oh hewo... the docder is in the house curing breaks, and ham, and cuts, and louse soo.... hewo what do u need? WHAT!!!! NOTHIN? u is a disgrace to meh there is no excuse. i cant be live i cam this way for nothi ng........ oh well.
alla u unsmarter peeps! listen because many of u may wonder why i have a PhD cuz ido have it like i have a shoe i has a PhD in everything that u can see in medical and tactical and docderal i has a fear that ur a queer i have a PhD
ed med head shed ped jed led dead bed ted qed yedi ved zed ied pled said sed wed yhed snnjsndderped bfjnskjnkjnknkfnodosjnfkjdnksfnned ned nnnsanjnskjgnweojfnoenofgnowenofjoshogowornfewiuogniwied ewkbveihqiuvehiwgihg13g4gkbkjfbsdkfbjhdbf87sy87ysded !#@REDFGV#JKUIL&(&^Y%TEWRFGFDHFJHKGUL)^+_)OZXC>ed IHAVEAPhD-ed wazup-ed imsmartererthanu-ed ifurreadingthisurweird-ed
gravity is fake i invented it imadocder and docders make gravity except gravity doesnt apply to me i invented it im its master but ur not cuz im smarterer than every one
ima Docter Jedingaling and i have news thats so great its ok the sun wont blow up to day and aleins wont eat ourr brains probably actually aleins would only want to eat mah brains because im smarterer that everyone and smarterer brains are the tastiest and full of calcium and protein and nutricous fats and carbs and starches and vitamins and minerals and potassium and sodium and prunes and fiber and brainy stuf and thoughts and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
stuf that ur brain doesnt have trust me ima docder that might be eaten by aleins but they wont cause i ate my prunes to day with mah PhD cuz a used it like a spoon
sup Docter Jedingaling here with mah shiny PhD so shiny but u dont have one and u are whiny but worry not peep not everyone is as smat as me trust me ima docder meby one day ull understand that im smarterer than u and theres nothn u can do so just acept that fact and eat a chezburger with out a PhD mines still shinyer than urs because u dont have one
sup Dr Jadingaling here with mah PhD sayin that docders are ok MrDrProffeser Murly is super smat trust him he's a docder and his poems kick ur poems in a very private spot
Dr Jedingaling here sayin that ur a queer sup just a way to say hewo in gangster lingo and such to ur eye im sure THIS POEM BRINGS A TEAR but if u read this type of thing ur a queer