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3.7k · Jan 2014
Cloudy Days
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Jan 2014
Cloudy days,
Life is my haze.
To think touch know feel,
Only through my clouds could this be real.

Cloudy days come from every where,
But the clouds let you know you care,
Remember as you pass the ****,
Life was cloudy dayz all along.
997 · Dec 2013
my pillow
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Dec 2013
My pillow seems so comfertable at night,
Trying to fill me with dreams to make me think it's alright.
But when morning comes it's not my neck but heart that does ache,
I know what pillow talk is  but whats at stake.

The more we dream,
It's that we lost reality it would seem.
It's not ever been that I dont care,
But in the morning i cant find these dreams anywhere.

I didnt pick my pillow because i didnt like how it looked,
It's my pillow above all that gives me sanity not my brain cooked.
I know there have been pillows in the past,
But i picked my pillow because i knew you would last.

So it truly is time to decide,
Do you think i'm one of the shopers who lied,
Or the one person you were made for all along,
Tonight again we dream but together how could we go wrong.

Goodnight babe i love you....
827 · Oct 2013
Wake up
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
Wake up

When was the last time you actually stopped to smell the roses,
Wake up dont live to fast only going through lifes poses.
When was the last time you actually took a look around,
Have ever been where even GPS couldnt have you found.

Wake up because one day life will have gone by and you'll be filled worry and fret,
Wondering as its time go why you have so much regret.
Why here why now why didnt i try,
So wake up before its to yourself you say goodbye.

It's never to late,
To do things youll remember and aprieciate.
To only look at her and make her smile,
To call an old friend just cause its been a while.

This crazy thing called life will go by so fast,
And it's hard not to regret the past.
So wake up and really look around,
Because thats where all the good memories are found.
814 · Dec 2013
My Rock
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Dec 2013
Everyone has thier rock,
There when you need them like time on a clock.
They are solid to your heart,
Always knowing just where to start.

Although sometimes words seem hard to hear,
Always from my rock they are clear.
My rock is sturdy and strong,
The only person i can hear when im wrong.

Even though i might be older,
My rock never gave me the cold shoulder.
I trust and believe you more the you know,
Sometimes idiot brothers dont know how to show.

Yoda nicolie chimovski my lil sister whos always been there,
Thank you for being my rock even when about myself i didnt even care.
You truly are an insperation in my mind,
Only because of you do good things i find.

Thank you Nikki for being there as best you can,
Even when i didnt know or have a plan,
I love you and sorry some times i make life hard,
But believe me with out you i'd be an even bigger ******.
633 · Oct 2013
Digital boy
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
Life is so digital never critical,
Lifes blog should never be analog.
The things you see to feel electronicly,
That somba dance which is your trance.
Know your beat untill you know your complete,
I love the digital world were in the little button to begin.
If the 60's had love life fits us like a glove,
Look touch see feel cause its beautiful to be digitaly real.
Welcome my friend to our digital till the end.
523 · Apr 2014
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Apr 2014
What, IDK,
Is I all could say,
I didn't want to,

Your allure, brought pleasure,
never ever even a twinkle of a fade.
TY for opening these eyes to see,
I never thought I would be the IDK of me.
495 · Oct 2013
A heart to the right
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
I have a niece who's heart is to the right.
When she was born we feared not long would we have her in our sight.
But here she is today as healthy as can be,
A wonderful part of our family.

At first we thought is she ok,
Now we see she could have been no other way.
Because as far as i can tell having a heart on the right,
Made her caring and full of insight.

The next time you think am i good enough to be,
Always remember what makes us different makes us you and me.
When i get self consious at night,
I wish i had heart to the right.
491 · Dec 2013
No more butterflies
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Dec 2013
Focus it's your eyes,
That dont always need to be on butterflies.
There are words lovers share,
Things that only we know to care.

Help us to understand what we have together,
Always there even in bad weather.
The butterfies never made a sound,
But they are around.

It's time to stop gazing and put down your net,
Because you know things even in my silence i bet.
I wouldnt release your butterflies to anyone ever,
So where are my butterflies never.

