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dreadfulmind Dec 2013
It's funny how you always wish that i'm gone
As if i'm literally gone
Vanish from the surface of the earth

What if one day your wish come true
Will you be satisfy? Because that's what you wanted right..?
Sometimes people make stupid decisions at the wrong time

Let's just hope that your wishes come true and you will not regret it.
dreadfulmind Dec 2013
It's beginning to look like the person you trust the most
Can be the person you doubt the most

Why is that when everything starting to make sense
And the whole universe understands you better
Things start to fall apart

So it's true there is no such thing as eternal love or happiness
Because they both only exist in our minds.
dreadfulmind Jul 2014
”It’s funny how i thought 
I was good at hiding my
fellings, but then strangers
started asking me what was
wrong and why I looked so
tired and that’s when I 
realized you didn’t care 
enough to notice”
dreadfulmind Jan 2014
I cried at midnight
Knowing that I feel sorry for myself
For all the things I have done
People repay my kindness with *******
I apologize for the things I have done
Because I know whatever I do, it's never enough
I hate myself too much or not at all
dreadfulmind Apr 2014
You know what hurts the most?
When you look forward to go home everyday
But the people at home do not look forward to see you.
dreadfulmind Dec 2013
I find serenity in the most beautiful way
It's the sound of violin
How I wish I could describe it easily
But truely, no words can describe how peaceful i felt

Violin, it is different
Unlike piano, it is soulful
Unlike guitar, it is magical
Unlike drums, it is softer

And to those who knows how to play the violin
You are the lucky ones
I would do anything to play the violin
And learn everyday with various notes and songs

The sound of violin, it is like love
But more powerful than love itself
It touches the soul beneath you
To the core of your heart
And spreads to all parts of your body.

*P/S : You should listen to this violin cover :) I promise, you will not regret it.
dreadfulmind Dec 2013
Waiting for the train come
It was peak time
The train station was packed like sardine packed
Full of workers hoping to go back home to their families
All the sweats they have given out on that day
Was it all worth it?

Standing besides the railway
Fantasizing, imagining
If i jump will anyone help me?
Will anyone pull me out of the railway?
Small lights catched my eye 1km away
Oh there's the train coming!
Everyone was colliding and pushing each other to get into the train
Because you don't want to miss the train
It was near dawn, everyone wants to go back before dawn approaches
They would do anything to get in
I was bumped into a guy, he was sweet
And then things get so awkward in the train
I was seating infront of the guy
It was one of the moments I would like to escape from
But not long after that, we hopped off at our station
Heading back home

And until now, I could never forget his face :)
dreadfulmind Jul 2014
Because there is a swell of pain inside me, and it is beginning to compromise the structural integrity of my emotional skeleton. Because hope feels like something that was discontinued due to safety concerns. Because I can't make love to the billboards but am compelled to try anyway. Because when I wake up I resent that I have to go on living. Because when I try to tell people how I feel, they say, "That reminds me of a very funny television commercial I just saw." Because everything i touch-the ottoman, the remote, the shoes, the coffee table, the collectible flatware, the books, the friendships, the interior of my car, the clothing, the records, my wife, the CDs (and the ****** plastic cases they come in), the old letters from friends I met at summer camp thirty years ago the pocketknife that belonged to my grandfather, the flowers I cut and put in water, the finger paintings the slow kid that lives next door gave to me, the house plants, the sunsets, the secrets I am afraid to share, the angry letters to my congressperson, the children I will never have, my marriage, my job, everything and every other thing-fades or crumbles into broken parts that I can never reassemble.

Why are you so sad? By James Porter, page 139.
dreadfulmind Jul 2014
Words you should not speak
Words you should not hear
Come on and tell me one more lie dear.
dreadfulmind Jul 2014
Distance is complicated but it all depends on certain people. If you can cope with it, then you're fine.

Distancing yourself from people is okay but if you frequently do it, you have to expect that people will come and go in your life. Mostly they will leave because of what you did.

Don't let your mind guarded your heart and your thoughts from feeling the way it is. Fight the feeling because sometimes non of the feelings are true. Life is a war. You have to get ready of what is coming. You should open up a little bit. Don't let your inner thoughts sink you in because when you do, no one will help. Remember, you push everyone aside. Who is going to save you after all?

I know it's hard to find answers when the questions won't come out.

— The End —