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Listen limbs of plaguing pain, Understand the perplexity of thine offset.
You belong to a strongly built vessel,
Forged in chaos,
Purged in the fire of ambition,
Found in the frost of desire,
Forever lost amongst the rebellion.
Gifted with boundless mysteries, Rage commands all to inevitable.
The greater essence of ones establishment.
Why fail?
Even a falter of this being
Shatters the Everglades;
So why let its struggle go in vain? We stride to advance in life,
One foot at a time.
After a while we learn it didn't take much time.
The pursuit of happiness comes with a price.
Fighting forward into the mornings array,
By dusk we've made it halfway through our day.
At home or on the road your still, Abilities of wonder
Wildly invigorating,
For the strength it still holds.
Never fully depleted of energy, Always adjusting our levels of velocity.
So why be so defiant?
Am I not your best client,
Rather with the morrow be dead? As all the answers are in my head..¿
The young warriors gridded lions, For this hand in the endless apocalyptic fight.
Amongst the brave a maiden,
Her beauty beheld by an Angle. Valiant in her efforts to in lighten her protectors,
Her ending result faired well. "Oath bound are we the mass, Evolution transcends, as the Angel's pride fills her Holy knight. I her "Seto Cross Bow; The Dragon Sword of Chaos and Wrath."
In all her gracious bliss,
The endurance of my love.
Has shattered the binds that created our lust upon my own battle field.
Your touch brings warmth to my non existent agony.
As I long for the invigoration of adrenaline.
"Each moment we spend within the shadows holding each other in a tainted embrace.. Replaces this absent hole."
The war of beasts begin.
Ripple the strands of time,
Her turmoil becoming peril.
The stress of loosing her Gordian, The Black Rose Cross...
Her strength to preserve the last of her heart as she watches him go.
"The Bone of her sword Revolted as life became apparent."
As the new profound master of combat.
Armed up for his opportunity,
His mine eased by the time spent in the presence of his Guardian Angle.
His ultimate drive found as he slips away...
Deep down into the struggle of man where men find their Truth. The warrior took his final stand, and found eternal youth.
Now begins my struggle back home.
I'm Coming Angle!!!

— The End —