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Sep 2016 · 662
A message from a Gray Hair
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
I think
I have collected the whole world
The bag is empty with nothingness
The match I was playing to my latest rest
To die only the life in earnest
The shadows of vanity
Lived in another’s breath in a withered spring.
The winter night shivering in snow
Lifting up the tearful eyes for another disappearance
Warmth gives the illusion of fire once again
To melt into the untruth of a lying messenger.
The unarmed wise looser
Fights with his tears in the battle field .
Sep 2016 · 435
And Then…….
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
In an uneasy sequence of fear
I prepare myself to redefine my being
The world comes down to what
That never shaped itself
Never shall ever the same
The letters are stretched
To the boundary of my fate
All innocents sail towards the undetermined end
At the close of the day.
All numbers end
When darkness rests on the eyelid.
Sleep is about to be somewhere
Waiting at the corner
I know how to leave the numbers
And wait for them to reappear
In a long arrangement of cause and consequences
Leave it alone
This is the end of the road
What lies beyond it
You need not know
The is no need to calculate the figures now
And then….

Copyright @ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 565
A Smile on two Broken Lips
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
That day in an unbecoming morning
You told me
You will be broken
If left you half way
I kept you carefully in me
With a fear
Least you will be broken
I could not understand you then
You broke all my innocent present
Sometimes you come in a stormy night
Or in a merciless sun
In my aloneness.
I have tried in so many ways
To understand your presence
But failed
Now everywhere there is lighted darkness
You cannot hide in me anywhere
Still my unattached waiting for your
Egoless smile
Hanging in your broken lips

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 417
Prisoner of a lonely Tower
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
He shares his self arranged alphabets
The conventional signs that are
Not the same to others as to himself.
The feelings shared with convenient deceptions
Half said and half unsaid
Concealed under the broken breast
The words conceived from scars bleed faithfully
Inside the concrete walls of the heart
His love cannot see hope from any angle
Freedom asleep under the cold blanket
Of the errorless sin of an humble wanderer
The heart compels to weep the compassion seen in the tears
Length mocks the breadth
Breadth mocks the height
In the solitary confinement of an unseen crime
To exploit the grief.
Dark blood and cold flesh of death
Have made undone all the sighs
Of the violet face inside the blackened walls.

Copyright @ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 499
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
My writings are in a wet paper
My morning starts on a floating wave
My memory in a missing time
Everything uncertain and unclear
All the de-petaled flowers of yesterday
Yet I am forced to live into which I am betrayed
Following a journey for a war of life.
Being a conqueror
When I return
YOU (life) are excited for another death.
Futile attempt, futile ego.
I deceive myself sincerely knowing much about YOU
But manage carefully not to know YOU.
YOU cling
To the murderous innocency of the child’s smile
To the unbearable softness of the winter morning sun
To the softest violence of the mother’s love
To the invisible darkness of the no-moon night
To the sharp look of the eye
To the vapors of a warm kiss on the fore head
Still much remain unsaid and untouched
Perhaps any say about YOU is unsay able
And all unsayables are the only sayings of you
Perhaps you are not available when I am there
But available when I am not there
The Seeker.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 385
The grass under the feet
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
It looks up with no desire
To touch the infinity
But a passion to be infinitely small
To cling to the earth
To serve with all its softness it possesses in its heart
To soften the merciless feet of human
Walking on it.
It suffers with all pleasure
Under the feet
Under a merciless sun
Under the hungry mouths of the cow
Without a complain.
Its candle burns on both the ends
That is its only excuse to live.
No suffering can disturb it
It is beyond the mortal frame
In constant communion with the beyond
Drinking the nectar of infinite joy
In its unidentified frame.
Its soul pervades everywhere
From dust to the cosmos
From time to the timeless
From tears to smiles
With enough of its presence
In the smell of a passionate heart.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 466
A Communion with a Mute
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
Dumb, deaf and blind
She stands alone unmoved from the soil
So many storms have left signatures of grave
Some have cracked the bones
Some have soaked the blood
Her heart broken into thousands of pieces
She gathers them again
Rearranges them with a confidence
Lest, it will be losing its tolerance for another storm.
She expects nothing
Just some drops of water
To fill her womb with a life for her child
Standing under the shade.
She not indebted to any
Showers her whole being in a thousand and one ways.
Her breathing spreads to every dimension
Crossing all the boundaries of discrimination
To feed the vital.
Life emanates from her
An unidentified oneness she chants throughout
The wood cutter cutting half of her body
Resting under her shade in tiredness
To gather strength for the next half.
The unbounded dimension of her grace
Rains on his body from head to feet.
She knows that what nobody knows
She speaks that what no one can listen
She sees that what no one can perceive
The music of her leafs reaches not the incapable ears
She knows the secrets of life
The art of giving herself entirely
Converting each suffering to a virtue.
I take but a chance to feel
My life is a part of her life
The vital that vibrates in her
Shares my core.
I bleed when she is hurt
My heart beats when she breathes
In a complete harmony.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 441
The Mirror
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
Full of emptiness I  stand
From an unremembered past
To turn the troubles of my face merely upon myself
With passions of some difference
It gives me soil to my behavior
My breast has buried the thoughts of great values
My eyes see not myself, but the reflection of your somebody
Turning a no-body in every moment.
I have no such negligence
As will turn your hidden worthiness’ into your eyes
That you might see your shadow
All dangerous images seek into me
That which is not me
You cannot see yourself so well as my reflection
I can modestly discover you for yourself that yet you know not
The false promises of your love
I prefer myself to all roots
To be afraid of your hidden image
The stormy hearts of disagreement with me
Arising from the flames of your body
Walking under your huge legs

