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Hand placed upon chest.
“Allow yourself to receive.”
My heart had opened.
I've been conflicted with the divine lately. A lot actually! I attended a non religion spiritual blessing last night and this experience truly happened. I felt some temporary peace in which I hadn't for a while. It was nice. :)
I briefly stood outside her shelter until I heard her gentle voice speak to me, inviting me to come inside.
For me it was a simple yet cautious request, seeing as how we had never met.

I put forth my trust in her and slowly parted the silken drapes as I entered.
“What is it you seek?” she asked.
“I was told to appear here.”
“Who sent you?”
Hesitantly I replied,
“I did.”
Her lips formed into a cunning smirk, indicating her willingness to offer me a temporary sanctuary.  

I told her that I was on a vision quest.
She smiled and replied, “Well then, let this be the first of countless enlightened moments for your mind, body, and spirit. Let me guide you into a fleeting realm of pure bliss. Do not be scared, my dear.  Close your eyes, and grant yourself total freedom.”

I scaled the highest, steepest peaks only to lean over and fall into the bluest of seas, tasting the salt my body unknowingly craved for.

I further descended into the sweltering valleys, ceaselessly chasing the echoing screams of Aphrodite.

I swiftly shot white, porcelain arrows into the rhythmic, beating sun, causing it to explode and pull me forward into the world I had momentarily withdrew from.

I lethargically parted the silken drapes and ventured off.
I would soon return.
heavenly father
why are people scared of you
asked the little girl
Winds howl thru the trees.
Poetry is in process.
I reach for my pen.
Oh Sadie my lady, how the white forest glees when you appear.
As if given direct orders,
the instinctive spectators flee from their nests and quarters to partake in the forest’s evening chorus.  
So disembodied from fear you eloquently skate on an icy, cold mirror.
You ignite the darkened skies, soften the hardest eyes, quiet the baby's cries, awake what lies beneath the surface.
Oh Sadie my lady, I feel your warmth coming near.
Oh Sadie my lady, would you skate for me, my dear?
Weekly masses gather in cracked tabernacles nurturing feeble souls cursed w/woes and foes,
only to be fooled again.
Their pickled skins reek of sorrows and sins.
...let the worship begin...
they expound on the cunning substance.
Their thoughts and words clatter,
spewing it onto a gleaming platter.
Some may feed upon on what is said,
others exile and roam with the stark spirits of the dead.
Good morning creatures
This is your father speaking
Love my sun today
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