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Oct 2012 · 2.2k
Rambling Writings #02
Woke up today and my patience was gone
It has been too long and I haven't seen you
But I feel you all day long
The blinding gleam of the sun's glint
off a discarded soda can on the side of the road
The soft rustle of your flesh on fabric as you slide under the sheets to meet me
in the whispering of wind through the leaves
The warmth of your lips on mine
in the first morning sip of hot green tea with honey
And in the breeze that beckons your body through the trees
is the rush of your breath in my ear
as you whisper the words I've long wanted to hear
Your kiss is found in a ****, blunt or bowl
as it is far more intoxicating than anything I could smoke

P.S. This one is actually a work in progress.  I'm going to finish after I actually get to see the young woman it is about.  :)
Oct 2012 · 1.9k
Dichotomy of Emotion
Love and Hate are two most curious things
The impulses, the thoughts, and the actions they bring
The absence of Love is the absence of Life,
cut from the collective like soft flesh with a knife
The presence of Hate is corrosive in time,
makes as much sense as a poem with rhyme
Hate and Love are companions - they go hand in hand
Through beaches and mountains - forest and sand
Hate is incorruptible but alas - Love is not the same
Something to remember while you're playing the game
Of romance and intrigue, truth and lies
Screams of passion and loathing tinged with sighs
Love is truth and Hatred - Deception
Ever has it been since the universe's conception
And when the game is over and the dust has cleared
You'll find nothing's been done to assuage what you feared
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Mid-October Haiku
warm October day
highway drone is backup to
insect symphony
Oct 2012 · 1.0k
Thoughts and Actions
Thinking of you
Of things that we’ll do
Hugs and kisses - me with you
Midnight drives and morning dew
Breathing and feeling and tasting of you
Nature trails and Thai food too
Living, loving, dying for you
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
Elemental Passion
A bolt of lightning as our lips touch for the first time, tips of tongues conductors

A torrent of water in my body as your “love” flows into my ears and permeates my cells

A blaze of fire as our bodies unite in intimacy and our souls become one - bound inextricably
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
Rambling Writings #01
In the air I breathe there is you.  
More than the tantalizing scent of your body as it sways to and fro
It is your essence I inhale, your aura that I breathe

I open my mouth so that I might drink in the mesmerizing colors
that combine into the light of your soul
I gulp you down like that first explosive burst of air
after an underwater panic

When you are near there is a richness to the air,
a localized pocket of supercharged oxygen
that serves to make you the center of reality

The totality of your being flows
throughout my shell deep within to the center of my self,
inundating my soul with the
unlimited potential and energy contained within your love
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Sleep is elusive and I know the reason why

and tears stain my pillow as the distance makes me cry

I toss and turn as my mind is flooded by your grace

and I try to think of blackness but all I see is your face

Your radiance fills my head with light and the passion in our soul

but the waiting and the distance are starting to take their toll

I know I have the will to wait for I have no other choice

but that doesn’t help to stem the tide that makes my cheeks moist

Towards the moment of our meeting with ungodly speed I race

to plant a kiss upon your lips and forever be locked in your warm embrace
Oct 2012 · 809
Chance Love
Thinking of you is all that I do

My mind harbors no other desire

No match, no flint, no tinder nor lighter

Your love alone sets my soul on fire

Opposite sides of a coin in the air

You in the mountains, me at the fair

Where we will land no one can say

But spinning ever with you are words worth a pray
Oct 2012 · 801
Desire's Axis
Time, Space - Distance

Hours and miles, seconds and feet

Never before in my life did I meet

A being whose soul was in sync with my own

A offer of love - to have, not loan

The Earth has spun - another rotation done

And still miles and hours away from my One
Oct 2012 · 1.2k
Traveler's Boon
String of red and hair of the same
A common interest and a holy name
A chance meeting and a sudden departure
Stuck in my head - Shot by the cherubic Archer
Words were shared and feeling were kindled and
I toted your love like the sheets in my bindle
The warmth they provided from the cold of the road
Well it carried me onward whilst lightening my load
Life is a gift, both joyous and free
I'd give mine to you if you'd take it from me
Oct 2012 · 1.8k
Aqua Vitae
Aqua Vitae**
Rolling, roaring, trickling, whispering
Heart racing so quick my blood is water coursing through my veins
The thrill of her words blasts icy shards through my vessel
Communication so liquid as it flows between our minds
Her love - my honey, my bread, my water
The Water of Life
Oct 2012 · 6.6k
Hearing "I Love You"
The time was early or late - to us it's all the same/Our minds, a phone, two lovers alone and playing a lover's game.
We had made a promise not to speak or write those special words/Instead we chose to circle around them like a pair of lonesome birds.
Beyond all expectations we stayed true to our oath/Though in more ways than one it was torture to us both.
The day of our meeting was the date we had chosen/To express our emotions and melt lips long frozen.
But Life intervened and our plans were broken/Our love, it seemed, was not meant to be spoken.
Yet still a call was made and the reason why was clear/My patience had run out weeks ago and I simply longed to hear.
The melody of your voice and the thoughts in your head/And the rhythm of your breathing as you lay in your bed.
It isn't long before we start to speak of our vow/Though every fiber of my being begs to say it now.
Then a catch in your voice makes my ears perk up with glee/Could you desire to be first to say them to me?
Somewhere a clock chimes loudly four times/While criminals are out committing their crimes.
You become one of them as The Words leave your mouth/My love is now yours to take - North, East, West, and South.
I'll change and grow but there is one thing I'll always do/And it's whatever it takes to hear you say "I Love You."

For Jénay - My soulmate  
I love you honeybee

— The End —