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306 · Apr 2016
Carson Taylor Apr 2016
Here is to a new beginning
of one before I have seen no ending
Always starting never stopping
pining whining
goal cropping
afraid of life declining
It's about wanting more
and about asking what for
but I'm not sure
if for my boredom this is a cure
298 · Feb 2016
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
Too much is dripping off my lips
Every word sealed by a kiss
My heart a total eclipse
Inside this
Dark abyss
something is amiss

A shining light
burning out the night
heart now bright
of thoughts of you and moonlight

But it is no more
Every word negated
heart sore
never fated
297 · Feb 2016
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
A firework
lit by mistake
Blonde framed artwork
Makes my head ache

A white dress
Flower in her hair
A damsel in distress
A snake with flare

Reason lost to gleam
But a reason to smile
A lost scream
Call it a trial
296 · May 2014
Carson Taylor May 2014
I want my name to be known
Shining through oblivious words, the constant drone
I know, My name... it's not that great
I don't want it in giant neon lights
it's to be whispered from state to state
thought of on the lonely nights
The nights where dawn wont even be in site
When the dreams become our guiding light
None of the, "Why are your poems so eerie?"
I'm sorry love.. but my thoughts stay dreary
I'm stuck in my head
Sometimes I wish I was dead
But maybe not...
There's things to see, the sun, the stars, and the moon
Perhaps i'll wait to rot...
....The moon it makes me swoon
It's gorgeous I say
I love you I mean
From you my heart the ache
My world you shake
It's you who creates the tremors
But for you I'll fight the shivers
But baby, your suitors they are no poet
I'll always be the one to say it
For you are the moon
It is I who loves you
It's I who fights, I who stands, I who watches and cries and lies..
For you are the moon
and I love you
But love this is my Adieu...
for you are the moon
296 · Mar 2016
We drank a little wine
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
It's not a happy day
I'll be watching all the pieces crumble to dust
There is no other way
The pawns began to rust
There is more than broken trust
I don't like you anymore
No I don't like you anymore
There is no way around the facts
My tongue has taken the ax
These words I am now writing
Well the feelings are passing
When I can stand tall and shine through
I'll know my speculations weren't out of the blue
I'll know the winter winds brought more than sorrow
And the heavens above can hold more for me than tomorrow
Please don't lose me in this mess
I swear I can be more
But ******* there is something we must address
I cant end up crying on the floor
Once more
294 · Mar 2016
1:43 March 9th 2016
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
Blood on the top and the bottom
Face like autumn
Arch those brows
pretend like you understand
Hatred you do rouse
I now understand death by quicksand
287 · Feb 2016
Wild Fire
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
The words flow into the air
But ******* it hurts my head
And I really don't ******* care
I'm thinking horrible;filled tiptop with dread
Thoughts of the moon
A gentle laugh
Yours I suppose
A lively tune
Heart of desire
Burning like a wild fire
279 · Feb 2016
Who the fuck knows
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
Mindless talk with no end
I see her across the row
You have a heart I can mend
But your talk lacks intention and flow

So I'll practice what I preach
But dream of us on the beach

There's no way to avoid this fate
It's a changing system always ending in hate

With my mind I memorize your size
Hope glitters our eyes

I felt it all
Waiting for our fall
Carson Taylor Apr 2014
It was in that moment I saw how perfectly gorgeous you were to me
Hell, to the entire world your beauty was expressed
To my heart you've earned a key
Oh and so nicely dressed
Only the finest for you my love
I'd buy the earth and fight any others lost in lust for you
Your eyes divine! your soul a dove!
I'll shout to the sky and for you anything i'll do
276 · Sep 2013
Carson Taylor Sep 2013
I dream
I dream
Of clearer skies
Of better times
Of less lies
Of you being mine
I can't help but to dream
Always of you and me
274 · Mar 2016
Written in Chemiestry
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
ripped paged upon a scribbled mess
lost my head in numbers
the numbered thoughts of that dress
and of our endless summers

