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Dom Larmon May 2017
The life of every single individual,
When looked at with intense detail,
Taking into account even the smallest events,
Has the characteristics
Of a comedy.
But when life is looked at in general,
And as a whole,
Emphasizing only the most significant aspects,
It would be hard to look at life as anything but a tragedy.
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
Life is constant motion.
If you aren't moving,
You aren't really living.
But there comes a time
When you stop running away from things
And start moving TOWARD something.
You have to forge ahead
Never stop
Even if your path is dark, trust that you'll find a way.
Part 3/3
Dom Larmon May 2017
She can't figure out where she belongs.
She's influenced by who she was.
She worries about who she needs to be.
She's caught between who she is,
Who she wants to be,
And who she thinks she should be.
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
An arrow can only be fired
By pulling it backward.
Life works the exact same way.
So when you feel that you're being dragged back,
With pain and strife,
Don't ever be afraid.
Because that just means that life is going to launch you
Into something great.
So never falter, and keep your aim true.
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
It's hard for me
To move ahead
When you are
Holding back.
I wish that you
Would open up
But I need to
Face the facts.
Hard for you
To let love in
When your whole
World is black.
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
You can close your eyes
To the things you don't want to see.

But you can't close your heart
To the things you don't want to feel.
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
You try so hard to be someone else
That you forget who you are.
You try to full some emptiness
Till all you had spilled over.
You try to explain away your pain
But you don't know where to start.
Now everything's so far away
That you don't know where you are.
When all that you wanted,
And all that you had
Doesn't feel like enough for you,
There's still something to hold on to.
There's still something to belong to.
Just a little something
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
This is what I'm defined by.
This is who I am.
And come Hell or high water,
If I deny it,
I deny everything I am.
Everything I stand for."
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
This fire won't go out
Though just a flicker it may be.
Keep shifting through the shadows
Until you find what you seek.
Hold fast
To what you believe in,
Don't ever settle,
Never call it even.
These burdons
Can weigh heavily.
Its our demons
We are forced to carry.
Hold tight,
Till your last fleeting breath,
Like you're dying for
A fighting chance.
And carry on.
Part two, stay tuned for part 3
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
I am left.
I am a scientist, a linguist and a mathematician.
I am familiar. I am linear.
Accurate. Practical. Strategic. Precise.
I am the inescapable urge to solve a daunting problem.
A master of analytics. Always in control.
I am pragmatic. Realistic. Calculating.
I am perfect order.
I am logic.

I'm right.
I'm a free spirit, an artist and a poet.
I'm abstract. I'm rhythmic.
Energetic. Sensual. Loud. Intense.
I'm the undying urge to transform a blank canvas.
A king of my craft. Never a dull moment.
I'm ecstatic. Fluid. Vibrant.
I'm beautiful chaos.
I'm passion.
One of my personal favorites
(It's about the 2 halves of the brain btw)
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
Colors explode
Thoughts overload
Old tales unfold
With secrets past untold.
In one instant, he feels a tremendous distance
Between himself and all that is real.
A puff of smoke can make the whole world freeze and the tears stop.
The emptiness he leaves behind on warm air rising
Blows all the shadows far away.
He discovers that he can grow a new universe
From a single flame
While sitting in his windowsill.
Today, a young man realized that all matter is merely energy
Condensed into small vibrations
And we are all one consciousness experiencing it subjectively.
And death is not real
Because life is only a dream
And in this moment,
He is whole.
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
Its a gift when we find something to focus on.
Its a gift when we find something to find meaning in.
Its a blessing to be striving
Toward anything at all,
Even if it seems futile to others.
It may seem ridiculous
To roll a boulder
Up a mountain
Over and over,
But it makes more sense
Than trying to order your oceans
Or trying to justify
Why you spend your days
Staring at a computer screen.
Things only mean as much
As we allow them to.
What matters is getting in the groove,
Until the world just fades away,
And realizing that what you love
Is who you're meant to be.
It's about finding yourself
In the space
Between the notes
That life offers you.
No one in their deathbed is going to regret what's done.
Its the things left UNDONE.
Tune in.
And don't be afraid to let the experience find YOU.
Dom Larmon Mar 2017
Dear Love
I'm writing you because I want you to know that I'm thinking of you. In fact, I can't get you out of my head.
I don't know what you look like. I don't know where you are, or where you've been. I don't know what you sound like. I don't know how old you are. I don't know what music you listen to, what shows you like or what movies you watch.
I can't wait to meet you.
I've been thinking, and I'm starting to wonder how much longer I'm going to have to keep looking for you.
I can't wait to meet you.
There were a couple times that I thought I did. I thought that I had finally found you. But so far it looks like you haven't made your way Into my life.
You don't know it, but I've been looking for You for a long time. And I've been through quite a bit of heartache because of you.
You're a very hard person to find.
There were times I doubted it would happen. As I saw the rest of the world pair up around me, I started to think I was never going to find you.  
I really hope that I do.
I don't know much about you, but I do know that you look up at the same moon as me.
And that gives me all the hope that I need.
Love always,
I know it's been a while since my last post so I hope I didn't disappoint with this one.

— The End —