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 Feb 2013 Kaitlin Jean
I know what it is like to feel passion;
the way my skin tingles at your touch
Leaving me breathless and wanting more.
The two of us entangled in the darkness.
your blinds drawing shadows across my figure
As your fingers gently graze my cheek.
you penetrate my soul with your own
and I feel so close to you it hurts.

I know what it is like to love another;
denounce your whole being unto him and trust
Him with the power to destroy your essence.
He will never know what he has done to me.
He will never know the power he has over me.
He will never know the passion I have for him now.

I know what it is like to be in love; for
I am captivated by your eyes,
by the upturned corners of your mouth
and most simply by the feeling I get around you.
I have studied your ways
For many days now
Every move so patient
You are not like me
I am not
Calm like you are
Except when
That breeze runs through
My mind and
Then moves to your eyes
and then it likes to move
Around the other ways;
Around them,
To find
You there
I'm not there,
But you say to
Be there
So I will be. . .

You never seem to change
Like I do
Or like my mind
I should say

I see this in you. . .


I try and understand
The feelings that arise
Like a fire in your
Holy Wilderness.
Naked in
Times of confusion

I love confusion
I hate confusion

Its where I felt you first
and where you first
Saw my unholy wildness.
Naked in
The fire that once
Consumed the feelings
In my life


You could see that!

I couldn't see through
The blaze
The purple haze
The strange days
That they too had
Already seen

But I think that you had
Already seen me
Spiraling into my violent

So you took the time
To study me and
Seek me out
Instead of the other way

You excepted my
Screaming and shouting
The twisting and turning
That I have so doubted

You are the one


I think I like this. . .

I don't know what
I am looking for. . .

But I found you
and you solved
that problem.

— The End —