Lost in thought
My brain in Rot

Your gaze leaves a hole
In my smother soul

Even with these stupid such stupid line breaks
And ****** writing
I'll make you screaming for gods sake
with the right mood lighting
273 · Jun 2016
Rainy Days
Carson Taylor Jun 2016
Upturned rocks
Muddy socks
A day in the rain
Never felt so sane
As if the sun came out to play
And made my day
But we have fun with the thunder
It's every wonder
Rolled into one
Until the day is done
273 · Apr 2016
Carson Taylor Apr 2016
Let's make it count every minute to the hours
and together  let's make a powerful statement of ours
Sitting together intertwined
Let's make you mine
We have life to redefine
Sitting together in the sunshine
Oh, there is much to say
and much to do
but we both know I'm just going to sit here and stay
with you
272 · Mar 2016
Chained Free
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
A bloodied consummation
marked the unholy union
of our ****** nation
a ******* holy communion

Called it a fake
but that's just how I see it
you did a double take
but you know it's true even if it's the littlest bit

When our eyes met that final time
all glossy and red
you told me life doesn't have to rhyme
and I'd better stop before I wind up dead
for that I had no answer
You, the secret night dancer
I found in the dark
who left her mark
Left me
chained free
269 · Jul 2014
You Again
Carson Taylor Jul 2014
At first I only thought of you at night
But you've leaked in to the days
You've taken of my life, my heart didn't even put up a fight
I think of you in so many ways
You've consumed my head
I dream of us falling in to bed
and so much more
My eyes alight
My heart you make soar
I don't knowq what to do that'd make it right
I let all the bad in
With you maybe the good can win
269 · Oct 2016
Carson Taylor Oct 2016
The waves hit the sand
This is my families land
We've built it up and down
After this nightmare
Again we build this town
The rain still hangs in the air
The torn town spread all around
Yet smiles still hold
As they rebuild my parade ground
Behold my sacred town
My families American start
Truly is my heart
To be rebuilt again
This is a poem about my hometown Savannah/Tybee that was recently absolutely ****** by the hurricane. I'm really glad all of my family is safe and I love them all and my hometown.
268 · Jan 2016
Carson Taylor Jan 2016
The waves crash the same

Two islands afar

Lone survivors hearts inflame

Eyes set on the same north star
267 · Feb 2016
Lost on You
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
Ask her what she said
The night of no regret
The night I lost my head
but darling don't fret
I'll tell you once more the tales of love and woe
I've lost and gained
and you've found your romeo
but my words are strained
To make you understand what I know
How you make my heart glow
My soul sing
My ears ring
To let you know the love that's lost
on you
God you have no clue
And I know i'm no Frost
No weaver of words
Not one of your old records
I just need to imprint in your head
How much I love you in my bed
263 · Mar 2016
To Kristin
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
You think you're cool
I think you're a fool
Too pretty for me?
Evil comes in threes
Just like your chins
and none of your wins
I hate you
today's a day you'll always rue
You're a *****
I'll leave you in a ditch
248 · Mar 2016
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
There is voices droning on
I should probably be listening
but all I can hear is this phenomenon
For all your love is my entire christening

There is writing on the board
Maybe I should take look at making a note
or maybe I should continue praying to the lord
because baby you're my antidote

There is some presentation going on up front
Maybe I should try not to think of your eyes
and maybe I should't be so blunt
but girl you've left my love to arive
246 · Feb 2016
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
The space between our lips
It holds my soul to break
My heart an eclipse
Feelings fluttering awake

A fire flared to life
Emitting my flames of love
Oh won't you be my wife
My lovely dove