So when you see one fly by,
It's only meant for your eye.
sometimes things happen for a reason,
But to trust was never treason.
428 · Oct 2013
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
I often wonder why i'm told i have freedom,
Did someone forget to tell me or do they think i'm dumb.
To call us free is a joke,
Were fed so many lies we almost choke.

But we never realize cause we are built in a tv,
Never experiecing life or learning to see.
Living life distant and under control,
That person at the bottom of a hole.

All alone waiting for your turn,
Waiting to climb out and earn.
Only to find out the hole got higher,
And you still call someone sire.
417 · Feb 2014
Shimmers of light
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Feb 2014
It really seems like I was right,
  You thought you were my shimmer of light.
you always thought I was to blame,
You the loser in you own game.

Thank you for giving me back my sight,
To know what is not right.
Your so ****** up in the head,
That only from you I would run till dead.

for you I tried everything I could,
but you never understood.
all I wanted was for you to be real,
Not play the victim still.

as soon as you are out of my sight
will once again I see the simmer of light.
417 · Oct 2013
Why did you
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
Why did you when i was little,
Lie and feed me this riddle.
I remember as you tucked me in to bed,
All of the lie's you said.

But now that i've had a chance to grow,
That i am the only one who will ever know.
How it is i feel,
What it is i think is real.

Through years of self torture of mental regret,
It's those lies i cant forget.
That all my answers I sought were above,
And that it was full of love.

All i've ever felt was reality's pain,
Always reminding me of how lies stain.
Never going to leave,
So thank you cause i know can't believe.
389 · Apr 2014
Ha Ha Ha
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Apr 2014
............. What did you not read but feel,
Can you stop to contemplate real.
And yet im digitaly bored,
With things called normal i can't afford.

twirler swirl life goes by,
Could you see it if you try?
Your dreams aren't meant for sleep,
There our sanity we keeep.
377 · Apr 2014
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Apr 2014
I wasent cool,
Or a fool.
I was new to the game,
See why im not the same?

Who writes for today no Ginsburg Gonzo or Blake,
Just books in print not words no one could mistake.
Write to free your mind,
possibly the last freedom we find.
357 · Dec 2013
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Dec 2013
I dont want you anymore,
This is not what i thought you had instore.
Why cant i be free,
From the person that makes you me.

You are the reason im incomplete,
The loss of order never neat.
I want my hole in the ground,
The only place i really want to be found.
338 · May 2014
The way things go
DoNtLoOkInSiDe May 2014
Sometimes its the way things go,
Whether they are good or bad no one can ever know.
Living life as best as anyone knows how,
Remember the past but focus on the now,

As we are traveling down its road,
Never forget what helps you smile and stop to behold.
Its can be the smallest things that can change in the biggest way,
What it is that makes today.

Tomorrow can help yesterdays sorrow,
Because every once in a while you want to show.
That all of the reasons you smile are for real even though,
Of the way things go.
This is for the one and only Lisa
323 · Oct 2013
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
I look but your not there,
No matter how hard i try your not ever there.
I tried in the morning even at night,
Is there a problem with my sight.

Ever since i saw you i knew you were more then i could ever be,
But no matter how much into your eyes i thought i could see.
It was all along everything i needed to know,
I cant help it i didnt grow.

I  just heard what i thought was good for me,
Anything at all just to live happily.
Never helping my heart see clearer,
It was just you and me in the mirror.

But now your gone i hope you dont come back,
I'll never again worry if life is on track.
Never have i felt so free,
Bliss is knowing that i dont need a mirror to see me.
289 · Oct 2013
I looked
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
I look but your not there,
No matter how hard i try your not ever there.
I tried in the morning even at night,
Is there a problem with my sight.

Ever since i saw you i knew you were more then i could ever be,
But no matter how much into your eyes i thought i could see.
It was all along everything i needed to know,
I cant help it i didnt grow.

I  just heard what thought i was good for me,
Anything at all just to live happily.
Never helping my heart see clearer,
It was just you and me in the mirror.

But now your gone i hope you dont come back,
I'll never again worry if life is on track.
Never have i felt so free,
Bliss is knowing that i dont need a mirror to see me.
270 · Dec 2013
You cant see

— The End —