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689 · Sep 2012
This Circle...
Dimity Dalzell Sep 2012
This circle's not mine, no not mine.
Some things have changed and now don't align.
The emptiness of this confusion inside
leaves me longing for it to all subside.

The unknown sayings, the unheard phrase
I'm frequently yearning for 'the good old day's'.
I was to me, you were to you
and the only worry then was how to get through.

The boundaries of this circle regain
but this time the world's too much to contain.
The boxes and crates, bottles and containers
are all but continuous entertainers.
594 · Oct 2011
Through My Eyes...
Dimity Dalzell Oct 2011
Smiling, laughing and running free
an indigenous family as happy as can be,
Sitting and watching my children play
I smile, with no idea of the future day.

Blue skies and green trees
I thought we’d already been thrown to our knees
but they came again at midday
and they took my precious girls away.

I ran towards them screaming
hoping I’d be only dreaming
but he took them quickly, one by one
until he left all but none.

When things go wrong
who will keep them strong?
when I feel those fears
I can feel their tears.

I’m a failure to the ones I care for,
I’d walked straight into that obvious trap door.
I would try and try as hard as I can
but failed cause I’m brown and they’re tan.

Sitting and thinking I wouldn’t see them again
I felt it once more, that excruciating pain
but as soon as I heard they’d ran away
I smiled without hesitation or delay.

Waiting and waiting for something to hear,
still dealing with unbearable fear.
In that same place I sat for days
I would wait to hear of their ways.

The sound of the spirit bird
is the first and only thing I heard.
I stopped and tried to hear
cause I knew they were somewhere near.

I run to them screaming “they’re home at last!”
Without second thought I held them fast
smiling, laughing and again living free
a happy, reunited family are we.
This was inspired by the first time I watched the movie, 'Rabit Proof Fence'.
569 · Aug 2011
Dimity Dalzell Aug 2011
Hush my dear sister,
Please dont cry.
I wish I could be there to
sing you a lullaby.

I can see your arms,
Scarred and bruised.
That's strange my dear sister...
Mine were like that too.

Hush my dear sister,
I know your scared.
I can see the way they're hurting you.
I'm sorry, it happened to me too.

I know that people ignore whats going on at home.
I'm so sorry my dear sister,
you shouldn't have to go through
this all alone.

Hush my dear sister,
Please dont cry.
I wish I could be there to
sing you a lullaby.
505 · Jun 2012
Whats Your Name Miss?
Dimity Dalzell Jun 2012
I can see the tears filling your eyes,
I can hear all your painful cries.
I can hear the thump of you falling to the ground,
Now I'm scared, I hear no sound.

I never thought it would get this far,
I just wanna go, lets jump in the car!
I remember it all as clear as day,
but now, all I can do is play.

Play and pretend everything is fine,
You would know it's not, if you read my mind.
If only you knew what I endure each day,
If you were me, you'd just wanna fade away.

But you see, you can't if you know whats going down,
especially when you almost see your mother drown.
I'm only a child there's nothing I can do,
but sometimes I wish I could smash him too.

Lying in bed, tears rolling down my face,
I Have to do something...Think fast! This is a race!
I scream at him.."STOP IT! STOP IT!"
but he's after me, screaming and yelling,
now I think you see...

I think you see the pain, hurt and the things I cannot tell.
I feel like everything is caving in... It's a living Hell.
Wish I was strong enough to make him stop all of this,
but for now... I'm at the doctors, she's asking

"What's your name Miss?"
This was written by my Older sister about 2 years ago which I then made into a song.

— The End —