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1.3k · Feb 2014
Ignore me
Douglas Ferrell Feb 2014
I do not want to be seen
I do not seek attention
All I ask
Is to be left alone in the dark
My surroundings resembling
My dreams
Those dreams I enjoy for solitude
Is where I know myself more.
1.2k · Mar 2014
Douglas Ferrell Mar 2014
If I die, will anyone remember me? To be honest I don't give a **** if they do or dont. I'm proud to say I did my own thing, made my own way. And I'm ******* happy.
604 · Mar 2014
I apologize
Douglas Ferrell Mar 2014
Sorry if I don't get on my knees and please you.
But I have better things to do than stroke your ego
and fit in with people who will never go anywhere.
384 · Feb 2014
Douglas Ferrell Feb 2014
I choose this life
It's a hard life
Yet there is a side to me
Who through these words
You will find
Has a side unknown
I am a US Marine
Who fights and will die
For those I have never seen
For those I love
For those whome protest my existence
But I say to you
If a man held a gun to your mothers head
Would you not feel an urge
The instinct to fight
And save your loved ones.
This is why I fight because I love my fellow Marines
I love every American
Every one has a chance to fight for who they love.
376 · Feb 2014
Douglas Ferrell Feb 2014
Is it true
That man can not live without love?
But what love does he need?
Tis the love of his mother
His father
Or his wife?
This love we need, is it the love from God?
I do not know....
But what I do know is
This love I feel most when
I help those who need a friend
More than me.
374 · Feb 2014
I Stand
Douglas Ferrell Feb 2014
Here we go again
Another day burns and fades to night
The voices told me to hide
You would take all I had left
Strip me of my hope
Tear away at my heart
And break my mind

With love so harsh
Is there truly a love so grand
Rip me
Beat me
In the end love me
It's all I know now

If there lies a secret so daring
To remain silent
It would be those very things I feel for you
That now leave me waiting for it
Wishing time would speed up, and leave me Dead

In the end you hold onto it..
The ax
The the shovel
My heart dug from my chest with your bare hands.
I am gone....RIP
309 · Feb 2014
Douglas Ferrell Feb 2014
Her smile
Was the light of my day
The thing that ended the night
And left me hopeful that all things
Would soon become
Just you and I.

I would be lying
If I said
I don't love you still
I don't miss you
Truth is
I need your blue eyes
Your sweet voice
And your soft lips.
291 · Feb 2014
Douglas Ferrell Feb 2014
The Pain I feel
It hurts beyond belief
Yet I can't show it
I don't ask for pity
Just that one day
You will finish me
In the name of mercy
To end the never ending pain
I try to scream that I can't take it
Please let the cold metal
Heat it, and watch me fall
Pity is the thing I seek.
189 · Feb 2014
Douglas Ferrell Feb 2014
I stop and listen
Holding my breathe
Watching, waiting
I hear a voice, then with it
There is another
As we talk
As we walk
People stare
It's then I realize
I am alone.

— The End —