Your eyes how they shine
When the sun hits your face
So divine
My heart will race
241 · Sep 2016
A laugh
Carson Taylor Sep 2016
A laugh escapes its prison of your mouth
and the butterflies in my stomach fly south
but not for winter
they're spooked by a thundering heart
it's all because of her
with a face of art
a smile worth a thousand words
too many for me to write
but she rises above the morbid herds
and in the spotlight
I see her standing there
and when she meets my stare
a picturesque explosion occurs
fireworks almost as beautiful her
238 · Oct 2013
Through out Forever
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
I need to be amused.
I need a *muse.
237 · Sep 2013
Carson Taylor Sep 2013
It's all gone to hell
It's not like you can't tell
The fires gone burning it all
Maybe this is curtain call
Oh, we're all going to die
So enjoy the taste of bile
And remember to die
With a smile
236 · Feb 2016
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
I saw it all unravel
Like the passage of time
The great clashing of battle
Souls fighting in rhyme

No right from wrong
Who's to tell
what's supposed to belong
in our hearts from hell

I saw it come undone
Like you and I
Broken in the light under the sun
Not another lie
Woven in from good intention
To keep us together
No more us to mention
Separate but *better
234 · Mar 2016
Won't Forever
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
Check my body falling
Watch it flutter
The gods are calling
Our loathsome clutter
I said never again
but here we are once more present
Slashed a vein
watched it bleed
a once beautiful deed
dancing in the rain
and when we wake up
a smile on our faces
know i'm not a backup
and I won't forever be there to fill the empty spaces
230 · Feb 2014
Carson Taylor Feb 2014
You don't hang out in my head
I don't wonder how you feel
I'll smoke my cigarette, heart of lead
What's your deal?
I really just feel emotional and all hell is breaking loose in my head and my heart and i don't know how else to deal with it besides drugs and ******* poetry
226 · Feb 2016
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
She treads lightly
As if she doesn't want me to hear
I ask her questions politely
To lend me an ear
But she would have none of it
Other suitors to see
Ones I would outwit
That I can guarantee
So why not me?
That's the question
Written in the Sea
With the waves suppression
The water needs to break free
A dam ready to burst
Floodgates of my heart
no matter how well versed
We'll always fall apart
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
there laid a grain of sand
the waves smothered it day and night
a local boy felt it between his toes and held it in his hand
over the years he saw a future somewhere afar and followed a light
it lead him away from the where the sand met the water
years passed; growing old he knew that's where he left his heart
but he met a love, his wife now, and they had a daughter
and as she grew taller he watched her grow smart
but he knew there was something missing in her life
reminiscent of where his heart lies and of the days where he felt joy
so the once boy, now man, dragged his daughter and grabbed his wife
they moved to where the water met the sand where his girl met a boy
and here is the cliche happily ever after
that all started on one boys beach
where you can still hear the joyous laughter
217 · Mar 2014
A few lines
Carson Taylor Mar 2014
I've fallen in love a million times
Every time with a new stranger
I've forgotten them after a few lines
It seems my heart is in danger

Danger of breaking once again
You are no stranger but I love you so
I might be drunk again
I might of told you I would never be this low

211 · Feb 2016
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
The sun is shining
and so are you
The world is spinning
and so is my head

The birds are singing
and so is my heart
208 · Feb 2016
Carson Taylor Feb 2016
The stars
The moon
The sun
The Sea
And as for me
I find myself completely at ease
207 · Mar 2016
Carson Taylor Mar 2016
I haven't lost what matters most
but I can't stand to see you boast
In the end it is my loss
You've put me up upon a cross
Sacrificed for the trepidation you hold over me
We will never be
185 · Mar 2014
Your Eyes
Carson Taylor Mar 2014
Eyes can tell you everything
I hate it when I can see your lies
Once in a while you can see me glaring

Yours are beautiful
But only when you're looking at me
I can't stand them looking at another, you're making me such a fool
I think I love you and you are truly worth the world to see

But when the storms approach and you're nowhere to find
I don't know what to do besides think of you
You haunt my mind
You're a sunshine that no one can out-do

— The End —