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Jan 2014 · 1.9k
She is She.. My bestie
Disha Mehta Jan 2014
A pretty young fille
Around her is a happy feeling
Moody and waivy
Always gossiping and charming
Emotionally high
She's a delicate darling
Dreaming and aiming high
Dedication is inherent
Working hard towards her belief
Bonded in her family
She's a wonderful fairy
Easily hurt
She must be taken care of well
She's a sweet heart
Unaffordable to lose
I must tell
Caring and naughtiness dwells in her
Innocence is what brings purity in her
Colors are what life is for her
Not to be mistaken, she's a strong heart to hear
Wall to her family
Flower to her friends
She's a butterfly within herself
Pouring your heart out is what you would feel to do
When she's making her presence all around you
Comforting you 'n making you happy
Yes my friends, all i am talking about is MY VERY OWN MITTU!
So, here is she..! She's Mittal who is my best friend since half a decade.. Shez simple and so is the poem dedicated to her :)
my first poem here!

— The End —