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DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
I have a niece who's heart is to the right.
When she was born we feared not long would we have her in our sight.
But here she is today as healthy as can be,
A wonderful part of our family.

At first we thought is she ok,
Now we see she could have been no other way.
Because as far as i can tell having a heart on the right,
Made her caring and full of insight.

The next time you think am i good enough to be,
Always remember what makes us different makes us you and me.
When i get self consious at night,
I wish i had heart to the right.
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
Wake up

When was the last time you actually stopped to smell the roses,
Wake up dont live to fast only going through lifes poses.
When was the last time you actually took a look around,
Have ever been where even GPS couldnt have you found.

Wake up because one day life will have gone by and you'll be filled worry and fret,
Wondering as its time go why you have so much regret.
Why here why now why didnt i try,
So wake up before its to yourself you say goodbye.

It's never to late,
To do things youll remember and aprieciate.
To only look at her and make her smile,
To call an old friend just cause its been a while.

This crazy thing called life will go by so fast,
And it's hard not to regret the past.
So wake up and really look around,
Because thats where all the good memories are found.
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
I often wonder why i'm told i have freedom,
Did someone forget to tell me or do they think i'm dumb.
To call us free is a joke,
Were fed so many lies we almost choke.

But we never realize cause we are built in a tv,
Never experiecing life or learning to see.
Living life distant and under control,
That person at the bottom of a hole.

All alone waiting for your turn,
Waiting to climb out and earn.
Only to find out the hole got higher,
And you still call someone sire.
DoNtLoOkInSiDe Oct 2013
Why did you when i was little,
Lie and feed me this riddle.
I remember as you tucked me in to bed,
All of the lie's you said.

But now that i've had a chance to grow,
That i am the only one who will ever know.
How it is i feel,
What it is i think is real.

Through years of self torture of mental regret,
It's those lies i cant forget.
That all my answers I sought were above,
And that it was full of love.

All i've ever felt was reality's pain,
Always reminding me of how lies stain.
Never going to leave,
So thank you cause i know can't believe.

— The End —