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DM Jan 2013
Each day I arise,
Awaiting sunsets,
On the horizon of your mind,
Sinking low, this illuminating and colorful depiction,
Throwing colors about,
Magenta and burnt-orange,
Violet with blue,
Having missed the sunrise that is you,
Glistening sparkley eyes,
Drawn deep with longing for my awakening
In your soulful eyes,
Feeling soft the generous love,
That cannot be contained,
It is felt and wanted,
Cried for over sleep,
Disturbed in otherwise quiet dreams,
Held gently and admired,
Love undisturbed,
Lost I feel,
Shaken about,
Startled from this dream,
That love will come,
I remain parched,
I wanna drink from your well,
And quench this overwhelming dryness,
But I fall short,
And never reach you,
I slowly die,
Laid to rest in this arid and desolate desert,
Falling prey,
To the burning sun,
That is you.
DM Jan 2013
And the blazing sun,
Creeps slowly,
Over the edge of the world,
Chasing clouds away,
Pushing hard against the dawn,
Weeping final raindrops,
and escaping across horizons,
Cumulative Nimbus,
Showing might,
In its flight,
Escaping heat,
Bringing dawn,
And sunsets,
The Earth turns,
And spins and spins and spins,
And surprisingly begins,
Rainbows shine,
And drift with time,
To places,
That live within.
DM Jan 2013
A kiss blown in the quiet wind,
With thoughts of you at heart,
Carried aloft by seagulls,
Every journey has a start,
Handed off to Albatross,
Headed out to sea,
Far beyond my vision,
A journey this must be,
Dropped gently upon an oceans crest,
Riding high upon the wave,
A gentle kiss,
Turned a million bits,
Into a salty spray,
Gathering in gentle wind,
It re-forms into a kiss,
And flitting through your open room,
It lands upon your lips.
Okay. Kinda goofy and juvenile but I'm in love. Love makes us all stupid sometimes.
DM Jan 2013
The naive traveler,
Staying fast upon the well-known trail,
Assumingly forged by others,
Heard, as he tried not to listen,
Rustling among the brush,
Disquieted, he scurried,
Never peering into the deep shadows,
Afraid of what he might find or might find him,
With eyes opened wide and centered upon the track,
He moved with all caution and haste,
Avoiding all the trips and snares that could allow him to stumble,
Dark was this jungle,
And moving about him,
the shadows and calls of the coming night,
He quickened his pace,
Fearing behind him,
Something gaining upon and moving ahead,
An ambush,
He knew if he would run,
The formidable gauntlet,
Would have little time to prepare for him,
Howling and leaping,
He'd overcome,
But the gauntlet was never set,
The sounds off the trail was his own creation,
His own fear,
He continued to run,
And he still does.
DM Jan 2013
So he dreams and dreams and dreams of her,
And is awakened by the light,
In his heart he loves her so,
But only in the night,
The dawn of day reveals to him,
Out of reach and out of sight!
He awaits each evenings sunset,
To drift into her shore,
And once again be held by her,
Embraced and wanting more,
The tide begins to draw him in,
The surf begins to rise,
His only hope of having her,
Is when he's closed his eyes.
DM Dec 2012
I tried too hard,
I suspect,
I gave attention where none was asked for,
I pleaded her beauty and soul,
though none was wanted,
She had other directions to travel,
Asking each and everyone their opinions,
ignoring them all.
She ran after him,
Held him tight a few times,
conflict settled in her mind,
less comfortable than mistakes,
choices gave way to unreason,
he disappeared,
Shes still follows,
Waiting for the day he returns,
Which he never will,
Still she dreams,
and dreams and dreams,
of him.
DM Dec 2012
Closely attending,
Unclouded attention to subtle changes,
Different today,
I must notice,
Or be left out of,
Something which has changed,
Amost imperceptible,
As it should be,
Admired from up close,
Held and embraced,
I drag my fingers through your hair,
And wrap my arms around you,
Holding tightly,
Your lips I kiss,
Pulling this body of mine,
Into you,
My skin,
Touching and teasing your outward soul,
Investigating offers,
Reaching deeply,
Into you,
Following blindly,
Your direction and subtle gestures,
To the finality of end.
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