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dina Oct 2013
To turn back time take a mirror
and place it in front of a clock,
wait for the seconds to move
anti clock-wise
unwise to go back
let things become dust
let everything go
the hours are passing
but you're still dwelling
unwise to hold
just let it all go

- dina
dina Sep 2013
Maybe on a rainy day,
somebody will ask me if I’m cold
And even when I tell him, no,
He will make me wear his sweater
Way too big for my tiny body
Nevertheless comfortable and warm
He’ll hug me tightly
Kiss me until I forget how to breathe again
Tell me that I am beautiful
I wouldn’t even mind
if everything you said was a lie
I just want somebody to love me
I just want to be beautiful

- Dina
dina Sep 2013
I see you conversing with others
You're mine
I love you so much,
don't run away from me.
I love you so much
don't yell at me.
Don't you love me?
You held me in your arms last night
You gave me tiny butterfly kisses all over
Did you forget everything?

Did I forget to take my medicines again?

- Dina

— The End —