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May 2014 · 625
Who needs you?
Carson Taylor May 2014
I have my drugs.
You have your Uggs.

So scurry away you pointless rat,
You ******* brat.
Leave. Me. Alone.
May 2014 · 344
Carson Taylor May 2014
The darkness that skitters
Your eyes that glitter

Into the moonlight we go
Like an arrow from cupids bow

I left with a glance
With hope for a chance

To fall in love with you
And yet it's something that I shall never rue

The chance I seek
My life so bleak

So worthless without you
May 2014 · 339
My Saint
Carson Taylor May 2014
I want your life to be a dream
But not the dreams I dream about
Not what I wake up screaming about
I want a win, I want it for us, for our team

I want a glimpse of your smile
and how cliche is this;
I want you to stay awhile
I'm a toad and nothing will turn me into a prince. Not even your kiss.

The hoops to jump
The ****** to dump
The sarcastic whines
The endless complaints
Every single line
All for you; the "saint"
Carson Taylor Apr 2014
It was in that moment I saw how perfectly gorgeous you were to me
Hell, to the entire world your beauty was expressed
To my heart you've earned a key
Oh and so nicely dressed
Only the finest for you my love
I'd buy the earth and fight any others lost in lust for you
Your eyes divine! your soul a dove!
I'll shout to the sky and for you anything i'll do
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
You there?
Carson Taylor Apr 2014
There's too many battles to fight
They are of my own demise
My downfall, oh god I know i'm only such a sight
And you with your quickly spoken bitter lies

Maybe I don't give a ****
With every heartbeat the tension grows stronger
I feel it, i'm running out of luck
I don't know if I can wait much longer

It's coming forth breaking free
Bursting through my weak jaw
It's not just about me
For us it's the law
Who the **** knows
Mar 2014 · 365
Can I keep doing this?
Carson Taylor Mar 2014
Do you even know alone?
You're always surrounded and loved
Don't you dare talk to me in that condescending tone
Into the light you're shoved
Again and again, by your own hand
Do you like the attention
It's the truth I demand
But it's not something that to my face you will mention
I've given you my heart
and all you've done was broken it apart
Mar 2014 · 217
A few lines
Carson Taylor Mar 2014
I've fallen in love a million times
Every time with a new stranger
I've forgotten them after a few lines
It seems my heart is in danger

Danger of breaking once again
You are no stranger but I love you so
I might be drunk again
I might of told you I would never be this low

Mar 2014 · 374
Fucked 10w
Carson Taylor Mar 2014
You keep making me feel ******.
                                                                                              *In a good way.
Mar 2014 · 185
Your Eyes
Carson Taylor Mar 2014
Eyes can tell you everything
I hate it when I can see your lies
Once in a while you can see me glaring

Yours are beautiful
But only when you're looking at me
I can't stand them looking at another, you're making me such a fool
I think I love you and you are truly worth the world to see

But when the storms approach and you're nowhere to find
I don't know what to do besides think of you
You haunt my mind
You're a sunshine that no one can out-do
Feb 2014 · 230
Carson Taylor Feb 2014
You don't hang out in my head
I don't wonder how you feel
I'll smoke my cigarette, heart of lead
What's your deal?
I really just feel emotional and all hell is breaking loose in my head and my heart and i don't know how else to deal with it besides drugs and ******* poetry
Jan 2014 · 371
Clueless Rambling
Carson Taylor Jan 2014
I want to run
Run away to France
be some type of romantic genius you can only dream about
I want a lot
but I don't want to be forgotten
Jan 2014 · 410
Carson Taylor Jan 2014
How can my perception be so off
Reality is like glass
Mine is constantly shattered after every cough
I blame my head of brass
To lie with you would be to lie to me
I can't break this promise, so dear
Let me be free...
I will not shed a single tear.
Dec 2013 · 370
Carson Taylor Dec 2013
You stand so tall
But with one mighty gust you fall

Falling for anyone who shows you kindness
Standing for everything fake, full of emptiness

You can't be anything but miserable
I can't even seem to find you bearable

It's sad to watch you strut around
Almost as sad to see you without my hand in your hand

Please god, allow me to have compassion
Please god, don't crush this dreamy passion with your mighty action

Is nothing just
Life is only a bust
Nov 2013 · 621
Carson Taylor Nov 2013
Your eyes like shattered glass
Drawing the blood from my untamed arms and legs
Leave me laying alone in the grass
Leave me passed out from all the kegs
Leave me
Hurt me

