In the heat
Of a midsummer
Night’s fantasy, you
Asked me if
You were enough
And I was
Too young, too
Foolish, too far
Gone to tell
You truthfully – your
Bounty was more
Than my deepest
Fantasies ever could
Create. Eighteen was
Too young to
Be honest about
What I wanted
But honesty has
A much better
Sound with three
Years of living,
*******, and dreaming
Behind me.
You are nineteen,
Still too young
To be honest
And this heart
Breaking waltz plays
On. Cheerful melodies
Of emptiness, never
Changing, never ceasing,
Never moving forward.
We are trapped
By our age
And time will
Only tell how
This story will
Play out and
When its ending
Will come at
Last. How silly
I was to
Know that the
Promises we made
To each other’s
Flesh and the
Music we wrote
Across our faces
Were not to
Last forever – we
Each only know
Pieces of the
Song that made
Us complete but
Also completely miserable.
I keep looking
For the words
But somehow I
Know we only
Etched our lyrics
In your eyes
During that midsummer
Night’s fantasy heat.
August 2004