Tricks of the trade,
when nothingness becomes something bold,
like that last number a paper did fold,
so you call and call,
playing a tone through all the halls,
and bridges falling down,
and houses no one has found,
in the midst of filled place people call a town,
with no air that doesn't walk brisk,
no stories sharing besides with a fist,
oh, how we see the things we wish to seed,
misery makes a mess and not just of me,
history is the best when it isn't your story,
or when you have a place that isn't this stormy,
and you're looking back and proud to hear his story,
of how he met her on some rainy day, and pain and clouds,
isn't the only thing she took away, because ultimately she gave,
and it's a perfect trial, fair and just, harmonious and without grave,
so she calls and he answers her name, until one gives, and steps,
past their hallway into yet another loving place, their bedroom,
their headroom totally unbetrayed by anything except play
loving the quarters and the pennies others throw away,
stopping never and only ever desiring to say, I,
my dearest, love you, and I swear I'll stay,
and it goes without saying, this
could never have been amiss
and I will never miss you
and I beat for you
and I for you
for you