Peeping about to find yourself in the dishonorable grave
I will consider what you have said
I will consider what you have to say
I will with patient have and find a time
Both we to hear and answer one another.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 872
The White Cloud
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
Awarded Poem
(By Poetry First publishing International , as top 100 poems of the World-2015)

With the feathering breast of silvery wings
I float in the sky
Dancing in tune with the wind
Merging all my desires with it.
I find myself entirely there
When I myself is no more.
None can frustrate me as I have no aim
None can defeat me as I have no desire to win
I simply float with a desire less effort to go nowhere
Because I am not there to find myself.
My appearance is nothing
But the illusion of my disappearance
It is the only strength of my Being
I know the art of melting into nothingness
Under the cruel passion of loosing myself.
The whole liberty is in my palm
My warm womb, full of emptiness
Carries the whole universe
Breathing silently in deep slumber.
My pity flow in all dimensions to the stumbling man
Groping in the darkness of his self created hell
My compassion turns futile before it reaches the dark valley .
I have no language to communicate
Simply to commune with my words of light.
But hopeless I am
The moment my words reach you
You change the meaning with your tricky words
You may understand me or understand not
But you cannot misunderstand me  
As you cannot distort my silence
But is my helpless ness
To be with you in the closest distance
I see everything suspended moment to moment.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 420
Autobiography of a human
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
(Awarded with International Elite Writer’s Award )

I crawl fast on my stomach
Over the gray fields of summer
The feet ached tramping up and down
Dug out from the memory of the hard days
Needless to look their safety as my own.
I listen the simple rhythms of the blizzard
All the night through
Cool them under the ****** coat of humanity
With a deep faith on what the warmth of the coldness can do.
The hungry child searching for a drop of milk
From the mother’s in capable settled breast
Palms return hopeless
An infinite voidness settled on two liquid eyes
But just consoles of the undone breast today
Would be overflowing tomorrow.
The heart stands still, with no passion to inspire
Yet, I think,
To wait for nothing is the final freedom
Water must run between two narrow cruel banks of the river
Never in all my life have I complained.
I fail to endure the terrible joy of my being a human
Of an unpromised tomorrow.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 787
Let’s be Strangers
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
Close your eyes
Open again
What use pretending friends
While the smoke of sweet enemy flowing in our veins?
Come across my heart
Drive a knife.
You will find the smell of a hypocritical blood
In the sip of a coffee from an imported cup.
For heaven’s sake
Let not compel a ‘bad trust’ to be a thread
Between us
Close your eyes again
Just to know
We are strangers to one another
The yellow leafs of the stormy sky
No storm, no rain
When we close the eyes
In the forest of humans
All is dark and invisible.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 434
Drinking an Empty Cup
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
The cup cracked at the bottom
To pour out the last drop of water
Just to have an answer
To empty out all the  contents.
The wine laughing at the passing time
The finger prints wish one another
When the cup receives the intimate thoughts
Staring at the lost reflection at its depth.
All the promises carefully forget
That once there was life
In the overflowing emptiness.
The substance of the hollow words
Reflect the sweet blindness for a temporary thrill.
The day tells a lot of stories
In the pages of a neglected book.
Questions in the blinding light
Go mute on the weightless paper
To follow the soundless smile of the dry water
And to make the honey sweet
Because of the flower’s love for the bee.

Copyright@ Dr Sudhansu Dash
Sep 2016 · 283
A Thirst for A False Water
Dr Sudhansu Dash Sep 2016
The sweet mistake for the false water
Forgotten altogether in the ancient discovery.
No child is old enough to play in puddles
That the doll might drink
To believe the reflections to be real people
Delighting in shaping and extending the fantasy.
All are drowned and restored to another heaven
In walking their reversed feet
Just thinking
The shadow of their shadow belongs to them.
It is a world indeed
Where the sky shines beneath us
Where the feet of the second self
Walks against the go.
The broken ashes are rebuilt in darkness
Fighting to maintain an uncomfortable satisfaction
The painted glowing stars in the dark room
Walk closer than ever
As effects of an absented cause
With the hope that
What that is not lost can never be found
On the surface
Broken by the shadows.

— The End —