I am yours to shape
Yours to mold
My heart is yours to break
My day is yours to make
I am yours
For as long as you'll have me
Nov 2013 · 390
Are you afraid to be alone?
Carson Taylor Nov 2013
Are you afraid to be alone?
I say this with conviction, i'm sure you're afraid to atone.
Stay with your "friends" that adore you
But not the real you
The shallow *****
The ones who see themselves so deluxe
Stay surrounded so you're not lonely
Less the thoughts come in provoking you slowly .
Nov 2013 · 654
Carson Taylor Nov 2013
I really do feel
You look at me like i'm just another meal
I want you to care
I'm tired of cowering under your glare
You make me want to cry
With every single lie
I want to be what you want
but you're only playing with my heart strings, making them oh so taunt.
Nov 2013 · 515
A Brain
Carson Taylor Nov 2013
The brain is beautiful!
They say.
My mind is wasteful.
A wasteland.
And as it may...
My brain isn't as beautiful as you make it seem.
The seams are showing,
Making my main concern hitting.
Hitting anyone but you in a daze of discomfiting rage.
Oct 2013 · 344
To My Friend
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
I thought you were my friend for a time,
But you are no friend of mine.
Friends don't lie,
Friends are there for the other while they cry.
I don't want a mentally deficient friend,
Nor do I want this to be the end.
Oct 2013 · 399
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
I'm changing?
*Sorry, I didn't know I had to stay the same.
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
I want to write a poem.
But that's not how it works.
I want to show em.
But I cant defeat the oh so worthy smirks.
I want to win.
But I can't even decide if I want to go in.
My thoughts are in jumbles,
my stomach rumbles,
my heart aches
my body quakes.
Oct 2013 · 515
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
Life is like a kaleidoscope ,
Too many images
I just can't cope.

Life is like a movie,
Except the good guys never win
and no one will ever know what it means to really be me.

Life is bad,
I have nothing else to say,
I don't want to be sad.
Oct 2013 · 238
Through out Forever
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
I need to be amused.
I need a *muse.
Oct 2013 · 340
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
Oh baby girl, you've got the blonde hair but not the blue eyes
It's so hard to convince myself you aren't telling lies...
Your heart has a lock.
I would love to to talk.
Tick. Tock.
I want to make you smile.
A smile, as wide as the Nile.
It doesn't matter what anyone says about thy,
I refuse to see you cry,
I want you to be mine,

                                                                  and I'll make you so *divine.
Oct 2013 · 421
To the girl i'll never know
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
she moves like a run on sentence  
and long after she's gone  
her walk hovers in the air  
waiting for a mark of punctuation  
to put it to a Stop.
Oct 2013 · 539
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
And for you I've stitched a mask of confidence
yet your heart has been bottomless
There's promises
then there's promises
I can be everything you need
Don't dare to supersede
I'll take my own place
You can keep a steady pace
one by one you'll make it to me
two by two and it can be we
Oct 2013 · 1.5k
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
It's a memory
                           It means so little to you
                                                                     And so much to me
                                                                                                 Why can't we feel the same?
Oct 2013 · 323
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
Nothing lasts forever
Sever the ties and **** the lies
I don't know what I want
You may stand there proud and taunt
I can see right through you
Through the loud voice
And even that stupid choice
Maybe you're what I want
Maybe I do know
Oct 2013 · 663
Hate you.
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
You're standing there wanting acceptance
I'm sitting here thinking of you in past tense
You've struck my last nerve
I hope you get what you deserve
I don't know if you've heard
But we all think you're absurd
You might believe you're too cool for us
But all you do is make us cuss
I hate you.
Oct 2013 · 388
Sleepless nights
Carson Taylor Oct 2013
It's those nights
The ones that last forever
The nights where your bed is a mile high
And you only wish to be higher
Those nights where sleep will never come
Where you can never say I'm done
Where you can go numb
Where you compare yourself to all but none
And you feel so very dumb
It's those nights that I dread
Laying alone in bed
Sep 2013 · 465
Carson Taylor Sep 2013
These thoughts drain me
I can't sleep
I can't eat
I'm haunted of what could be
Would you still adore me if you knew
Or would you laugh too?
The end is through a body bag
It's a game of tag
Happy sad
Glad then mad
I'll take my leave now
The best question is how?
Sep 2013 · 237
Carson Taylor Sep 2013
It's all gone to hell
It's not like you can't tell
The fires gone burning it all
Maybe this is curtain call
Oh, we're all going to die
So enjoy the taste of bile
And remember to die
With a smile
Sep 2013 · 696
Carson Taylor Sep 2013
I want to love
But I don't know how
Is it a feeling
Is it a smell
Will I find it through a bottle
Or maybe a puff
I look for it
I can't contain this lust
Sep 2013 · 276
Carson Taylor Sep 2013
I dream
I dream
Of clearer skies
Of better times
Of less lies
Of you being mine
I can't help but to dream
Always of you and me
Sep 2013 · 487
Carson Taylor Sep 2013
I dream
I dream
Of clearer skies
Of better times
Of less lies
Of you being mine
I can't help but to dream
Always of you and me

— The End —