am not
a statue.

For you to put on a pedestal.

Waiting to break
the minute you drop me.
990 · Oct 2014
Reflections Again
Rupal Oct 2014
A mirror
in the state
of not knowing.
It only
from the

Pure awareness
in the state
of knowing.
It reflects
Another one for you Joe
949 · Oct 2014
One Too Many
Rupal Oct 2014
A single jasmine
can be my garland
A single grape
can be my vineyard.

are all I need.
add fragrance,
add sweetness
to my being.

are my one
in the many
my many in
the one...
945 · Oct 2014
Alone, Yet Accompanied
Rupal Oct 2014
yet accompanied
by the sea
called humanity
I walk each day.

A step
closer to You.

My loved ones
nothing but
porcelain dolls,
to be
handled with care,
so easily broken...
i dare not hold
with trembling hands.

Am I your thought,
your desire,
a mantra you chant,
your creation
a figment
of my
own imagination...

yet accompanied...
934 · Sep 2014
Catching Up
Rupal Sep 2014
If you are in a hurry,
go ahead and don't
bother to wait for me.
My life still needs me.

Some untold stories,
an unsung song,
an incomplete conversation,
an unread book.
Some bridges to build
some to burn,
wounds to heal
fences to mend
relations to tend...

In my hurry
to catch up with you,
I breathlessly ran and
I left behind
so many moments,
breathtaking moments.
Let me catch up  
with them now,

I'll catch up
wtth you later...
"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep..." Robert Frost
Dedicated to my friend Deborah, in whose words I witnessed a pause, a miracle...
839 · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
If the search for God
is a fantasy,
I would rather settle
for a fantasy...
784 · Sep 2014
Warm and Fuzzy 10 W
Rupal Sep 2014
Warmth of tears is like
Sunshine on a rainy day.
Inspired after a great read Pradip Chattopadhyay's " Why I love You"
783 · Nov 2014
Rupal Nov 2014
Some people
are apologetic
when they
break things...

Some people
break hearts
and pretend
nothing happened...
778 · Sep 2014
Against All Odds 10W
Rupal Sep 2014
You are my odd
against the rest of
the universe...
776 · Oct 2014
Fact 10W
Rupal Oct 2014
Trust and Mistrust
Are both based
On rationalization
Of facts.
775 · Sep 2014
Full [10W]
Rupal Sep 2014
I would rather be empty
Than lead a shallow life.
742 · Oct 2014
Rupal Oct 2014
There is no smoke
without fire...

Why does the worst
smoke spew when
the fire is put out*...
733 · Sep 2014
Bits of You
Rupal Sep 2014
My longing needed a face
I particularly liked yours.

My thoughts needed nourishment
I chopped bits of you to chew on.

Hear me with your heart against mine
Taste me with  your mouth on mine

You are the ink that flows in my verse
You are more than ink, more than verse...
719 · Sep 2014
Live it up 10W
Rupal Sep 2014
Trying to cram life into death.
It is inevitable...
708 · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
Emancipation comes to mind
in *******...
The freedom to be bound
lies within...
679 · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
Nothing belongs
to you or me.

Teach me O Master
to live like a mirror
speaks not
conceives not
rejects not
contains not

Break all moulds
the ones I know not
especially ones I know.
Take away things
what I need not
especially ones I need.

*Nothing to lose
no life to cling to.
No doing, no undoing
You call, You consume
i wait to dissolve.
675 · Sep 2014
Shelf Life
Rupal Sep 2014
All renews itself
Yet all perishes...
666 · Sep 2014
Fix it 10W
Rupal Sep 2014
Having strong walls does not help
  When the roof's weak...
665 · Jan 2015
Happy New Year
Rupal Jan 2015
My wishes for all of you...
Not just limited
to this year but
to all the
years you experience
in this lifetime...

Hope the years
are fun filled, smashing,
rocking and happening
just like all of you...

Wish you all happiness,
joy, peace, and
other beautiful feelings...
Have been away for a while but you all have become a part of my mind, so always in mind... Have a lot of beautiful verse to catch up on...
632 · Sep 2014
My Constant
Rupal Sep 2014
Time changes
Seasons change
Reasons change
People change...

                       But YOU
are neither my time, season, reason nor person.

are that part of me
where I find myself...
622 · Oct 2014
Rupal Oct 2014
I look at my reflection
In the mirror.
I smile,
it smiles back.
I frown,
it returns the frown.
It simply imitates.
It is not me,
merely a witness...

I observe the mind,
a traffic of thoughts.
I get involved
and realize
I am not the thought,
merely a witness...
618 · Sep 2014
One More Day [for Joe Cole]
Rupal Sep 2014
I may have missed out on life's little things,
like winning an Oscar, a Grammy.
I sure have gained life's big things,
like being the best in the school play
and singing in the choir.

I never got the Nobel Prize ever,
So I settled for the big prizes instead.
Hugs from my friends and
that look from my crush.

