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Carson Taylor May 2014
Show me your shame!
Revel in it!
Fluff your oh so glorious mane!
Be the ******* you're meant to be. COMMIT.
Be a fraud,
Pretend you're God,
You're not worth the angst in the very least.
Not worth the regret,
That I've had since the day we met.
Not worth it to me.
Not worth the world which I gave to you;
My world, my mind, my spirit, my hope. All I've ever wanted to be.
You've crushed it. Killed me. BOO ******* **!
You don't care, you never did will or even can!
You made me want to be the man...

I'll be happy. I'll find God.
I'll accept that we're all flawed.

Untill then i'm stuck!
Stuck hating!
Stuck not giving a ****!
Stuck being cynical, depressed, mad...sedating.

I've found my sunshine!
MY calypso.
It's mine.
Today is someday, my eternal limbo.
Carson Taylor May 2014
SHUT THE **** UP I scream
I'm breaking at the seam
I can't sleep because of the same ******* nightmare
Hide my black eyes with disheveled hair
I'll knock you down a peg
Or maybe put you in a ******* grave
break a leg
There is no one who can save
Carson Taylor Jun 2016
Upturned rocks
Muddy socks
A day in the rain
Never felt so sane
As if the sun came out to play
And made my day
But we have fun with the thunder
It's every wonder
Rolled into one
Until the day is done
Carson Taylor Jan 2014
How can my perception be so off
Reality is like glass
Mine is constantly shattered after every cough
I blame my head of brass
To lie with you would be to lie to me
I can't break this promise, so dear
Let me be free...
I will not shed a single tear.
Carson Taylor May 2014
The madness comes,
The sadness stays.
The reckless drawings of the madman in the slums...
Crazy for all his days.

He does the dance;
The moonlight prance.
His crown made of thorns,
Through his hair pokes his horns.
Satan is his name.
But we're all the same.
You and me.
Satan is here.
Satan is near.
He is I and You are him...

Ship off the evil barge,
The thoughts are still at large.
Disband the acts,
Listen to the facts.
Despite your constant upheaval....
We are all evil.
Carson Taylor Oct 2016
The waves hit the sand
This is my families land
We've built it up and down
After this nightmare
Again we build this town
The rain still hangs in the air
The torn town spread all around
Yet smiles still hold
As they rebuild my parade ground
Behold my sacred town
My families American start
Truly is my heart
To be rebuilt again
This is a poem about my hometown Savannah/Tybee that was recently absolutely ****** by the hurricane. I'm really glad all of my family is safe and I love them all and my hometown.
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
It's those nights
The ones that last forever
The nights where your bed is a mile high
And you only wish to be higher
Those nights where sleep will never come
Where you can never say I'm done
Where you can go numb
Where you compare yourself to all but none
And you feel so very dumb
It's those nights that I dread
Laying alone in bed
Carson Taylor Sep 2015
She asked for something profound
and all she got was me
Lost and never found
and now she knows there will never be any "we"

So I'll fight for a rush
and you can stay in and study
But i'll never forget the sight at first blush
and I'll mark it all down to being unlucky

We'll never know
So let me show you
quid pro quo
With regards to,
Carson Taylor Jun 2014
The Devil isn't a thing
It's a feeling
It's when you're ready to hang
The moments that are most revealing
It's constant
I don't know what to say
This whole idea of life is just a ****** concept
I see what I want in my grasp and like everything else; it slips away
Carson Taylor May 2014
I think you rock
     Please **** my ****
I might even buy you dinner
      I'm obviously a real winner
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
I need to be amused.
I need a *muse.
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
And for you I've stitched a mask of confidence
yet your heart has been bottomless
There's promises
then there's promises
I can be everything you need
Don't dare to supersede
I'll take my own place
You can keep a steady pace
one by one you'll make it to me
two by two and it can be we
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
You think you're cool
I think you're a fool
Too pretty for me?
Evil comes in threes
Just like your chins
and none of your wins
I hate you
today's a day you'll always rue
You're a *****
I'll leave you in a ditch
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
I thought you were my friend for a time,
But you are no friend of mine.
Friends don't lie,
Friends are there for the other while they cry.
I don't want a mentally deficient friend,
Nor do I want this to be the end.
Carson Taylor Jul 2016
I watched the moon
It held memories of you and me
but soon
I'll be set free

For now I've gone off the roving deep
Praying to the lord my soul to keep

The water is welcoming
To drop it all and run
My heard it would be settling
A smile and fun

