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May 2013 · 501
The Truth is who you are
Donivon Brummett May 2013
The lord I give you my life
Because you had given yours
I put my trust in you
Because I know youll always be there

I love you
Not because you asked me to
Not because you created me and gave me life
But because no one could match your love for me

Your guidance is more than what i ask for
Your love is unfailing
Your strength is untouchable
Your My perfect lord i couldnt ask for anyone but you

I think of you now and then
I pray I say what I need to say
Sometimes even more Im short of words
But I can always carry a conversation with you

My Life isnt perfect im not perfect
But theres something perfect about me
And that is you
You created me just how I am

So I know im fine as long as I have you
My readers let the lord in your life
And you will see what Im talking about
The Lord loves you all.
Donivon Brummett May 2013
What if the world was full of you
Would you have conversations with yourself
Do you think it would be easier
Would you think it would get boring
ask yourself

The reason everyone is different
So we can come together as one
So we can conversate

We get hurt to learn from our mistakes
We find love within the heart
Not the mind
You mind can be illusional sometimes

Once you over come
Mind will protect your heart
You can do anything you set your mind to
Never quit because
You will get the same outcome as last time you quit

No this isn't for all
My words are small
But my heart is large
My mind is gaining wisdom with every day that passes
May 2013 · 625
Donivon Brummett May 2013
There are words that hurt and heal
Hurts like a knife that doesnt cut it hurts as if tho
Why say things you dont really mean
To hurt the hurter two bads dont make a good
Two goods dont make a bad but a good

If you get hurt say thoughful things back
Rather than a blind minded attack
You will heal your self in the process
It'll confuse the hurter and it will upset and they will stop

Words arent always there to be said sometimes your mind is desert dead
All things that are said to hurt is because they are jealous
They really wish to be you
They really wish to have you
Or they really are down right heartless

God's always watching weither you believe it or not
You may not see him or hear him but its not same on his point of view
Bring him in your heart you will feel new from the start
Love the world as God does all will go good or it will get slightly better

More you trust in him the easier it will be in life
You have my word.
Apr 2013 · 242
If I....would you
Donivon Brummett Apr 2013
If I give you my heart
Would you give me yours
If I share my life
Would you share yours

If I started running
Would you follow
If I say I love you
Would you say it back

If I wrote millions of songs for you
Would you sing them all with a smile on your face
If I died to day
What would you do?

If i was different on the out
Would you still love me for my inner
If you asked i asked you to give me a chance
Would you give me that chance ive fought the world for.

If I say you made my life new once more
Would you believe me
If i said to take my hand
Would you take my hand or would you run.
Apr 2013 · 433
My Special Someone
Donivon Brummett Apr 2013
My special someone
You’re more than a dream come true
I love you with my heart and soul
I love you for you

Your ocean blue eyes
Golden Hair
Pearly white smile
Heart pure of gold

My love u will never be too old
I wouldn’t trade you for the world
I remember the day I asked you to marry me
You smiled and said yes

I’m blessed as a man to have you in my life
That I am god works more than just average miracles
He knows I’m thank for that i tell him every morning
When i wake to live another day

Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone
So that I’m telling you now you have me
My heart is at rest when I hear you or see you
I love you my special someone.

— The End —