Somehow never desired little things
money could buy - a Birkin or a Ferrari.
But cherished the big things
money could never buy,
the bag mum knit and
the high of riding on dad's shoulders.

I miss those days when games meant,
Hide and Seek, I spy, Blind man's buff, Cops and Robbers.
Games were not downloaded then.

I miss the times when trips meant
camping in the backyard.
Those days days when
the tooth fairy and Santa did visit me.

I would love to have one more day
to live that carefree life again...
Thanks once again dear Joe for this trip down memory lane to the best days of life.
602 · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
One day I will wake up
from this living dream
a prisoner of my thoughts.

One day I will dress up
in the finery of my shroud
as I leave these old rags behind.

Come in, raise a toast
friends waiting, six feet under
to scrape the last bits of me.

Come in as I set myself free,
look in the mirror and find me
I have a new way to be...
590 · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
Will I wake up and live
the dream I am dreaming
Will I fall asleep and dream
the dream I am living...
567 · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
With you I have stopped
wondering what I am missing.
I know what I am missing.

If you love me,
love me now, not when
I've learned to live without you.

I am tired of being the only one
in this relationship.
521 · Sep 2014
Home Sweet Home
Rupal Sep 2014
Happiness arrives
tries to find room
in my house
but is only a guest
so must leave someday...

Sorrow arrives
and occupies the
room happiness vacated
but can live until
someone else comes knocking...

will forever remain.
My substratum,
even when the house
exists no more
You, who I dare to call mine...
519 · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
With some people
A moment becomes
A lifetime...

With some people
A moment
Not found
In a lifetime...
514 · Sep 2014
Act 10W
Rupal Sep 2014
Real beauty lies in the action
not in the reaction.
508 · Sep 2018
Rupal Sep 2018
Finally beyond feeling anything
No scope for damage control
Crushed  and finely powdered
Passed through a sieve too
No scope for further damage
Finally beyond wear and tear
Living death like life depends on it.
Finally beyond all healing.
480 · Sep 2014
Lost 10W
Rupal Sep 2014
In my search for YOU
I want to lose myself...
470 · Sep 2014
Rid Me of Me
Rupal Sep 2014
I loved looking at what the mirror showed
I loved looking at the one you loved...
Now all I see is shattered glass and
and bits of me scattered  all around...

One such shard you embedded in my heart,
that's all I have to call my own.
Alive but dead I seem to all.
Pallbearers waiting to get done with the job.

Nothing to leave 'cause I gave you all,
my heart, my soul, my body, my all.
Selfish they say, look at this ***** factory,
but how can I give what is not mine to give.

You are my person, I've ceased to be.
You are my vision, I've ceased to see.
You are the silence, I've ceased to write.
You are everything I need and all I don't.

This parting gift , my heart holds dear,
saved for another heart to unbreak.
The glass shard mine to give,
take it now, before they throw it away.
Found it in a box of stuff labelled,  'To get rid of'...and today i did.
It's cathartic. No more heart left to be broken...
438 · Sep 2014
The Witness
Rupal Sep 2014
If you and i
are ever to meet
let us not meet
in the marketplace
or in our dreams.

Let us meet
where the whole world
is witness that
we never met
and still became us
or let us never
meet at all...
Rupal Oct 2014
Each season comes and goes, the beauty of it all

The storms of life, make me sit upright

The tears that are shed and they hold me tight

Takes my heart, makes me fight

As the moon rises, and wind blows long

I am tucked in bed, and I know just know...

There is a reason for every season

nothing everlasting, yet we cling

every storm, followed by a calm

the seed that breaks, only sprouts

the heart that breaks, germinates

But for you and me... No season, no reason...

The path I take, will always be the wind mills

Of time, but my heart can only take so much

As each time I am shoved from these trying times

I beg I cry, to let me find, let me die

but then I see words in the sky that show me

how my friends, how the world can be

and then there was you, a dear sweet friend

from across the world but so near to me ...

*Familiar paths I will not choose

neither follow nor will lead

People come, people go...

Maybe reason, maybe season

It's not per chance you and I met my friend

HE.. who knows what I need, before I know

Sent me a friend, so near, so dear

And Just a click away...
By: Debbie Brooks and Rupal
Bold: Debbie
Italics: Rupal

Thank you dear Debbie for this beautiful flow of minds...
433 · Sep 2014
Rupal Sep 2014
It's cathartic for me
to tear a paper
into million bits
and offer it to the winds...

That's not why I gave you my heart.
Was it your catharsis...
428 · Sep 2014
Alms 10W
Rupal Sep 2014
Need to give, YOUR'S
I may not need to receive...
428 · Sep 2014
Creativity [for Joe Cole]
Rupal Sep 2014
My little one
boils a kettle of emptiness
on her little toy stove.
Careful, I caution
don't burn yourself my dear.
She pours a cup of
carefully without spilling any.

Ah delicious! I fondly say
as I sip the emptiness.
This is a game I play with her
and isn't it creative how  
she taught me to savour
Some say, Empty vessels make the most noise.
I say, how can they? Aren't they full of emptiness.
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