For then I'd be my own king
Holding on to your ring
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
she moves like a run on sentence  
and long after she's gone  
her walk hovers in the air  
waiting for a mark of punctuation  
to put it to a Stop.
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
It's a memory
                           It means so little to you
                                                                     And so much to me
                                                                                                 Why can't we feel the same?
Carson Taylor Sep 2013
It's all gone to hell
It's not like you can't tell
The fires gone burning it all
Maybe this is curtain call
Oh, we're all going to die
So enjoy the taste of bile
And remember to die
With a smile
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
Waiting for something cool to happen
Waiting for a smile; completely discrete
They want to see my heart cave in
But I won't miss a beat
There is a current raging
A river flowing
Hardly aging
Thoroughly growing
The wind blows strong
And a love I wish for waiting lifelong
Lusts completely
And for once I'll rest easy
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
It's not a happy day
I'll be watching all the pieces crumble to dust
There is no other way
The pawns began to rust
There is more than broken trust
I don't like you anymore
No I don't like you anymore
There is no way around the facts
My tongue has taken the ax
These words I am now writing
Well the feelings are passing
When I can stand tall and shine through
I'll know my speculations weren't out of the blue
I'll know the winter winds brought more than sorrow
And the heavens above can hold more for me than tomorrow
Please don't lose me in this mess
I swear I can be more
But ******* there is something we must address
I cant end up crying on the floor
Once more
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
Oh baby girl, you've got the blonde hair but not the blue eyes
It's so hard to convince myself you aren't telling lies...
Your heart has a lock.
I would love to to talk.
Tick. Tock.
I want to make you smile.
A smile, as wide as the Nile.
It doesn't matter what anyone says about thy,
I refuse to see you cry,
I want you to be mine,

                                                                  and I'll make you so *divine.
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
there laid a grain of sand
the waves smothered it day and night
a local boy felt it between his toes and held it in his hand
over the years he saw a future somewhere afar and followed a light
it lead him away from the where the sand met the water
years passed; growing old he knew that's where he left his heart
but he met a love, his wife now, and they had a daughter
and as she grew taller he watched her grow smart
but he knew there was something missing in her life
reminiscent of where his heart lies and of the days where he felt joy
so the once boy, now man, dragged his daughter and grabbed his wife
they moved to where the water met the sand where his girl met a boy
and here is the cliche happily ever after
that all started on one boys beach
where you can still hear the joyous laughter
Carson Taylor May 2014
I have my drugs.
You have your Uggs.

So scurry away you pointless rat,
You ******* brat.
Leave. Me. Alone.
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
Mindless talk with no end
I see her across the row
You have a heart I can mend
But your talk lacks intention and flow

So I'll practice what I preach
But dream of us on the beach

There's no way to avoid this fate
It's a changing system always ending in hate

With my mind I memorize your size
Hope glitters our eyes

I felt it all
Waiting for our fall
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
The words flow into the air
But ******* it hurts my head
And I really don't ******* care
I'm thinking horrible;filled tiptop with dread
Thoughts of the moon
A gentle laugh
Yours I suppose
A lively tune
Heart of desire
Burning like a wild fire
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
Check my body falling
Watch it flutter
The gods are calling
Our loathsome clutter
I said never again
but here we are once more present
Slashed a vein
watched it bleed
a once beautiful deed
dancing in the rain
and when we wake up
a smile on our faces
know i'm not a backup
and I won't forever be there to fill the empty spaces
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
ripped paged upon a scribbled mess
lost my head in numbers
the numbered thoughts of that dress
and of our endless summers

Lost in thought
My brain in Rot

Your gaze leaves a hole
In my smother soul

Even with these stupid such stupid line breaks
And ****** writing
I'll make you screaming for gods sake
with the right mood lighting
Carson Taylor Jun 2016
A loss of words
A loss for us
Heart taken by the birds
So much to discuss
but nothing to say
and it's only been one day
Everything reminds me of you
I don't know what to do
There is an aching inside
But I guess this is love
and I've found the downside
it fits like a glove
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
A twinkle in your eye
like a star in the sky
A breathe held
My heart swelled
For you are so beautiful
And a voice so musical
Looks so stunning
pulse is running
To never hear your crying
To never see you stop smiling
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
Nothing lasts forever
Sever the ties and **** the lies
I don't know what I want
You may stand there proud and taunt
I can see right through you
Through the loud voice
And even that stupid choice
Maybe you're what I want
Maybe I do know
Carson Taylor Dec 2013
You stand so tall
But with one mighty gust you fall

Falling for anyone who shows you kindness
Standing for everything fake, full of emptiness

You can't be anything but miserable
I can't even seem to find you bearable

It's sad to watch you strut around
Almost as sad to see you without my hand in your hand

Please god, allow me to have compassion
Please god, don't crush this dreamy passion with your mighty action

Is nothing just
Life is only a bust
Carson Taylor Jul 2014
At first I only thought of you at night
But you've leaked in to the days
You've taken of my life, my heart didn't even put up a fight
I think of you in so many ways
You've consumed my head
I dream of us falling in to bed
and so much more
My eyes alight
My heart you make soar
I don't knowq what to do that'd make it right
I let all the bad in
With you maybe the good can win
Carson Taylor Mar 2014
Eyes can tell you everything
I hate it when I can see your lies
Once in a while you can see me glaring

Yours are beautiful
But only when you're looking at me
I can't stand them looking at another, you're making me such a fool
I think I love you and you are truly worth the world to see

But when the storms approach and you're nowhere to find
I don't know what to do besides think of you
You haunt my mind
You're a sunshine that no one can out-do
Carson Taylor Apr 2014
There's too many battles to fight
They are of my own demise
My downfall, oh god I know i'm only such a sight
And you with your quickly spoken bitter lies

Maybe I don't give a ****
With every heartbeat the tension grows stronger
I feel it, i'm running out of luck
I don't know if I can wait much longer

It's coming forth breaking free
Bursting through my weak jaw
It's not just about me
For us it's the law
Who the **** knows

— The End —