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We saw many shooting stars that night
And each time I would wish for the same thing.

I wished that you would live a life full of love, happiness and adventure.
That's all I want for you.

And if my wish comes true,
I will be happy, too.
We looked up at the galaxy
And I was connecting the stars in my mind
They scattered the sky like your freckles under your eyes
And I was making pictures whilst feeling the warmth from your hand.

And it was like our souls merged into one
Because I felt you, and you felt alive.
And in that moment, things seemed perfect.
We were untouchable from the rest of this ghastly cruel world.

You asked me if you could be mine forever.
You made me promise.
And I did.

I'll be yours forever.
And if by some chance, this universe denies us of that
Please know I'll be with you in your heart
And you will be in mine.

I'm not one for broken promises.
But you already know that.
I love you. Every piece of you.
Every dark and light thought.
I guess you could call it a contradictory mind.
Emotion and logic
Conflicting parties.
How can I be honest with you if I can't even admit it myself?
When you ask me what is wrong
How can I tell you
When I don't even understand?
When I can't make sense of it all?
My emotions are a code
And logic gives me instructions to decipher
But sometimes the instructions are stained wet with tears and I can't read the blurry words
And sometimes the instructions are scorched black by fire and I can't make sense of this ******* mess
This ******* mess
Called my contradictory mind.
ever felt claustrophobic in your own mind?
i do.
it's uncomfortable.
it's a fear of restriction, confinement.
it's a fear of being trapped.
and i need to be able to breathe.
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